To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order, to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right. Confucius

Sumo Merriment

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Singer "Probed" For Evidence...


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Seems Britney is being (cough) investigation into whether she is exhibiting good parenting skills. I think that may have been one class she missed in school.

For your edification I put up the now infamous picture of her...uh...picture getting out of her car in her favorite way. At least it wasn't breach...that may have caused a few heart attacks. Hey! But enough of Britney and her domestic troubles!

I just came inside from watching the total eclipse of the lunar ball in the sky. It peaked at about 2:53 am here in Californy. It was awesome though I didn't have a telescope to view it. My brother-in-law has that...but is fast asleep I'm sure. It's still amber colored (perhaps from the Santa Barbara fire)...and quite something to behold. Did you get to see it? The moon I mean...not Britney!

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