Showing posts with label Silvia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silvia. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Miike Snow Drops New Song - "Devil's Work"

Swedish Indie Electropop group Miike Snow just announced that their upcoming sophomore album will be released in early 2012. Still without a title, the album will undoubtedly build on the group’s remarkable songwriting showcased in their self-titled debut.

We have a link to check out the album’s first cut “Devil’s Work” here. Get pumped with us as we bask in the first taste of what is sure to be one the more anticipated albums of 2012. Stop back for updates on when the album release date is announced, and when you might get a chance to see this dynamic trio live in person. I suppose we’ll let you know what to call the album when we find that out too.

You can check out their music video from "Rabbit" here - a video and song that we think didn't get enough circulation.

And here is "Silvia" - one of our favorites from their rookie release.