The Arts: The prize-winning Welcome image award winners, science-related graphics.
Christianity: (and History) Christianity Today gives brief biographies of five women every Christian should know about.
(and Science) Paul Nelson, one of the experts interviewed in the new film, "Is Genesis History?" wishes that he had said something additional to what was recorded of him on film. To specify, he believes that there are more than two alternative beliefs about origins, and, thus, more than one belief which may be held by Christians.
Benjamin L. Corey tells us that reading the Bible is probably not as simple as some of us think it is.
Computing: GhostBrowser should be useful to some of you. You can be connected to more than one Facebook (or other such sites) site at one time.
Gizmo's Freeware reports on two items, both available through your browser. One web site tells you your IP address, and the other tells you your screen resolution.
History: (And Humor, and The Arts) Listverse reports on 10 valuable items found, and purchased cheaply, in Thrift stores (Goodwill, etc.).
Literature: (and Christianity, and The Arts) Ken Schenck, an expert in philosophy, Christianity, and more, reviews The Shack, (The book, not the film) here, here, here, here and here. See also a post by E. Stephen Burnett, about the book. Burnett is less happy than Schenck seems to be, but, as he says, it's complicated.
Politics: Wired assures us that nobody is spying on us by means of our microwave ovens.
Science: Mars is the planet most like earth, but FiveThirtyEight tells us that getting there, and living there, will be difficult.
National Public Radio reports on major steps toward synthesizing the genome of yeast organisms. Are humans next?
Listverse reports that there are laws or treaties in place to cover the possibility of contact with an alien race.
Image source (public domain)