Showing posts with label planning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label planning. Show all posts

Thursday, December 2, 2010

In Which December Nights Are Chilly On A Bike

Heat up some soup! Put on the kettle, please!
A nighttime bike ride I did take, and while
I cannot say exactly I did freeze
'Twas cold enough, and this transformed my smile
To a determined rictus as I raced
Against the chill that wanted so to set
Into my bones and stay there. I outpaced
It, but just barely. It sounds nuts, I bet,
But then I ask you, why, though, should I spend
The extra money that I made tonight
On gasoline? Much rather would I send
Me to Toronto in the spring, and light
In Baltimore as well -- and yes, I know
The oil firms are still getting all my dough.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

In Which the Pros and Cons of Shift Work Are Considered

Today while you, my readers filled the pews
At church, or stayed at home all snug in bed,
I made my way to work; for me it's Tues-
Not Sunday; yes, it messes with my head.
It's worth the slight confusion though, for I
Go home on Tuesday night, my week complete.
And three whole days and nights must all pass by
Before I must return; it's pretty sweet.
Alas, though, for my friends, and family, too,
When making plans for what we'll do for fun,
Who have to ask "What day is it for you?"
And are at work when all of mine is done.
It could be worse; last year I worked at night
And never would emerge while it was light.
