To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order, to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right. Confucius

Sumo Merriment

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It Smells Funny Again...


A dismissed Juror? Come this stage of the game do we really believe that there isn't a big coinkydinky going on here?

A juror in the perjury trial of Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the former vice-presidential aide, has been dismissed after telling the judge that she had been exposed to information about the case outside of court.

Judge Reggie Walton said that the jury would continue to deliberate with 11 members. “It’s imperative that you not have any contact with any information regarding this case from any source outside this courtroom,” Judge Walton told them. Had an alternate been called on to replace the dismissed juror, the jury would have had to start its deliberations anew.

Mr Libby, Vice-President Dick Cheney’s former chief of staff, is accused of lying to investigators trying to identify who leaked the identity of Valerie Plame, the CIA analyst, after her husband accused the Administration of manipulating intelligence to build its case for the war in Iraq. (Reuters)

In this day and age people (jurors) know better. They receive stringent instructions about the requirements of their job. Bottom line is they know better than to allow themselves to get into that situation. So...being the conspiracy theorist that I am famous for I just don't buy that this is on the up and up. I think it is intentional hoping to cause a mistrial. Some people are needing to buy time...gee I wonder whom this could possibly benefit eh? If the administration can arm known terrorists and train them in the hopes they'll help with Iran...I think someone can be persuaded to screw around with a trial that just happens to be sniffing at the door of the VP Cheaty. And we cannot forget the Voodoo that they do so well!...

I'm sorry Mr. Cheaty...but you are validating Al Quaida arming the terrorists you lying, traitorous, drunk stupid ass. Have you no shame sir?!!!


"Deja VooDoo"

Damn... And the Dems still don't see the need to stop it.

I've been a juror several times and think that even small town justice is rather subjective, but that's outrageous. It does look like they're trying for a mistrial.

"We're going to wing it just like we did in Iraq"

I've never been in the country long enough to be called for jury duty, although the time could be coming soon. Anyways, do you think they'd want to have to pardon someone after the stink they raised about Clintons last few days in office? Mistrial would be perfect for them. It would definitely stall any further investigations.

I don't know on the jury question. I'm waiting to see what comes of this.

As for cheney having no shame. He has no heart so therefore no shame. He's a greedy old evil bastard. That's all there is to him.

I love the cartoon with the jeep going over the edge. Great caption!

This is probably telling on myself, but if a judge told me not to read up or research information on a trial, that would be exactly what I would do. Wouldn't you just sneak a peek at a headline? Anyway, it will all unfold, sooner or later. We don't trust the Cheney bunch one whit - even if they sneeze, we are suspicious and for good reason.

Sumo you can't go to far wrong on mistrusting everything when it comes the Bush/Cheney cabal. No doubt a mistrial would suit them grandly but I would like to hope that they haven't subverted the justice system to that degree but it wouldn't surprise me a bit.

Normally this would reek of fishy business to me too but I did hear that she (the dismissed juror) was a bit of a go-her-own-way type and thus someone a defense attorney normally prefers.
Scooter will wind up in the cushiest country club prison I'm sure when it's over. If only the rest of us could be so lucky.

Cheney almost got bombed!



Now, sumo, there's no need to go insulting gorillas with that last cartoon; they don't deserve it...

Somebody over at Firedoglake posted a cartoon of a lawyer telling a client, both obviously waiting for a jury verdict, that the longer the jury was out, the longer the client stayed out of jail. Let's hope that's how it goes.

You may very well be right, but I support the stupidity defense.

Despite the fact that people are repeatedly told not to do things like that juror did, they repeatedly do it anyway. And I've never once heasrd one of these people sound any more intelligent as your average tree stump when they talked about it on camera.

Nah, this juror is just like Scooter, Big Dick, and Shrimpy McNumbnuts...a full-fledged member of the Axis of Idiots.

Once again some great cartoons!
Them damn al qaeda types, they can fly a plane into a building but can't seem to hit the source of all evil when given a chance.

Ron - WHY would they hit the guy that's cutting them checks?

OUCH! That's a good one!

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