Sorry for the poor lighting (again)
but I wanted to show it in my room.
I have a couple of rooms in my house that are bare of any artwork.
So today I'm framing a page from a
vintage children's book
that will go in my bedroom.
I chose an old Italian book
called Cappuccetto Rosso.
Isn't the illustration delightful!
Il Lupo, con un balzo divoro
Cappuccetto Rosso.
The wolf, with a leap, devoured
Red Riding Hood.
As you can see the picture
covered two pages so I scanned
it into Paint and blended
the colours over the centre fold.
The plastic frame was simply given a
lick of light grey paint.
I'm totally happy with the
result and I'm looking forward
to finishing more of these.
Todays's supplies were all from
my stash :o)