Showing posts with label Goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goals. Show all posts

Friday, October 25, 2013

So You Call Yourself a Writer

I've mentioned before that I'm not above cruising the writing magazines in the bookstore and skimming articles before I decide to invest. There are lots of them out there, just check out the links on the Publication Page of IWSG. But I also gather ideas for my blog during those peeks between the covers.

Recently I skimmed an article about a man who had quit his teaching job, took off for a remote village in Europe and sat down to write the next bestseller. Should you quit your day job? Check out what others say about quitting the bill paying job.

I don't remember the genre or even the author's name, but he lived in a falling down cottage for six months until his money ran out. He was so proud of the 100 pages he wrote during that time, what he consider a great start to his book. Really!

Now that I'm a full time writer, I spend lots more hours in my comfy office than when I held my full time teaching job. I still have lots of things that keep my busy. We have a six bedroom house and lots of outside area that needs care. My husband and I, now that our children have or are preparing to take flight from the nest, are fixing up here and there in preparation of selling the homestead. I'm glad I have time for that and to visit my elderly mother, but I still consider myself to have a full time job. Would I feel that way if I wrote one hundred pages in six months?

If one is working at a full time job, writing in the evenings and on weekends, one hundred pages could be pretty good. If one is in the midst of child rearing, one hundred pages is quite an accomplishment. If you think you're busy when they're infants, wait until the teen years. But if I left everything behind and had nothing to do except feed myself, do occasional laundry and walk on the seaside, would I be thrilled with one hundred pages in six months? I don't think so.

Are writing retreats good ways to get the creative juices flowing? Is surrounding oneself with nothing but the book the way to get that novel done? I'm sure it is for some people. I've read other stories of writers who retreated to quiet and isolation when creating their jewels. As NaNo approaches for many people, not me, I'm sure lots of the participants will be pounding the keyboards at lunch breaks, while fixing dinner, in between loads of laundry and perhaps even while working on the treadmill. And some of them will produce jewels, maybe still unpolished, but rich just the same.

If you had the chance to isolate yourself and write without any distractions, how much would you expect yourself to produce? Have you ever taken a writing retreat? Where did you go and how much did you get done? Have you ever considered taking the plunge, quitting the day job and trying to make it as a writer?

Monday, April 8, 2013

A to Z Blogging Challenge: G

Here we are already kicking off the second week of the 2013 A to Z Blogging Challenge. Hope we're all still having fun. Find nearly 1700 bloggers with a little bit to say everyday in April.

G: In keeping with my theme of things I intend to expand on or improve on doing in my soon to be full time writing career, I thought of lots of words fitting this letter. I'm going to stick with two.

Goodreads is going to get more of my attention very soon. I'm going to keep all my lists updated and do more reviews. I also going to do some promotions of my own. I'm much rather spend my time there then on Facebook.

The other thing I'm going to figure out in how to better use Google+. I'm not even going to ask for advice on this yet but I will  be. I know many of you are already use G+ but I'm only thrashing around like a tired swimmer on there.

Are you active on Goodreads? Are you a member of Google+? How many blogs used 'goals' as their G word today? I was trying to be different.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

P: Plan Your Work

P:  Time for another of my husband's creeds for his paint business. Let me explain in case you missed my earlier post about his favorite sayings.  My husband owns a commercial and residential paint business. Over the years, his five sons and one daughter have helped him during their school breaks.  They not only earned good wages, they learned skills that they'll probably use many times in the future.  Their father also shared his wisdom about life in general and the painting profession in particular.  Here's another of his favorites:

Plan your work and work your plan.

It's a simple rule but an important one to follow. A good example is this blog challenge.  Signing up for the A to Z challenge is a big commitment.  Trying to keep up by writing your blog posts the night before is very difficult and likely to cause a lot of stress.  But if you planned ahead, you can spend your blog time visiting other participants instead of scrambling to write your offering.

I started months before by jotting notes for every letter, sometimes with two or three choices, and then as April approached, I wrote the posts and scheduled them.  Some of the ideas for my posts were developed way back in January.  I planned ahead. 

Writing goals are the same type of thing.  Use a day planner or even just make a list.  Plan your work, for completing a project or doing promotion, and then work your plan.

Did you plan ahead for the A to Z challenge? How exacting do you get with planning ahead?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Another One Pushed Out of the Nest

Only minutes ago I sent out the second book in my fantasy romance series with TRWP, The Tigers of Salubria. Tiger's Mate is the story of another legendary warrior and the heroine who tames him.

To Tame a Tiger will be released in May of next year so it's a little early to post any excerpts and this second book hasn't even been accepted yet. Wish me luck.

My next project is to edit the third book in my fantasy series, The Futhark Chronicles, with Medallion Press. The first book, The Keepers of Sulbreth is being released in January, 2010. Can't wait for that one. I'm starting Beneath the Mountain after the weekend. Between now and then I'm working on promotion and catching up on my TBR pile. I currently am yearning for my latest Elizabeth George, Careless in Red.

Look for an undated website, a few extra blog posts, a little more presence on facebook and twitter and updates on Goodreads.

I feel like I'm on a mini vacation.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Back to Goal Setting

For a while this spring, I was all about goal setting. Writing them down and posting them here really helped me stay on track. It's like a public confessional. So I'm going to do it this week because I really need to get back on track.

#1. I'm going to finish 'Beneath the Mountain,' book three in The Futhark Chronicles from Medallion press.

#2. I'm going to do an overnight visit with my mother who lives about 2 hours away and do it without guilt for all the work I'm leaving behind at home.

#3. I am going to finish the one last flower bed that I haven't weeded and tan-barked yet this year even though it's the biggest messiest one.

#4. I'm going to work out at least 5 days out of seven.

#5. I am going to try a new wine this week. Don't know what kind yet but I'm going to browse for it. (I won't drink the whole bottle in one night)

That's enough goals to get me started this week. I hope my friends put some pressure on me to stay on top of this. Hope you all have writing buddies who do that for you.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

On My Days Off

Like so many of you, the Easter weekend comes with a few extra days off that dreaded day job. That job that pays the bills but takes up time that I'd rather spend writing. Now I like my bill-paying job, but I could retire on one day's notice if I didn't need the money.
When I have a few days off though, I fill them with all kinds of plans. In my part of the world(PA), the weather has been miserable. Wind, bone chilling cold, and really, really no fun to work outside. I have a country home with lots of flower beds and landscaping challenges. There's rumor our day time temperatures might climb into the sixties.
Chore#1: I'm going to do some yard work.

This weekend is Easter. Even though my children are older now, they still expect things in their Easter baskets. We've never been the chocolate bunny kind of family. Little gifts usually grace their baskets with a few peanut butter eggs and some gum and a new tooth brush. And I still haven't bought a ham for dinner or any of the other goodies to have a big sit down family feast.
Chore#2: I have to do some shopping.

My dear 81 year old mother lifts a couple of hours away. I try to visit her once a month, but it's been nearly two months since last I saw her. Talking on the phone isn't the same. I have to use one of my days off to visit her.
Chore#3: Visit my mother.

My third son is a senior in high school and he has a big track invitational this weekend. My daughter plays softball for her high school and has a game against her arch rival and another game that should be competitive.
Chore#4: I'm going to watch my kids play.

I'm deep into edits on Book#4 of The Solonian Chronicles. I have no title yet, but it continues the saga of the futuristic romance adventures of some characters introduced in The Greater Good, The Lesser Evil, and A Ruthless Good. I'm about a sixth of the way done after only one week. Surely with a few days off, I'll get a lot more done.
Chore#5: Continue Edits on unnamed book

I swear I'm going to update my website. I promise. I am determined.
Chore#6: I WILL update my website.

Those of you that know me know I love my coffee but for the last two years, it's been giving me heart burn. I miss my coffee so much. Well a few of my friends on twitter suggested something called a 'cold-brewed coffee system.' I'm going to hunt one down.
Chore#7: I'm going to figure out a way to drink coffee again.

My last chore is something I've been looking forward to for weeks. I've been counting the days until this vacation so I can sleep in later than 5:30 am.
Chore#8: I'm going to sleep in until 8:00 each day.

I hope everyone has some time off. I didn't leave any room for reading, baking or surfing the net. I'm going to focus on the eight things above and hopefully when I go back to the 'day job' next week, I'll be feeling very proud of myself. Do you have plans for the weekend? Will you rest or try to squeeze so many things in you end up more tired than when you started?