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Showing posts with label FAIL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FAIL. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Okay, We're Back at It

 Wait, we've been gone HOW long???
 And we weren't genuinely lazy when we got back.
Okay, maybe we were, but now we're back to work!
 If you've been here a little over a year, you may remember the boring white MDF mirrors I had left over from installing our new bathroom vanities. They were treated to a few coats of Krylon Gloss True Blue...
 ...and then I hot glued a seductive cocktail of my usual shells, seaglass, and flat backed marbles in asymmetrical clusters on both frames. I liked how it looked, but after a couple of months of languishing in storage during construction, the heat exposed this project as a true triple face palm FAIL.
Everything. Fell. Off. 
 Not easily deterred, I got the Goop brand silicone adhesive out and just redid them and hung them in the upstairs hallway for safe keeping until their spot in my bedroom is ready.

 Oh, by the way, I got a new camera for Mother's Day, so you folks may be subjected to photos of questionable quality whilst I figure this out.
 Like this. Sam, where the devil is the focus on this thing again?!?!

But there you have it! Fixed and ready to go over my accessorization station!
What's that, you ask?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Japanese Fern

This time, I took Savannah with me, and we poured over paint sample after paint sample. I had already hung the black faux suede dining room drapes with no firm color choice against her better judgment, and I'd shown her the inspiration room clipped from Better Homes and Gardens, so we went mentally prepared to dive in!
Paint swatch number three...
...Behr's Japanese Fern...
...did not look like ectoplasm on the paint chip.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Cracks Me Up

My patio is cracked and dips slightly in the middle. I figured this was a repair for another time, considering, but the second night my mom was here, she decided to walk the dog in the dark, caught her toe on a crack, and did a total face-plant in the concrete.
Not good.

Once we determined that she'd walked away from the incident with nothing more serious than bruises and a lower lip the size of Rhode Island, there were a few tasteless, "Sit down and let me get that for you or I'll smack you again" jokes, but it was evident this little chore needed to be moved off the back burner before there was a repeat.
So, when you have a little cement left over from the side of the house, it makes sense just to quickly patch that landmine, right?
How's it look?
Really? Look closer.
 Uh huh.
Yet another reason they don't make tool belts for cats.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Triple Face Palm

...because teenagers know when your FAIL is EPIC.
Yep, I forgot to keep them moist. And I feel it only fair to let you know that not everything goes well over here at Casa de Redneck. Sometimes, it's back to the drawing board and try again.

Each time you don't succeed, and yet you try again, you come closer to your goal and you also learn you aren't alone in this learning process.

So, wanna share your latest FAIL?