My "Bubby"
As many of you know, Cohen has a plethora of nicknames: Cohey, Coconut, Cocoa, Cocoa Bean, Bean, Nut, Nutter Butter, Baby, Bubbs & Bubby. I probably call him "Bubby" more than anything else. It started out as "Baby" and then somehow turned into "Bubby." Well, apparently, I call him "Bubby" a little too much because he now calls himself "Bubby." If you ask him what his name is, he will tell you that it is "Bubby." And, even if you just ask him to say the name "Cohen," he will still say "Bubby." I took some video of him saying everyone's names the other day & randomly threw in the name "Cohen" from time to time so you can see what I'm talking about. Every time he calls himself "Bubby." Oh, BTW, ignore the way I look. Cohen is generally more cooperative in the early morning, so that's when I shot this video. I wasn't planning on being a part of the video until Cohen decided he wanted to sit on my lap. You'll see that I obviously haven't showered yet & just look fabulous, so don't be too jealous of my "natural good looks."
What a funny kiddo! I guess I should call my child by his actual name from time to time before he goes to school in a few years telling all the kids that his name is "Bubby." That just screams "Hey Mr. Bully! PLEASE come beat me up and take my lunch money." Sigh... --Lindsay
Haha! That's funny. We called my youngest brother "The boy" while he was little, and he started telling us his name was "Boy" after awhile. "Bubby" is a little better than "Boy" for a nickname, I guess! :)
CUTE! and so funny.
Maybe "Bubby" is "Cohen" in the Adamic tongue!
I just love that kiddo!
Oh my goodness he is too dang cute!! That makes me laugh because I call my little guy Bubby too!
LOL - that was too cute! I love him and miss him! He probably doesn't want to say our names cuz he has no clue who we are. Ha ha!
That cracks me up. I love it when they start talking! Park used to call Annicka "Da-ach" That ch is a gutteral sound. We would get him to put all of the syllables together one at a time, Ann-i-cka and he'd say it that way and then when we'd try and put it all together it still came out "da-ach"
haha! I love it! What a cutie! And you are beautiful! CJ still hates the name Carson and tells us that is not his name..its all good!
That is so cute!
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