To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order, to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right. Confucius

Sumo Merriment

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The Once and Future Mr. Executive Decision...


All hail King Dub...

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Sadly enough he probably has already signed this, we just don't know it yet.

Poor guy, he just wants to know why everyone hates him so much.

Well, Dubya has already driven many professed Christians to abandon their faith just because he is associated with it. This oughta drive em out in droves.

"God speaks through me," he said. According to the Intelligencer Journal and the Lancaster New Era, on July 16, 2004.)

God speaks through George W. Bush? Gosh. That sounds crazy. That sounds like the President of the United States, the most powerful human being on the Earth, the man who commands the greatest stockpile of nuclear missiles and other weapons of mass destruction ever created, believes that he is a prophet chosen by God to represent all that is good and right in the Universe. When George W. Bush says, "God speaks through me," it sounds as if George W. Bush really believes that whatever words happen to come out of his mouth are the words of God himself.

Mr. Bush doesn't really believe that, does he?

We would be scared senseless if we believed that George W. Bush is making decisions about the future direction of the American nation based upon the presumption that his whims are the will of God. So, we've come up with some alternative explanations.

Alternative explanation #1: Mr. Bush might have been trying to make a gesture of self-effacement in order to make the crowd comfortable. When he said "God speaks through me," Mr. Bush might have meant that the word of God goes in one in ear and out the other, right through the brain of Mr. Bush without any notice on Mr. Bush's part. This certainly might account for Mr. Bush not understanding that when Jesus admonished his followers to "turn the other cheek", he was not devising some new kind of torture to use on helpless prisoners.

Alternative explanation #2: Mr. Bush is well known for his frequent mistakes in the use of the English language. Perhaps Mr. Bush was nervous, and instead of saying that "God speaks through me," he really meant to say, "God speaks, though me." Again, this might have been an attempt on Mr. Bush's part to finally admit to some imperfection on his part, as if to say, that "Yes, God speaks, though there is, nonetheless, me". Of course, Mr. Bush did not say so in so many words, but we're hoping that he meant something like this.

Alternative explanation #3: Could Mr. Bush be a secret admirer of the United States Postal Service? Although many of Bush's conservative extremist friends regard the the post office as a sign of creeping socialism, we find hope in the possibility that Mr. Bush himself may be using postal service abbreviations in his daily speech. Perhaps Mr. Bush was merely hinting to the Amish in Lancaster County that he would rather be vacationing in his family's estate in Kennebunkport, Maine, than talking to them. Perhaps Mr. Bush was really saying that "God Speaks through ME," with ME being the postal abbreviation for Maine.

We can't believe that he really means the things that come out of his mouth. Only a megalomaniac would declare that "God speaks through me," and America couldn't possibly have a megalomaniac as President.

Could it?

Larry...nothing surprises me anymore.

Poobie...does he care about anything? Oh yes...he cares about dismantling our could I have forgotten that one?!

Mary...I mentioned this to Mr. Sumo last night...and he pooh poohed it. Will he ever be shocked when the executive decision comes down the pike and he can't make it to work because he can't afford gas!

It must be true since it's in his bio.

Check out this excellent post on Bush's crimes, and Pelosi's involvement.

America Weeps

You don't have too worry about Der Fuhrer freezing your bank accounts now.

Now he can seize them legally or grab your assets if he don't like the way you complain about his war.

Isn't this a great country?

God Bless.

The cartoon is funny, but it's not... because that is exactly the way I see that LYING, most hated, planet destroyer.

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