To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order, to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right. Confucius

Sumo Merriment

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When Worlds Collide...


I know you've heard by now about the study regarding seniors and how they get their freak on. Well...I wanted every last salacious detail down to the moment in time...just like you don't get all faint hearted on me now. Just follow me on this journey. Apparently our older generation are a bunch of "frisky critters." I say...good for them! And if they'd let me watch...I'd applaud them too. I guess they were quite candid in what they were willing to talk about, (intimate acts) and what those little devils actually do. This was not going to be too much information for sir...I wanted to know all of it...even if I had to quasi shield my eyes while reading about it.

Some things are cringe-worthy at the best of times this comprehensive sex survey was among 57-to-85-year-olds in the United States. And if old folks know something about getting it's in the USofA! Not too much to look forward to by the time you reach your 70's it seems...more than a quarter of them up to age 85 stated they'd had sex in the previous year. Now we are getting somewhere. The drop-off they noted was most likely because of a lack of partner or their health, and this was especially found in women.

What's funny to me is that the study was federally funded. I have a hard time thinking that the Decider would condone such a survey being that he is so pure and all. So it was published in the New England Journal of Medicine...the Bible of such things...and by much respected scientists. It busted stereotypical ideas that physical pleasure (uh huh!...that's what they said...) is just for young people. Young people tend to think everything is for the young...and the older folks should be put on an ice flow and wait for the next polar bear to come by and party on! More than half of ages 57 to 75 said they gave or received (gulp) oral sex, as did a third of the 75 to 85 year oldsters. Where's the smelling salts?

Most younger people figure that people stop "doing it" at a certain know...when you get older, like about 40. Stand back because some people are only getting started gang! Well, our very own lovely Norene has proven that is not the case. She does not discriminate against young people...she shows them just how with it an older woman is...and in tune with herself. Norene is to be applauded for her efforts in that corner...finding all the young juicy tidbits to occupy herself with. She has a wonderful and healthy outlook on life...and runs smack dab into sultry sex like a squirrel storing up nuts for winter...with gusto! I'm talking envy here now...she is not a boring woman to be fact she's my role model for grabbing her slices of life. I could only aspire to Norene's appetite!

The survey was conducted with 2 hour face-to-face interviews with 3,005 men and women from shore to shore. Yikes!...they even took blood, saliva and other samples that checked their hormone levels, sex-related infections (ewww!) and other health issues for their reports in the future. The seniors had their eye sight, taste, hearing and sense of smell tested. You know...the things that effect you being able to have and hopefully enjoy sex. The driving forces of nature that make one want to get sweaty, dirty and giggly. Well...that's my take on it and I'm standing by it!

The researchers of course didn't hold back with the questions either...they asked hundreds of questions one on one. I think I'd have had to wear a paper bag over my head to answer some of the questions. The bag probably would have blushed too. They were asked the number of lifetime getting-it-on partners frequency of Mr. Master Bashun...84% answered THAT question. Most of the souls being drilled were in fact married. It still is popular these days...enough to keep the wedding planners in business. They found by the time they were 75 to 85, only 37% of women still had spouses compared to 71% of the men. 10% of the survey comprised black persons and more than 6% were Hispanic.

Now this should get your undivided attention...each gender proportionately admitted to giving and receiving oral sex...which means it gave the scientists the assuredness that the men and women were telling the same story. Well good! The older people were rather conservative in their habits and a small minority had more than one partner. Talk about getting your groove on eh? A few admitted they paid for sex...because...that's the way...uh huh...uh huh...they like it...uh huh...uh huh! Thank you KC and the Sunshine Band!

I think in reality these guys were a group of mad scientists though. They wanted to test their victim's they used taste strips to see if people could distinguish between different tastes such as salty, sour and Jeebus knows what all. Devices...(I got scared here)...were used to test their ability to smell certain scents. My imagination went rather wild at this point. A pheromone...also used that is thought to evoke sexual responses. Bet there were some happy campers on that quality test! We all know that scents and tastes play a large part influencing our nature's...(at least I do)...and the researchers wanted to know if that diminishes as people age. Apparently one of them, an anthropologist and researcher at the Institute of Sexuality, Social Inequality, and Health...(at San Francisco State University...wouldn't you just know it!)...said the "survey bolsters the 'use it or lose it' factor seen in previous studies." Armed with that knowledge we can go forward and not make THAT mistake again! If you are doing IT, you keep doing IT!

So as an example we've got Jack (83) and Liz (84)...a Los Angeles couple...and they've had rockin' chandelier sex for nearly 60 years. “It gives a person relief on any burdens or problems. It makes us forget everything — escape,” he said, admitting that as physical endurance wanes “you have to work at it harder.” These two turtle doves take walks two times a day, drink wine in moderation and they communicate a lot. That's what I call communicating...getting down and getting funky! Liz said..."I think it's important, it just makes you feel close." Well, I guess so. I see this as a solution to our country's political problems. We should all have lots of sex to help us escape our burdens and problems with our administration and the war in Iraq. I'm a genius...and you got it for free here at...When Worlds Collide!

There was a 75% response rate for the survey. Only 2% to 7% didn't answer questions about sexual problems or activities...yet a higher percentage wouldn't admit how often they visited Mr. Master Bate. So...I know you are asking yourself why do this research at all? I think first and foremost inquiring minds just want to know...but hey that's just me. But, the National Institute on Aging says sex is an important indication of health. Well...good! Seems that sexual problems may be a warning sign of many things. Diabetes, cancer, infections, other icky things too. If these sexual issues go may lead to depression, social withdrawal, and the possibility of people not taking their meds because of the sexual side effects sometimes associated with it. Example would be blood pressure medication or even tranquilizer type know the Doctor Feelgood drugs!

Some results:

1) Sex with a partner in the previous year was reported by 73 percent of people ages 57 to 64; 53 percent of those ages 64 to 75, and 26 percent of people 75 to 85. Of those who were active, most said they did it two to three times a month or more.

2) Women at all ages were less likely to be sexually active than men. But they also lacked partners; far more were widowed.

3) People whose health was excellent or very good were nearly twice as likely to be sexually active as those in poor or fair health.

4) Half of people having sex reported at least one related problem. Most common in men was erection trouble (37 percent); in women, low desire (43 percent), vaginal dryness (39 percent) and inability to have an orgasm (34 percent).

5)One out of seven men used Viagra or other substances to improve sex.

6)Only 22 percent of women and 38 percent of men had discussed sex with a doctor since age 50.

So in there always is an end to everything in this life...and I am a Super Freak...yes I am a very freaky girl...I have found that sex rocks, sex rules, sex just is...because it exists. And that's the way uh huh...uh huh I like it!

cross-posted from The Blue Republic


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