Showing posts with label Cate Masters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cate Masters. Show all posts

Monday, October 19, 2015

Slow Down, October

The month is more than half over. Have you submitted your short story to the IWSG short story anthology contest? You still have until November first. Read all the details here.

Ready for more confusing statistics about book sales? Here are some numbers and analysis from the Association of American Publishers. One good point they made was that in 2014, there was a huge bump in sales of children's and YA titles because of the Frozen craze and the last book in the Divergent series. Once again, like previous reports this accounting only includes reports from the the members of AAP and these are only for the first part of 2015. People are still buying lots of books. They're just buying more self-published books.

Last Saturday's Book Expo in York, Pennsylvania ranged from a medium to great on a success scale. Great was the atmosphere. Lots of enthusiastic writers and artists. Hundreds of readers, many of them children. I met some new writers and chatted with long time friends like Cate Masters, Allison B Hanson, Heather Heyford, and Don Helin. That was the success part. At an event like this, authors pay for their table space. You have to sell a lot of books to even break even. I'm happy to say that I sold enough to pay for my table and a little bit beyond that. Not bad because the table was expensive. Beyond the books I sold, I also handed out a lot of cards and had a number of people who snapped pictures of my books with their phone or looked them up right there. So hoping that means some additional digital sales. And it was fun.
Me, taken by Cate Masters

On more news from last week front, I received a new contract for the first book in my newest space opera romance series. Title isn't set in stone yet, so I'll share it later. I'm busy with the second one and happy with my word count if not sure about the pacing of the contents.

I have so many lists of things to do on my writing desk that I'm thinking of making lists of lists. I'm trying to get those done in between raking leaves and doing some major house cleaning. I've mentioned many times that I don't like the cold but the one weather condition I really try to avoid is wind. And it's been so windy. I'm thinking of just raking the leaves out of the flowerbeds and from under the trees and hope the wind carries them all into the woods or into the neighbors' yards.

A few of the things I enjoy about fall weather is the crunching of leaves when I walk or jog. The sound of geese flying south. The brightness of the stars on a clear cold night. The change of seasons is a beautiful treasure with mysterious of science and the grace of God giving me an appreciation of what I've been blessed with. So slow down, October, and let me enjoy it a while longer.

"In wilderness I sense the miracle of life, and behind it our scientific accomplishments fade to trivia." Charles A. Lindbergh

"It is not easy to walk alone in the country without musing upon something." Charles Dickens

Are you working on that short story? Ever make a list of lists? Do you enjoy a change of seasons? What do you think of my nefarious plans to send my leaves on their way to another land?

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Book Signing Fun

I spend February 14th at a book signing with many author friends from central Pennsylvania. It was the 2nd year for the event at a local greenhouse and nursery. Due to ominous weather conditions, the customer turnout left something to be desired and no one sold a lot of books. I wasn't overly disappointed and think I sold more than my share. But the best part was spending time with my fellow writers. We had lots of time to talk and just visit.

Megan Hart

When I went to my very first writing conference, I met a young writer in the elevator and we struck up a conversation. We were both starting out and decided we would read each other's manuscripts and be critique partners. Megan Hart was miles ahead of me in mastery of craft, but she also spun stories that were brilliant. To no one's surprise, she's now a bestselling author of romance and of mainstream fiction. Sitting beside her at the book signing gave us a chance to catch up as we're no longer critique partners but will forever be friends. Isn't her outfit lovely? I always remind Megan about when my daughter first met her. Kelley was only about twelve years old and declared with great authority that Megan looked like a writer as compared to me who just looked like a mom.

I know I've mentioned my friend, Natalie Damschroder on my blog before and linked to her blog. She is the major organizer behind this author event and makes it so easy for the rest of us. All we have to do is walk in and set up our books. She's multi-published
in romance and I like to call her my 'go to' girl when I have a question about the writing business. She keeps on top of things.

Cate Masters is well known to many of you. I've done numerous book signings with Cate and she is one of the kindest, most gracious people I've met. We also have worked with the same publishers in the past and I often email Cate with questions about this or that. Cate is also one of the fastest writers I know even though her personal life is very busy.

I'll share more pictures on Friday. But a lesson from this event is to look for venues other than bookstores to hold signings. Many places love to host authors and if you draw customers they'll want to have you back.

Don't forget that tomorrow is the #AZchat or #atozchallenge on Twitter from 1-2 EST and then again from 8-9 EST. Bring your questions. March is almost here and your A to Z hosts will be rocking with advise to improve your experience in the challenge.

Tomorrow I'll be guest posting on Patricia Stoltey's blog where I'll be explaining why I've elected to seek out publishers for books I've regained my rights to rather than choosing to self-publish them. I'd love it if you stop by and offer your opinion.

Are you familiar with any of the writers I shared a table with? What does a real writer look like? Where is the oddest place you ever held or attended a book signing? Will you join us on Twitter?

Friday, July 11, 2014

Week Wrapup

Thanks PK Hrezo for her great post on how having a newsletter is an important part of promotion. And good luck to Cate Masters on her ongoing promotional tour for Goddess, Awakened.

A few words of wisdom from my Old Farmer's Almanac planner.

If there be no remedy, why worry? (Old Spanish Proverb) I tried to pass this on to my students shortly after 9/11. Three Mile Island, the nuclear plant, is actually in our school district. There was lots of extra security there for a while and a few false alarms when fighter jets took to the sky looking for threats. There is an airport not far from TMI and for weeks after 9/11 most of what we saw in the skies while we were outside for PE classes were military aircraft. Some flew very low. Now our school has a intricate evacuation plan if anything happened at TMI but truthfully, no way would the buses get out on the congested highways they'd have to travel. So when those low flying planes would go over and my students would get nervous, I told them not to worry. If the worse happened, we were all going to die and rather quickly. There was nothing we could do about it so why worry. For some reason it didn't comfort them the way it should have. Kids!

Tomorrow is also the full moon, known as the Buck Moon this month. And if your garden tools are rusty, the Almanac suggest you soak them for several hours in a bucket of cool, strong black tea.

Hope you enjoyed my Almanac wisdom and carry it forth into your weekend. Would you have been comforted if you were my students. Ever try that cure for rusty metal? Did you design a newsletter yet?

Monday, July 7, 2014

Goddess, Awakened

Congrats to Cate Masters on her newest release. Her latest is set in a contemporary world but prepare yourself for all kinds of magical shenanigans. Here's a short blurb from Goddess, Awakened.

With a little help from a goddess, battling evil is a piece of cake for Jocelyn Gibson.
A descendant of the goddess Isis, Jocelyn Gibson may have forgotten about the realm of magic, but it hasn’t forgotten her. When Eric Hendricks is targeted by a demon, Joss must step in to battle the evil and save the town’s awkward, but endearing, vet…who also happens to be the man she loves. Joss’s new inn, a culinary career specializing in cooking with lavender and a new love all make for a fine recipe of disaster. She needs to embrace her inner goddess and harness the powers she never knew she had before it’s too late.

Hope over to Cate's blog. She has a lot planned for the next few weeks in promotion.

The summer if flying by and I'm loving this warm weather. It does distract me from writing so I'm back to doing most of my creative work at night after the sun sets. My next book has grabbed me and the word count is mounting quicker than I expected. I wish I could write as fast as Cate and some other writers I know but I've learned to accept my own pace. If I write two to three thousand words per day I feel like I'm flying.

Have you visited Cate yet? How many words a day do you usually write? Does a pretty day distract you? Don't forget to visit the IWSG blog today for some bits of wisdom.

Please make sure you visit on Wednesday when PK Hrezo guests on my blog with a compelling post about marketing.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What Keeps You Warm?

Staying warm tops the list of concerns in many parts of the USA in recent days. I'm so glad my job as a writer has allowed me to stay indoors during this brutally cold time. I know many people aren't near so fortunate. But the warmth I'm addressing today isn't of the physical kind. I'm talking about those warm, fuzzy inside feelings.

With my newest release, I've reached outside my comfort zone and asked a few friends to mention The Marine's Heiress on their blogs. To some people my reach might seem more like sticking out their pinkie finger but it's a big leap to me. Today I want to thank Cate Masters for mentioning my release on her blog. She so generous to other authors with her time. I'm also going to have the privilege of doing a book signing with Cate in February but more about that next week. Thanks, Cate.

Two friends, Misty and Victoria, of my from our local branch of RWA collude on a wonderful blog called The Whole Shebang Site. They highlight more than books, hosting artists and musicians also. They invited me today to share some of what I've learned about blogging. So many of my regular visitors here are the mentors who have taught me how to make this social media not only work for me but how to keep it going without blogging becoming a burden instead of a benefit. I hope you'll go over to The Whole Shebang Site and leave a comment. If it's a place you might like to guest, feel free to inquire of them.

Having friends who so graciously and willingly step up to help is what keeps me warm inside. Doesn't do much to keep my hands and feet warm though. I hope you all have someone to keep you warm during cold and dreary times.

So have you had to spend time outside and endure these frigid temps? Have you heard of The Whole Shebang Site? How about Cate Masters? Do you or your loved one suffer from cold hands and feet?

Friday, January 24, 2014

And Then There Were Two

My first science fiction romance book, The Marine's Queen, amazed me last year with its bestseller status that it held onto for a few months. It really pumped me up and inspired my writing. My publisher is running a special sale this week on The Marine's Queen in anticipation of the release of the second book.

The Marine's Heiress, Book #2 of The Recon Marines, takes up the story of Vin. If you read the first book, you know who Vin is. At the end of the first book, Vin left his marine brothers, alone in his anger and need for revenge. The second book will delve further into the origins of the genetically enhanced soldiers and the people responsible for their creation and downfall. Can there be a happily ever after for a man who believes his one chance at a normal life has been lost? You can do some early purchasing here, getting the ebook at my publisher's special price.

How about a chance to score a great prize. Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh is closing in on the 2,000 follower mark on his blog. Can you imagine? In his usual generous way, Alex is going to celebrate by giving a prize to his followers. Check out the contest on his blog. The contest is open until the magic number is reached.

Also, check out Cate Master's latest release over at her blog. I wish I could write as quickly as Cate. How does her head not burst with all the unique ideas she comes up with?

My weekend will be tied up entertaining a special out of town guest, my lovely sister, and getting promo ready for The Marine's Heiress. What are you up to this weekend? Can you imagine 2K followers? Don't forget to sign up for A to Z on Monday.

Monday, June 24, 2013

What Works for You?

I try to visit a lot of blogs. Most of them are writers but not all. The writers are in all stages of their careers and the content of their blogs vary.

A few of them use their blogs mostly to promote their own books though all of them feature fellow authors now and then. Often they share snippets of their work in progress or of a completed book.

Some writers use their blog to share information about writing, publishing and promotion. Sometimes links to other sites are included. Blogs like these are great for other writers no matter if they're published or still finding their own path to that destination.

Some blogs are composed of a variety pack of author promotion, reviews, and even contests and trivia. I'm terrible at trivia but I always feel victorious when I get even one answer correct.

Other blogs can be a surprise every day with personal tidbits, sharing of opinions and philosophies and any other old thing.

I enjoy all those types of blogs. My blog is a bit eclectic. I sometime promote my own books or someone else'. Usually I have something to say about writing though it's generally only my opinion or taken from my experiences since I don't consider myself an expert in any writing area. Once in a while, I'll do a blog that isn't about writing at all though I generally don't get too personal. And I've vowed to use my blog more to thank and promote friends' books.

Cate Masters has helped me so many times as I navigate the murky waters of being a writer. She's very prolific and also tackles a number of different sub genres within her books. I've shared a table with Cate at a few local book signings and she as gracious in person as she is online. Betting It All, her recent novella release, has one of the loveliest covers I've seen in a while. Check out her blog and the current blog hop she's running.

I believe if you're going to stick to blogging and post regularly you have to do what works for you. Don't try to copy a blog that is very successful but has features you won't feel comfortable writing about. Be comfortable and blogging will be enjoyable and easier.

So what kind of blogs do you visit? How would you categorize your blog? Do you know Cate? Isn't she lovely?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Happenings of the Heart

What do we love? I love being a guest on blogs other than my own. Well, I'm not really a guest here so I guess I just love being a guest. And I love my friends who ask me to guest.  Today I have the good fortune to be a guest at Cate Master's blog. She's running a two week blog special called  Celebrate Amore as a preliminary celebration leading up to Valentine's Day.

Cate asked great questions during an interview. I'm thrilled to have a chance to talk about Beneath the Mountain, Book #3 in The Futhark Chronicles. Perhaps because I'm sending the fourth book off to my editor for one last read through. I hope to have The Heir of Futhark ready for the market by end of the month.

So please visit Cate today. Before the Super Bowl. I'm not saying who I'm for. I don't want to lose readers because I know how loyal some people are. Who are you cheering for tonight? Are you planning ahead for Valentine's Day?

Friday, February 1, 2013

Share the Fun

The week is wrapping up but I'll be back on Sunday with a little help from a friend.

Most writers can think of one of their colleagues who are just dazzling with promotion and impressive with their prolific creativity. For me, that person is Cate Masters. Cate seems to always have a new novel or novella being published. She writes faster than anyone I know. Where does she get all those ideas?

And not only that, but Cate is extremely generous in promoting other authors. You can see her creativity in the ideas she comes up with for promotions and blogging ideas. I'm thrilled to be included in her Celebrate Amore two week promotion where various authors will offer a bit of info about their latest book and an interview. I'm also giving away a book and some sweet stuff to commenters. I'll be Cate's guest, this Sunday, February 3rd. Hope you stop in before the Super Bowl.

I also want to offer my congratulations to David Powers King on his recent wonderful news. His YA fantasy novel, Woven, will be released in November of this year by Cedar Fort Publishing and Media.  David is also super generous with helping other authors with promotion and his blog is always interesting and informative. Please stop by and leave a good word for David and his writing partner, Michael on their success.

Next week will be busy with my first Monday health tip, Alex Cavanaugh's Insecure Writers on Wednesday and the release of L. Diane Wolfe's newest book later in the week. A must have for published writers. An exciting start to the month.

So do you know Cate, David or L. Diane? Do you know another blogger who is super helpful? Thinking of some insecurity for next week?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Weekend!!!! Yeah!

A very hectic week on the day job but now it's finally Saturday. Some good things are happening. Check on TBR Blog. This weekend is the any genre blurb fest. You can post a blurb of your book in the comment area or just read all the blurbs and fill up your TBR pile. Admit it, it was getting a little small with only a few hundred books on it. 

Also for the rest of September, I'm still the featured author on TBR. Thanks much to Cate Masters for asking me.

Thanks to PAGAN who gave me a nice review on Amazon for Beneath the Mountain. Hope I can get a few more.

I'm going to spend part of the weekend catching up on visiting blogs including so many from the Favorite Genre Blogfest that I didn't get around to visiting.

I've mentioned my upcoming retirement a few times and this past week I've added so many things to my 'next year' list. There are lots of book events and festivals only a few hours from me. I could go to those weekend ones while I'm still teaching, but then I'm exhausted the next week at work. I need my weekends to regroup from school. But 'next year' I'm going to attend a bunch of these. Maybe I'll be able to sit on a few panels and get more involved that way.

In the meantime, I'm working on Book#4 of The Futhark Chronicles, Heir of Futhark, and hoping I can get it ready for publication before the start of the New Year. If the world doesn't end in December.

Have you attended any writing events lately? Any in the Mid-Atlantic region you recommend for me for 'next year?'

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sharing the Hope

I recently cleaned out some emails I've been letting pile up in my inbox. When I first started submitting my writing to agents and editors, I would save all those rejection letters. At that time, nearly all submissions were by snail mail. Each day, mail delivery was a time of dread and anticipation. 

I kept a special folder for book, keeping those letters organized. Eventually my first book was picked up by a small publisher, but I'm still collecting rejections. Only now, since almost all submissions are electronic, my rejections letters are sitting in my inbox.

I haven't decided whether to print copies to put in those fat file folders or not. But either way, I'm not discouraged. Not completely. There are lots of wonderful, indie publishers out there and I'm happy to be an indie author. Every writers collect rejections.

Cate Masters, a successful indie author, and one of the hardest working writers I know, is someone I'd like to mention today. Cate is very prolific and does tons of promotion. She is super supportive of other writers and has even started a blog, TBR, to help writers showcase their work. She really helped me when I decided to reclaim my rights to my fantasy series and published them myself. Please stop over and visit her. She has a new book, Death is a Bitch, will be coming out on August 3rd.

Do you save your rejection notices? Are all your queries electronic now?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

No Excuses

Nearly a year ago, I was cleared to work out again after some serious ankle surgery. I gave myself a 'no more excuses' lecture on getting back in shape. And I followed through and am nearly at my goal of being physically fit (for my age).

Now I need to do the same thing with my writing.  Some of my writing friends are busy promoting their recent works and making a huge splash.  Take Stephen Tremp over at his Breakthrough Blog. I missed his big push on Monday but I wanted the chance to mention him here.  I loved Breakthrough and have his second novel, Opening, on my TBR.  I'll be getting to it before his third novel, Escalation, is released this fall. 

Others of my friends have been promoting their books through conferences and panel presentations like Cate Masters.  Check out some great info she shares on her blog about things she's picked up at said venues.

Alex Cavanaugh somehow keeps his very busy blog fresh and interesting while working on his third novel and dares to post his progress on this sidebar. 

I could list even more of my blogger friends who make no excuses.  They have day jobs, families, active blogs and busy online presences, and still get their writing done.  So my motto for the next few months is no excuses. No excuses.

Any excuses you can do away with?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Insecure Writer: Me, Me, Me

When I first starting writing, I thought all I had to do was sit down at my keyboard and spew out my creativity for all the world to read.  Then I joined a writer's group and learned how much I didn't know about editing, submitting, and the publishing world in general.

The glorious day came when a publisher offered me a contract for one of my manuscripts, and I thought the fame and royalty checks would soon be flying my way.  Little did I know how much work I had yet to do. That awful nine letter word, promotion. 

Promotion is time consuming, frustrating and difficult.  I know some people who do a great job of promoting their work, getting their name out there and building a reader audience.  I've tried to absorb the advice they offer so freely and generously and apply it to my own promotional efforts. I admit, except for blogging, I don't much enjoy promotion.  Appearances in person are usually fun but I find facebook, twitter and most everything else a chore. I'd rather be writing.

I've noticed some authors appear all over the web when they have a new release, but I have to push myself to even promote on my own blog. This I must get over and do more to make sure my books are seen, lots of places and lots of times.

One of the places I'm doing this is a new blog, called TBR.  TBR was started by Cate Masters, my heroine for promotional genius, as a place for a few authors each week to talk about writing and their latest works.  We all have 'To Be Read' stacks of books, and after you check out the lineup on the TBR blog for the next few months you're going to add a few more.

Today I'm appearing at TBR promoting my latest release, Beyond the Gate, the second book in my epic fantasy series.  Beyond the Gate follows The Keepers of Sulbreth, book #1.  To help celebrate, I'm giving away a print copy of Keepers to one commenter over at TBR and for those of you who prefer digital, I've reduced the price of Keepers to only $1.99 on Kindle and Smashwords. 

So for today, I've managed to do promotion for my books here and over at TBR, as well as helping other authors by directing my readers to TBR. 

So how do you feel about promotion? Are you confident in your commitment to it or do you think you could do more?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Begin Again

A little over a year ago, the publisher of my fantasy series, The Futhark Chronicles, called me to say they were breaking my contract and not releasing my book in mass market paperback.  With my permission they would release my book as an ebook only.  I considered requesting my rights back to all three of my books like many of the other authors contracted with them did.  I believed even then the way to go in the future would be ebook though the disappointment of not having my book in print was huge.  In the end, I stayed with them, mostly because they had already released the first book in my series, The Keepers of Sulbreth, earlier in the year.  I feared I would never find another publisher.

Though uneasy about the company's commitment to making my book a success, I dove into promotion and did everything I could to prepare for the release of my second book, Beyond the Gate on January 1st, 2011.  The big day came, although my first book was available before its due date, and tada....nothing happened.  It was up for sale on Amazon, B&N, or any of the other ebook retailers.  I called my publisher on the very next business day.  My publisher had the nerve to blame it on the booksellers.  Weeks later, Beyond the Gate, finally was available.  Some blips still existed like a few days of bleary cover art.  So many long days after my blog tour and all the online promotion I did, readers could purchase my book.  Was it any wonder word didn't get out? 

I nearly pulled my books right then, but I thought I would wait for my first statement.  You can guess how it looked.  So at the start of the summer, I asked for all my rights back on the three books my publisher had contracted.  It was simple since they had broken my contract.  Now my options were to either find another publisher who would be willing to take on a book series where the first two had already been on the market though not marketed or to take the plunge and publish them myself.

I dove into the self-publishing chaos storm.  I love reading books on my eReader and believe thousands of other people do also.  The first obstacle I face was my lack of computer literacy.  I read the directions on Kindle self-publishing and felt a little overwhelmed.  I lingered over editing, spreading it out over the entire summer months.  I talked to colleagues and friends, gathering information on the steps I needed to know before I could get my books back into the hands of the readers.  I compiled an entire folder with dozens of emails, blogs and printed instructions from Amazon and other retailers to help me find my way. 

So I'm now in restart mode and very hopeful.  I realize I had lost confidence in my publisher long before I pulled my rights from the dark pit of their possession.  I have lots of people to thank for helping me renew my dreams of a successful career as an author.  Let me start with Cate Masters.

Cate answered my call for help.  She answered no less than five emails filled with questions, general and specific.  And she responded every time within a day and she added encouragement each time.  More than a few of her books are in my ebook library.  She's a production machine just not in producing new material but in keeping an up to date blog and promoting her books 'every' where and how.  Her work ethic shames me when I whine about how little time I have to write.  Somehow she gets it all done.  So thanks, Cate.

In the next few weeks, I'll be doing a lot of posts on my experience wading through these new waters including introducing the talented young artist who designed my entirely original cover.  During that time, I'm hoping to not only pass on what I've learned but also to receive even more tips and advice from my followers. 

Has anyone in particular helped you recently in advancing your career or getting over a bump in the road?  Have you helped anyone?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Meet Me at the Masters

Today I'm thrilled to continue my blog tour with an interview on Cate Masters's blog.  If you're new to my tour, I should tell you I'm celebrating the release of Book #2 of The Futhark Chronicles, Beyond the Gate.  This second novel takes up the epic fantasy tale started in Book #1, The Keepers of Sulbreth.

 Cate is such a successful author I'm thrilled to have a chance to appear at her site.  Not only does she write excellent romance, she's taught me many things about promotion and blogging.  I can go to her with questions and I know she'll listen when I feel the need to whine a little about the difficulties of promotion in this quickly changing world of publishing.

Down to business.  As I near the end of my tour, I'm going to reward one of the faithful followers of my tour.  Every person commenting on Cate's blog today will be entered for a chance to win Book #1 of The Futhark Chronicles, The Keepers of Sulbreth.  Please click over there and comment. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Week That Will Be

I'm continuing my blog tour celebrating the release of the second book in The Futhark Chronicles, Beyond the Gate. 

Tomorrow is a special day in that I'll be giving away a print copy of book #1 in The Futhark Chronicles, The Keepers of Sulbreth over on Cate Master's blog.  Every person commenting will be entered into a drawing for an autographed copy. 

On Tuesday, I'll be doing an interview on Natalie Damschroder's blog.  Natalie is one of my oldest(as in I've known her a long time, not her age) friends in this writing business. 

On Wednesday I'll be wrapping things up on my own blog.  Since this is my first ever blog tour I made it a short one.  I wasn't sure how I would do getting everything ready while working and recovering from my ankle surgery.  It went surprisingly well.  Keeping up with the blogging that is.

I have more things going on in the next few weeks and I'll talk about them on Wednesday. 

Hope lots of you have tomorrow off but for me and lots of other teachers it's an inservice day.  I can suffer through inservice but it violates our internet use policy to visit blogs so I'll be checking in on Cate's blog after I get home in the late afternoon.

I only did about 3K on my WIP this past week.  I spent a lot of time following my own blog tours and visiting others and being on crutches all day left me exhausted at night. That's my excuse for lack of production this week.

What is your best excuse or rationale for procrastinating? 

Monday, December 27, 2010

Introducing the Master: Cate Masters Visits

To kick off a week of suggestions for great buys for your new eReaders, I'd like to introduce you to Cate Masters.  Cate is one of the most prolific writers I know, full of orginal ideas and the real 'master' of happily every after.  These cold winter days are best spent with a warm romance. 

Cate, you have so many novels published. How long have you been writing?

Hi Susan! Thanks so much for having me at your lovely blog – great redesign! The past few years have been a bit of a whirlwind, I admit. My stories are all lengths, from short story to novella to novel. Writing has always been a passion. Poetry in my preteens led to a foray toward journalism throughout high school (strange segue, I know) then to fiction in my twenties. That was, ahem, awhile ago.

What genres do you write in and what genres do you read?

I’m an eclectic reader, so it carries over to my writing. I love to read any well-written story with a compelling plot and engaging characters, regardless of genre. For the most part, I write contemporary, historical and paranormal/fantasy. A little something for everyone. :)

What is your writing process like? Do you work on more than one project at a time?

One of my goals is to be more organized about my writing. I tend to start many more stories than I can probably ever finish. I use spreadsheets tracking my WIPs, and once I start a story, I keep what I call a Spec Sheet so I can remember which characters go to which story. I have notebooks full of ideas, and about a dozen stories actually in the works, and usually switch between a few at a time. As you can guess, getting to The End takes awhile. Then the story goes through a few revisions on my own before I send out to several trusty critique partners.

If you were giving advice to a new author, where would you tell them to look for help in getting started?

First, learn your craft. Read how-to books, and take workshops. Find honest critique partners who will guide you with a firm but gentle – and truthful – hand. My biggest rule is: go with your gut.

Where on the web can readers learn more about you and your books?

If you Google me, you’ll find me in many a far-flung nook and corner. Two main sites contain links to the rest, though – my web site :, and blog:

Can you tell us a little about your latest release and where it can be purchased?

Absolutely! Surfacing, a contemporary fantasy, released in August from Whiskey Creek Press: It’s available in ebook and print.
In researching mermaid lore, I ran across a video of the Weeki Wachee Mermaid Show in Florida. Besides being a fun setting, it seemed the perfect place for a real mermaid to surface.
I entered it in the 2009 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest, and it actually made it through the first round, lol.
I wrote it through the POV of the hero, AJ Dillon, who’s a down and out indie rocker. He travels to his grandfather’s home in Weeki Wachee, Florida, his last refuge after his band falls apart and everyone else throws him out. His grandfather, who’s a bit obsessed with mermaids, gets AJ a job captaining the Wilderness Cruise at the Weeki Wachee Springs amusement park, where women perform underwater as mermaids. AJ doesn’t believe in the real thing until he meets Cassiopeia. She changes his life in many ways, and when she’s in danger, AJ learns things about himself he never knew.

How about a blurb?

AJ Dillon is trouble. The former lead singer of an indie band has no home, no money and no future. His grandfather is the only relative willing to take another chance on him. AJ arrives in Weeki Wachee, Florida, with his guitar, a few clothes and a bad attitude. The only good thing about Weeki Wachee is the ocean -- the one place AJ feels at home.
Grandpa lines up a job for AJ at Weeki Wachee Springs, where beautiful women perform as mermaids. Grandpa says real mermaids exist, but AJ doesn’t believe – until he meets Cassiopeia. She helps his passion for music resurfaces. But greedy Chaz finds out about her, and threatens to kill them if AJ doesn't go along with his plan to make a fortune with a real mermaid show. Can AJ save Cassie, even if it means losing her?

What is next in the works for you in 2011?

In June, Lyrical Press will release Rock Bottom, a contemporary romance I’m excited about. It combines my passion for music with a fun setting – a reality dating show featuring rock star Jet Trently. It makes a few stops in central Pennsylvania too. :) I dedicated it to my friend Jerry, a fellow Beatlemaniac who tragically died of a brain tumor. I loved writing him a happy ending in which he could go back to his farm in Berrysburg, which Jerry loved so well.
Sometime next year, Whiskey Creek Press will release The Bridge Between, a mainstream novel. It’s one of the first novels I wrote, and I’m also excited it’s set in my hometown of Lambertville, New Jersey.
Two shorter fantasies are currently subbed to publishers, as well as the fantasy novel, The Magic of Lavender.

Please give us some more links to scope out your books and make purchases.

Thanks so much for asking! On the Books pages of both my web site: and my blog: readers can visit the individual pages for each story to read excerpts, reviews, blurbs and view the book trailer.

Thanks again for having me today Susan. It’s been a pleasure.

There you have it.  Buy some great ebooks from one of the best story tellers I know.  Cate's books never disappoint. 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Overload of Fun

What a Christmas! Lots of time with loved ones, new games to play and more food than could be good for anyone.  Today is leftover day for all meals so I'm going to be having fun catching up with my blog friends and figuring out my Kobo.
That's right.  My husband purchased an eReader for me.  I didn't give him any demands for type but he knew I wanted one.  I bought my daughter a Nook and my son a Kindle so somewhere down the road I should be able to give a good comparison between the three styles of readers.
What am I doing with it?  Buying books.  Today I bought The Limehouse Text by Will Thomas and tomorrow I'm buying Follow the Stars home by Cate Masters.  Join me here on my blog tomorrow and meet Cate.  She's one terrific writer.
I hope lots of you received your own eReaders and some gift cards for books.  It's a great time to purchase books from those wonderful authors who write for smaller publishers.  Often their books are not sold in the large chain bookstores but you can usually buy them from the company's ebook store or a place like Fictionwise.  I like supporting those small publishers who were willing to take a chance on a new author or a story that didn't fit comfortably into any of the big pubs lines.  This entire week I'll be bringing you interviews from some of those authors.  I'll hope you'll visit and decide to fill your new eReader with some great books.
Did you get or give an eReader for Christmas?  What kind? Where do you purchase your ebooks from?

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Best Gifts for Readers

New Word:  Palmary-outstanding, great, best

As in I'm going to be interviewing some of my friends during the week between Christmas and New Year's day and they're all palmary writers.  Everyone of them have published books that would fit perfectly onto anyone's new eReader.  Perhaps you'll receive one of those coveted gift cards to a bookstore.  What better place to spend it than on authors who make sure you get your money's worth on books you'll want to read over and over again.
Cate Masters will visit on December 27th and share news on her latest romance releases.
Natalie Damschroder will pop in at December 28th and fill us in on her newest release and give a hint of what else she had in the pipeline.
Megan Hart, well known for her hot romances, has a new suspense novel coming out in the new year and will tease us with some details on December 29th.
Fellow fantasy author Jon Sprunk graces us with a short interview on December 30th and tell us about his fantasy novel and the sequel coming next year.
I hope you have some time to relax and read over the holidays.  I wish it for all of you.
Will you be getting or giving books, bookstore gift cards or eReaders as gifts this year?