Showing posts with label Absolute Write. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Absolute Write. Show all posts

Monday, October 25, 2010

Blurb and my journey

Here's the blurb for The Other Life (not the official Publisher's Lunch pitch yet. That'll probably appear tomorrow.):

3 years, 1 month, 1 week and 6 days since I'd seen daylight. One-fifth of my life.

Sherry and her family have lived sealed in a bunker in the garden since things went wrong up above. Her grandfather has been in the freezer for the last three months, her parents are at each other’s throats and two minutes ago they ran out of food.

Sherry and her father leave the safety of the bunker and find a devastated and empty LA, smashed to pieces by bombs and haunted by ‘Weepers’ - rabid humans infected with a weaponized rabies virus.

While searching for food in a supermarket, Sherry’s father disappears and Sherry is saved by Joshua, a boy-hunter. He takes her to Safe-haven, a tumble-down vineyard in the hills outside LA, where a handful of other survivors are picking up the pieces of their ‘other lives’. As she falls in love for the first time, Sherry must save her father, stay alive and keep Joshua safe when his desire for vengeance threatens them all.


And here's a little bit about my journey:

January 2010: I start writing The Other Life and finish the first draft within four weeks.

February 2010: I join Absolute Write and find fabulous beta readers. (Best decision ever)

End of March 2010: I start querying.

April – July 2010: Revising and querying.

August 2010: I accept Julia's offer of representation.

September 2010 : We go out on submission.

October 2010: We get an offer. A few days later we get another offer - from Usborne - and accept.


Last but not least, a few thank you's are due:

Thanks to my beta readers Catherine, Elke, Dawn, Kathy and Debra who made The Other Life so much better. Another big thanks to Jill for going through the process together! And, of course, thanks to all the fabulous people on AW for their encouragement and wisdom! You rock!!

Thanks to Shveta The Other Life is already on Goodreads! Danke, Süße!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Query letter - a nightmare come true...

...or something like that.

I don't think writing a query letter is my worst nightmare. That would be ridiculous. Writing a synopsis however...

But this post wasn't supposed to be about my irrational fear of synopses nor about my other fears (Spiders...).

Okay. Let me try this again.

Query letter.

I've finally written one.

It wasn't as painful as I'd thought. Yet, I'm not sure if I possess the necessary experience to assess pain. The worst pain I've ever felt was probably when I tore a ligament, though the sound as it ripped might have distracted me from the actual pain (briefly).

I'd say writing a query letter ranks between the pain after four wisdom teeth had been extracted from my mouth and a ruptured ligament.

Or maybe I'm just exaggerating.

Writing a synopsis will probably top the ruptured ligament.

But I digress (again).

My query letter.

It's now waiting in QueryLetterHell on Absolute Write to be ripped apart. The first critique wasn't very painful. But don't let me start about pain again.