Showing posts with label The Wild Rose Press. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Wild Rose Press. Show all posts

Friday, April 30, 2010

Release Day!

I'm thrilled to announce the release of my fourth romance novel. To Tame a Tiger is my first venture into fantasy romance and the beginning of a new series centered around a race of legendary warriors and the sorceresses who love them.

Tigers lived as a mysterious race of warriors in a hidden mountain fortress but generations ago, a powerful witch found their home and set a spell upon them. Now every Tiger warrior must form a magical bond with a sorceress when he reaches his maturity or he will die. I won't give away the details about how the bond is formed. You can discover it along with the heroine of To Tame a Tiger.

Violet Hylan learns more than she ever intended about Tiger Luke Aron in the very first chapter of this fast moving adventure in a medieval world where magic and swords do battle. Not least of the entertainment is Violet's close knit family. If you have brothers you're fond of you'll recognize Violet's siblings.

If you want to read more, please bounce over to Natalie Damschroder's Blog and read an excerpt or read a different one at The Wild Rose Press.

I've loved this cover from the first time I saw it months ago. It really catches Violet's spirit. Again you understand when you read it and discover her unusual magical talent. It certainly surprised Luke.

Time to start stocking up on beach reads or filling that new e-reader for summer relaxation in the sand and sun.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tigers, Tigers and Tigers, Oh My!

It's nearly time. My first fantasy romance will be released later this month from The Wild Rose Press. To Tame a Tiger is the first in a series about a legendary race of warriors who've been exiled from the homeland by a curse. Each Tiger warrior must magically bond with a woman of magic or he will die. The proud men hope to find women of good heart and honor to hold their bond and control their destiny.

Meet Luke Aron, exiled Tiger king, and Lady Violet Hylan. They meet in need in the dungeon of their enemy and save each other but only for the moment. There's still a war to be fought, Violet's suspicious family, and the entanglement of their emotions with the magical bond. How can a man and woman trust the threads holding them together? Are they only magical, necessity or something deeper and more lasting? They may figure it out if they can stay alive.

Despite the title, this in not a shape-shifter romance. Tigers are merely the name of the warrior race. You can pre-order the print book or wait for the ebook at the end of the month. I'll have excerpts later this month.

Now for a question as I return to edits on book #2 of this series. Do you like series in romance? Do you enjoy revisiting worlds or locals with past characters making appearances? How often do you search out the rest of the books in a series after reading one of them?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Book Signing Event!

I believe book signings are helpful for authors to get their name out there to the public and perhaps more importantly for making friends with booksellers. But for an author, signings can be hours of sitting, talking and selling oneself without moving a single book. I've sat, stood, paced around at numerous book events and wondered if my time wouldn't have been better spent sitting at my desk at home and writing.

But this Saturday I'll be part of the biggest signing event I've yet to attend. The Midtown Scholar Bookstore-Cafe in Harrisburg, PA., is hosting a varied and talented panel of authors for readings and promoting their works. There will be poets, literary fiction writers, nonfiction authors, one YA author, and closest to my heart, romance writers. Cate Masters will be joining me in promoting our published novels along with fellow Susquehanna Writer, Don Helin selling his suspense novel.

Catherine, owner of the Midtown Scholar has put together a terrific holiday affair including a free holiday concert.

I am a bit nervous about reading from my work and have yet to select the passages I will use. I hope those of you local to Harrisburg will consider stopping by sometime between 2:00 and 5:00 this Saturday afternoon.