To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order, to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right. Confucius

Sumo Merriment

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Can You Blame These Guys?...


Really can you blame these guys for taking a snort before they go up? With the incompetent fools that we have running the joint these days...why wouldn't they be concerned that everything was properly put together to GO INTO OUTER SPACE?

Since all the money is being drained out of everything else these days to go into Iraq (into the contractors wasteful hands)...there is no reason to believe that the Space Program is any different than the other departments that are being financially stifled. See...our all knowing Oz the Decider n' Thief...isn't the Space Cowboy that he thinks he is. He thinks you just fire up some rocket fuel at the bottom of the craft...and let er rip with lots of boom...and that's how you get into space gang.

He probably even thinks that since God is on his side and speaking directly into his large pointy ear...that he's got it all covered once they are orbiting...or landing somewhere...because God only knows. So while orbiting or fixing up someone's screw-up on a computer at the know...the one someone deliberately messed with...these people are thinking...what in the hell did I get myself into here?! So I think it's a good thing if a martian stops by and checks on's probably more than they'll get from their financially strapped NASA anyway...thanks to the boy wonder that is.

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