Showing posts with label swimming pools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label swimming pools. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pool Time

I'm fortunate enough to have a swimming pool.  Anyone who has a pool can tell you its a lot or work but usually worth it.  Having a day job, PE teacher, that requires me to spend a lot of time in the sun, I'm careful to mostly use my pool during non-peak sun danger time.  There's nothing like floating on a raft around midnight and looking up at the stars.

CiprianoIngroundPools NJ

But getting my point, when I use my pool during the daylight hours, I often take a book along as does my daughter.  I've never dropped one in the water, but it could happen.  Currently, a large part of my reading is done on my eReader.  I expect that percentage to only increase.  So how do I read in the pool with it?  I don't. 

I would take it on the beach.  I take it to visit my mother. I take it to ballgames and to work.  I take it on overnight trips.  But I don't read it in the pool.  There's discussion about the demise of the paper-based book but I know there are places where an eReader just will not do.  The pool, a long, sudsy bath, the hot tub...

Where do you see the paper-based book as always being needed?  When do you prefer a book instead of your eReader?