Showing posts with label Poldark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poldark. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

So, this happened.

Hi Guys!

I meant to have a shiny and new review for you today, but then this happened:

DAMN ALL OF YOU WHO RECOMMENDED THIS SHOW! It's been completely distracting. In the best possible way.

At first, I was all "he's pretty to look at" and then I found out he was Kili in The Hobbit movies AND I FELL HOPELESSLY IN LOVE! I adored Kili so much, and now I've found him again in non-hobbit size and life is glorious.

Needless to say I've been watching instead of reading (though I'm almost through Promise of Fire and am loving it!), so I have no post today other than this one professing my undying love for Aidan Turner.

*wanders off to watch more episodes*