Showing posts with label biomineralization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label biomineralization. Show all posts

Monday, September 11, 2023

Agglutinated Foraminifera From The Deep Sea

No matter how many David Attenborough specials you may watch, nature always throws more surprises at you.

Foraminifera are protists that build a skeleton or a test made up of calcium carbonate. The calcium carbonate is precipitated out of sea water. There is a sub-group of foraminifera which construct a shell not by capturing the calcium carbonate via chemical precipitation, but by assembling sedimentary grains and then cementing them together like a brick and mortar structure. This group of forams are known as agglutinated foraminifers. 

All this is well known. Many different species of forams use a variety of grains as bricks. They are mostly different shell fragments, but even mineral grains like ilmenite (iron titanium oxide) , rutile (titanium dioxide), or garnet are used. 

Now there is a new report of a deep sea living agglutinated foraminifera which constructs a tube made up of  planktonic foraminifera shell fragments of a single species

Read that again. A benthic (bottom living) foram shell made up of bits of another foram which lived floating in the upper water column!  

These shells are selected to the exclusion of all other types of available sedimentary grains. The specimens were recovered in a core drilled off shore northwest Australia by the International Ocean Discovery Program. The paper by Paul N. Pearson and IODP 363 Shipboard Scientific Party is published in the Journal of Micropalaeontology.

Here is the entire abstract. It is mind boggling. 

Agglutinated foraminifera are marine protists that show apparently complex behaviour in constructing their shells, involving selecting suitable sedimentary grains from their environment, manipulating them in three dimensions, and cementing them precisely into position. Here we illustrate a striking and previously undescribed example of complex organisation in fragments of a tube-like foraminifer (questionably assigned to Rhabdammina) from 1466 m water depth on the northwest Australian margin. The tube is constructed from well-cemented siliciclastic grains which form a matrix into which hundreds of planktonic foraminifer shells are regularly spaced in apparently helical bands. These shells are of a single species, Turborotalita clarkei, which has been selected to the exclusion of all other bioclasts. The majority of shells are set horizontally in the matrix with the umbilical side upward. This mode of construction, as is the case with other agglutinated tests, seems to require either an extraordinarily selective trial-and-error process at the site of cementation or an active sensory and decision-making system within the cell.


The photographs from the paper shows the tube of the agglutinated foraminifera made up of planktonic foraminifera shells of a single species.

Charles Darwin knew of agglutinated foraminifera from reports he had read and was astonished....“almost the most wonderful fact I ever heard of. One cannot believe that they have mental power enough to do so, and how any structure or kind of viscidity can lead to this result passes all understanding”.  This was a letter he wrote to W.B Carpenter who had described them in 1873.

I'll leave you to ponder upon this most exquisite of natural wonders. The paper is open access: A deep-sea agglutinated foraminifer tube constructed with planktonic foraminifer shells of a single species.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Coccolithophore Life Cycles and Calcite Morphology

Our world is full of examples of biological processes leading to exquisite geological products. And none more so than the one observed in the Coccolithophores. These are single celled marine algae. They produce crystals of calcite (CaCO3), which they use to create a shell around their tissue. The shell is called a coccolith. The amount of calcium carbonate used up in these shells is enormous. About 10% of global carbon is fixed in coccolithophores, making them an important carbon sink. 

The shapes of these calcite crystals vary enormously according to species, but also, as I found out in a recently published paper, on life cycle stages of the organism.

Coccolithophores have haploid (one set of chromosomes) and diploid (two sets of chromosomes) life cycles. In a haploid life cycle stage relatively simple rhombic crystals are produced in a vesicle inside the cell. The entire shell (holococcolith) is made up of an aggregation of such rhombic crystals. The diploid life cycle stage produces more complex mineral forms. Here too, the crystals are produced inside a vesicle or a compartment inside the cell, but scientists find that the development of shape may be mediated by silicon. The resulting shell (heterococcolith) is intricately shaped, made  up of a variety of crystal shapes in different species. The functional role of the shells could be varied. They may be providing mechanical stability, helping in maintenance of buoyancy, or in scattering harmful ultraviolet light in the upper column of the ocean.

Take a look at this magnified pictures of holococcoliths (a and c) and heterococcoliths (b and d). Scale bar: a and b = 5 micrometer. c = 500 nanometers. d = 1 micrometer.

Source: Role of silicon in the development of complex crystal shapes in coccolithophores: Gerald Langer et. al. 2021.

The prevailing thinking has been that the holococcoliths and heterococcoliths represent two independent origins of calcification. However, this study finds  that the calcite production sites in both life cycle stages are intracellular, and they likely use the same cellular mechanisms to transport ions, maintain calcium carbonate saturation levels, and to modulate the shape of the growing crystal by suppressing and enhancing specific growth directions. 

Based of this similarity in basic processes the researchers propose that the last common ancestor of this algal group must have had the ability to produce both holo and heterococcoliths. Holococcoliths being simpler represent the ancestral form of biomineralization in these algae. Initially, both haploid and diploid life cycle stages would have produced only holococcoliths. The haploid life stage retained this form of calcification. Subsequently, the diploid phase gained additional functionality to produce more complex crystals. Heterococcoliths thus evolved later in this ancestor,  recruiting silicon to mediate, in not yet fully understood ways, the production of varied crystal shapes. 

These algae acquired the ability to calcify around 250 million years ago. Interestingly, the simpler holococcoliths appear in the fossil record a good 37 million years later than the heterococcoliths. Scientist think that this could be an artifact of poor preservation of the simpler more fragile holococcoliths.

A parallel development in the marine realm has also had an impact on coccolithophores and other biomineralizing species. Another group of algae known as the diatoms started proliferating in the oceans in mid late Mesozoic by around 200-150 million years ago. Diatoms use silicon to produce beautiful skeletons. They progressively became efficient removers of silica from sea water. In the mid Mesozoic, large reefs built by the silica secreting sponges were common in the shallow marine settings. By late Mesozoic -Early Cenozoic times silica sponge communities shifted to deeper water and to higher latitudes, an ecologic displacement, some scientists think, forced by silica limitation in shallow tropical waters.  

By Cenozoic period diatoms had become the dominant silicon extractors from the upper layers of the ocean. So much so, that this diversion of silicon by diatoms impacted  Coccolithophores too. Many species stopped using silicon to mediate crystal growth, instead evolving alternate pathways to build their calcium carbonate shells. 

I love stories of the intricate interplay and feedbacks between evolution and geology. This is a theme I keep returning to. 


Thursday, June 3, 2021

Permian Seafloor Gardens Of Glass

In Metazoa:Animal Minds and the Birth of Consciousness, author Peter Godfrey-Smith describes the Hexactinellida, a group of sponges that construct hard parts made of silicon dioxide as a support for its soft tissue. In an earlier post I had written briefly about amorphous varieties of silica. The Hexactinellidae's skeleton is made up of opal, denoted by the chemical formula SiO2.nH2O. Sponges put together their skeleton using a variety termed opal-A , the A indicating amorphous. Over geologic time the amorphous opal-A often transforms by expelling water and re configuring the geometry arrangement of silicon and oxygen atoms to opal-CT and chalcedony, both silicon dioxide varieties showing the first glimmer of a crystalline structure.

Hexactinellida are popularly called the glass sponges because of their transparent silica frame. The basic elements of this skeleton are tiny rods or spicules which are joined to form dagger, star or snowflake like shapes. These then group together to form a hard mesh that supports the soft tissue. Upon death, the silica skeleton disintegrates, leaving a carpet of spicules on the sea floor. 

The sketches below are from Godfrey-Smith's book. They are drawings by Rebecca Gelernter of  sponges collected on the Challenger expedition of the 1870's.

One fascinating function of these glass elements could be as collectors of light. Sponges often have colonies of photosynthetic organisms like diatoms living inside them. The speculation is that the glass channels light energy into the interior of the sponge body, which the diatoms use as a power source for photosynthesis.

Glass gardens on the sea floor is an evocative way to describe these sponge communities. And occasionally in geologic history these gardens have proliferated on a scale that is simply hard to imagine. Some time back I read a very interesting paper by Edward J. Matheson and Tracy D. Frank on Late Permian age (~260 million years old) sedimentary rocks deposited on the northwestern shores of the supercontinent Pangea. Different sedimentary rock types were deposited in this long lived basin. One distinct layer, termed the Tosi Chert, contains significant amounts of chalcedony and chert. A closer examination revealed that these two silicon dioxide minerals were derived from a siliceous sponge precursor.

Scattered through these Permian rocks are 'ghosts' of spicules. The Tosi Chert was once a glass sponge garden colonizing a gently sloping sea floor.  It was staggering in scale. These sponge meadows extended over 75,000 sq km. To the east of these sponge habitats lay an arid Laurentian desert, Laurentia being the northern continent which had joined the southerly placed Gondwana to form the supercontinent Pangea. To the west was the subtropical epicontinental Phosphoria Sea. An epicontinental sea is a shallow sea that floods the interiors of continents during times of a global sea level high. Since siliceous sponges were the dominant benthos these depositional systems are called glass ramps, the latter term indicating a uniformly sloping sea bed. The paleogeographic map below shows the position and range of the  'spicule belt' (in orange) on the northwestern edge of Pangea.  The pale pink area is the desert.

Source: An epeiric glass ramp: Permian low-latitude neritic siliceous sponge colonization and its novel preservation (Phosphoria Rock Complex) Edward J. Matheson and Tracy D. Frank

The Tosi sponge communities lived during a time of sea level rise. The sedimentary variation within the Tosi Chert indicates that sponges occupied environments  ranging from subtidal settings to near shore tidal flats. In the open ocean subtidal regions the sediment was mostly sponge debris. Nearer to the shore the environments were more variable. Calcium carbonate mineralizing organsims such as molluscs lived in patchy zones. Abiogenic ooids formed in some areas. In other regions, currents transported quartz detritus from adjacent areas.  Wind blown silt size mica and iron oxide particles sourced from the eastern deserts mixed with the biogenic sediment. Landward, in shallow ponds and depressions, layers of gypsum precipitated from saline waters. 

These environments of deposition of the Tosi Member are depicted in the block graphic below. 

Source: An epeiric glass ramp: Permian low-latitude neritic siliceous sponge colonization and its novel preservation (Phosphoria Rock Complex) Edward J. Matheson and Tracy D. Frank

These conditions persisted for hundreds of thousands of  years. Eventually, sea level began to fall and the sponge communities began to die out. Calcareous biota replaced the silica sponges. The glass gardens were buried under layers of lime sediment.

Like an artist dismantling a patiently constructed exhibit of installation art, nature relentlessly ground up the delicate glass sponges and transformed them into rock. But this change took its own interesting route. 

As sea level dropped, a mosaic of tidal flats and lagoons developed. In the arid climate, high rates of evaporation resulted in the development of hypersaline magnesium rich brines. These denser pools of water percolated downwards through the shallow buried silica rich sediment. The magnesium calcium carbonate mineral dolomite started precipitating within the sponge rich sediment. Along with dolomite, the calcium sulphate mineral gypsum formed at places. 

The dolomite rich sediment then underwent another transformation. The opal skeletons of the sponges started dissolving. The released silica however did not diffuse away in to the open sea. Rather, the high amounts of released silica created zones of silica supersaturation within the pore spaces of the sediment resulting in the precipitation of chalcedony and chert. Silica got redistributed within the Tosi sediment package, first dissolving and then reprecipitating a few millimeters away. The new silica minerals were not spread evenly but formed compact masses giving the evolving rock a nodular appearance.    Here and there the original shapes of the sponge spicules were preserved, although they were no longer made up of opal, having being replaced by chalecdony and chert. 

The photomicrographs show examples of dolomite and silica nodule replacement of the original sponge skeletal debris. The pale area in the image to the left is a chert nodule with a diffuse boundary that gives way to a darker dolomite matrix. The image to the right shows a bioturbated dolomite rock with some chert replacement. Tiny lath shaped particles are ghosts of sponge spicules.

 Source: An epeiric glass ramp: Permian low-latitude neritic siliceous sponge colonization and its novel preservation (Phosphoria Rock Complex) Edward J. Matheson and Tracy D. Frank

Today the Tosi Chert is not that attractive or spectacular rock to look at. It is a few meters thick, has a grey to red to purple color and is made up mainly of  silica nodules and dolomite with minor amounts of quartz, anhydrite and gypsum. Layers of limestone, lithified from patchy molluscan and ooid sediment, interfinger with silica rich strata.

Calcium carbonate secreting organisms have been the most prolific biogenic sediment producers in Phanerozoic shallow marine settings. Siliceous sponges more commonly occur in deeper water and high latitude settings.  Occasionally though,  siliceous sponges did take over the shallow marine domain. The extensive Mid-Late Permian Pangean sponge belt is an example of such ecological opportunism, where silica rich sea water and nutrient availability resulted in prolific growth and persistence of sponge communities over vast areas of the northwestern Laurentian margin. Those majestic glass gardens, perhaps harboring photosynthetic symbionts are now gone, transformed to dull looking rock, but look closely and the ghosts of those long dead sponges are waiting to tell you their story.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Sea Water Chemistry Triggers For Evolution Of Biomineralization

Geological Processes and Evolution #20

The bulk of the shells and skeletons of marine creatures are built out of aragonite or high-Mg calcite (> 4 mole% MgCO3) or low-Mg calcite. These three calcium carbonate minerals, along with dolomite (calcium magnesium carbonate), also occur as marine cements, i.e., they are precipitated from sea water as mineral grains in the open spaces between shell particles, resulting in loose sediment getting bound in to hard rock.

I came across this paper by Rachel Wood and colleagues from 2017 on the link between sea water chemistry and the evolution of biomineralization as evidenced in the limestone strata from Siberia. The time period is from 545 million years ago to 500 million years ago, a span in which early animals began secreting calcium carbonate skeletons. What were the main triggers for this evolutionary change?


The trigger for biomineralization of metazoans in the terminal Ediacaran, ca. 550 Ma, has been suggested to be the rise of oxygenation or an increase in seawater Ca concentration, but geochemical and fossil data have not been fully integrated to demonstrate cause and effect. Here we combine the record of macrofossils with early marine carbonate cement distribution within a relative depth framework for terminal Ediacaran to Cambrian successions on the eastern Siberian Platform, Russia, to interrogate the evolution of seawater chemistry and biotic response. Prior to ca. 545 Ma, the presence of early marine ferroan dolomite cement suggests dominantly ferruginous anoxic “aragonite-dolomite seas”, with a very shallow oxic chemocline that supported mainly soft-bodied macrobiota. After ca. 545 Ma, marine cements changed to aragonite and/or high-Mg calcite, and this coincides with the appearance of widespread aragonite and high-Mg calcite skeletal metazoans, suggesting a profound change in seawater chemistry to “aragonite seas” with a deeper chemocline. By early Cambrian Stage 3, the first marine low-Mg calcite cements appear, coincident with the first low-Mg calcite metazoan skeletons, suggesting a further shift to “calcite seas”. We suggest that this evolution of seawater chemistry was caused by enhanced continental denudation that increased the input of Ca into oceans so progressively lowering Mg/Ca, which, combined with more widespread oxic conditions, facilitated the rise of skeletal animals and in turn influenced the evolution of skeletal mineralogy.

Dolomite abundance through geologic time shows a positive correlation with periods of ocean anoxia. One reason could be that sulphate reducing bacteria which thrive in anoxic environments remove dissolved sulphate which interferes with dolomite formation. A 'shallow oxic chemocline' means that only the shallows were oxygen rich, while deeper water were oxygen poor or anoxic. These conditions changed after about 545 million years ago with increasing oxygen in even deeper waters thus increasing habitat suitable for the evolution and spread of oxygen demanding animals. Sponges may have played an important role in the ventilation of the water column by actively removing suspended organic matter during filter feeding, thus making more oxygen available to be transferred to deeper waters.

The terms "aragonite-dolomite seas", "aragonite seas" and "calcite seas" refer to geologic time-bound conditions facilitating the precipitation of marine cements of that mineralogy. Excessive magnesium is a hindrance to formation of calcite and a lowering of Mg/Ca meant a shift from "aragonite seas" to "calcite seas". From Cambrian to recent times, periodic swings in Mg/Ca of sea water has caused either aragonite or calcite to become the dominant marine precipitate.  

It is notable that the mineralogy of skeletons when they first evolve in a particular animal group seems to be determined by the prevailing sea water chemistry. Animal groups like the molluscs which acquired the ability to biomineralize during 'aragonite-high Mg calcite seas' of the late Ediacaran -Early Cambrian (550-520 million years ago) used these minerals to build their skeletons. Later in the Paleozoic, sea water chemistry changed to favor the precipitation of low Mg calcite. Animal groups like the trilobites, echinoderms, brachiopods and tabulate corals that first evolved skeletons during this time period (Early Mid Cambrian to Ordovician, ~520-450 million years ago) began using low-Mg calcite as their shell mineral.

The graphic shows the first appearance of carbonate skeletal groups with their inferred primary mineralogy plotted against the temporal distribution of aragonite and calcite seas (inferred from marine cements).

Source: Susannah M. Porter 2010: Calcite and aragonite seas and the de novo acquisition of carbonate skeletons.

Interestingly, once acquired, animals did not switch their shell mineralogy to match subsequent changes in sea water chemistry. Most aragonite shell secreting animals retained this mineralogy during later 'calcite seas' (e.g. Ordovician to early Permian and Jurassic-Cretaceous) and vice versa ('aragonite seas'- Permian-Triassic, Cenozoic). A wholesale change in skeletal mineralogy may require too many evolutionary steps and would be physiologically demanding. Conserving mineralogy even during changing ambient conditions is likely an evolutionary trade off.

One question remains unanswered. There is evidence as early as 560 million years ago of soft bodied animals making tracks and burrows on the sea floor. If sea water chemistry then was conducive for the precipitation of early dolomite, why didn't at least some early animal groups make skeletons out of dolomite? Perhaps the answer lies in mineral kinetics. Dolomite is slow to precipitate. Its atomic structure is made up of layers of calcium carbonate alternating with layers of magnesium carbonate. This is more difficult to build than the relatively simpler structures of aragonite and calcite which are made up of only calcium carbonate with a few magnesium ions substituting for calcium.

In latest Ediacaran-early Cambrian times, as oxygen levels rose and animal diversity increased, ecologic interactions became more complex. The rise of predators and predator-prey arms races would have favored the evolution of a protective shell that could be assembled rapidly. Faster precipitating minerals like aragonite and calcite became the fixed construction material.

Open Access.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Mineralogy Of The Earliest Animal Shells

Carbonate sedimentology and evolution. Two of my favorite subjects converge in this interesting study published in the September 2018 issue of Geology.

Calcium isotope evidence that the earliest metazoan biomineralizers formed aragonite shells-
Sara B. Pruss; Clara L. Blättler; Francis A. Macdonald; John A. Higgins

Ediacaran Cloudina and Namacalathus are among the earliest shell-forming organisms. The debated carbonate phase of their skeletons, high-magnesium calcite or aragonite, has been linked to seawater chemistry and pCO2, yet independent constraints on the original mineralogy are lacking. We present a new method to distinguish primary skeletal mineralogy using δ44/40Ca values and trace element compositions of the skeletons and associated cements. Ca isotopes are useful because they are relatively insensitive to diagenetic alteration during burial, and they vary with the primary mineralogical phase of carbonate. We applied this method to microdrilled carbonate and cements associated with both Namacalathus and Cloudina skeletons from the Ediacaran Omkyk Member of the Nama Group in southern Namibia. These data demonstrate that both organisms originally produced aragonitic skeletons, which later underwent diagenetic conversion to calcite. We suggest that calcium isotopes can be used to further constrain unknown skeletal mineralogies through time and to reassess the relationship between seawater chemistry and the mineralogy of biocalcifiers.

Different animals groups acquired the ability to precipitate hard protective shells made up of calcium carbonate at different times between the latest Neoproterozoic (~ 580-541 mya) to early Paleozoic (541 - ~ 450 mya).  What is the larger picture of the evolution of the biomineralization in different animal groups and the mineralogy of the skeleton? Through geologic time the chemistry of sea water has oscillated from that favoring the precipitation of aragonite and high magnesium calcite to that favoring the precipitation of low magnesium calcite. From Late Neoproterozoic to Middle Cambrian sea water chemistry favored the precipitation of aragonite and high Mg Calcite. Animal groups which evolved skeletonization during this time largely adopted aragonite to build their skeletons. Animals which first evolved biomineralization in the Late Cambrian to Ordovician times, during the time of calcite seas, adopted calcite skeletons.

In most animal groups, skeletal mineralogy was conserved even when sea water chemistry changed later in history. There have been only rare instances of animals changing the mineral phase used to build its skeleton. I wrote about one such instance in the Mesozoic when some groups of molluscs switched from  aragonite to calcite. The most prominent example is from the Hippuritoidea (rudist) bivalves. The switch to calcite shells seems to have triggered an evolutionary diversification beginning in the Late Jurassic. By Late Cretaceous times rudist bivalves were so abundant that they displaced corals (which built their skeletons with aragonite) as the chief reef builders in the shallow shelf environments.

Fascinating topic!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Sea Water Chemistry And Shell Mineralogy: Tales Of Mesozoic Bivalves

Years ago when I was in the second year of college, I along with friends, went for a fossil collection tour to the town of Ariyalur in South India. Rocks of Cretaceous age outcrop all around, and these strata have now become one of the most famous fossil localities in India.

We collected ammonites, echinoids, plant leaf impressions on clay and bivalves... lots and lots of bivalves.. In the picture below are the remains of my collection of molluscs. On the top left is an oyster with a clam clinging on to one of its valves. Bottom left is another oyster with its jagged valve margin. In the middle is a largish clam and to the right is an oyster whose layered shell structure is clearly visible.

I have some photomicrographs too taken from thin sections given to me by a friend.

In the above image the foliated shell microstructure of a piece of a bivalve can be clearly seen in cross polarized light.

And in the image below, a coarser prismatic crystal structure of a shell fragment is visible in the center of the image.

Most molluscs groups (including bivalves) in today's tropical seas built their skeletons using the CaCO3 polymorph aragonite. I say tropical seas, because molluscs with calcite skeletons are more common in temperate waters, such as for example in the marine communities living on the continental shelf of the southern coasts of Australia. In the Cretaceous seas though, even at tropical latitudes, calcite bivalves were common. In this apparent puzzle lies a very interesting story of climate change, sea floor spreading, changing sea water chemistry, the evolutionary decline and success of different bivalve groups during the Mesozoic, the emergence of bivalve reefs and the localization of hydrocarbon reservoirs.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Ocean Acidification- What Exactly Happens?

I've started following @Scitable, an education resource from journal Nature. A few days back they tweeted a link to an article on ocean acidification.

Pay attention-
When CO2 dissolves in seawater to produce aqueous CO2 (CO2(aq)) it also forms carbonic acid (H2CO3) (Eq. 1; Figure 1). Carbonic acid rapidly dissociates (splits apart) to produce bicarbonate ions (HCO3-, Eq. 2). In turn, bicarbonate ions can also dissociate into carbonate ions (CO32-, Eq. 3). Both of these reactions (Eqs. 2, 3) also produce protons (H+) and therefore lower the pH of the solution (i.e., the water is now more acidic than it was — recall that pH is the negative logarithm of the proton concentration or activity, -log10[H+]. Note, as illustrated in Figure 2, Ocean Acidification does not imply that ocean waters will actually become acidic (i.e., pH < 7.0).

CO2(aq) + H2O ↔ H2CO3 (1)
H2CO3 ↔ HCO3- + H+ (2)
HCO3- ↔ CO32- + H+ (3)
However, when CO2 dissoves in seawater it does not fully dissociate into carbonate ions and the number of hydrogen ions produced (and the drop in pH) is therefore smaller than one might expect. This is due to the natural capacity of seawater to buffer against changes in pH, which can be represented simply by:

CO2(aq) + CO32- + H2O → 2HCO3- (4)

where CO2 is effectively neutralized by reaction with CO32- to produce HCO3-. The HCO3- produced by Eq. 4 then partly dissociates (Eq. 3), releasing protons and so decreasing the pH-which is where the ‘ocean acidification' actually comes from-but this drop is much smaller than for an un-buffered system. One can also think of the sequence of events resulting from dissolving CO2 in seawater as firstly the production of HCO3- and H+, but because the equilibrium between HCO3- and CO32- (Eq. 3) has now been unbalanced by excess acidity (H+), Eq. 3 goes to the left to consume some of the excess H+, and in doing so, also consumes CO32-.

This is a wonderfully clear explanation of the chemistry of ocean acidification in terms of changing  concentrations or activity of CO2 (atmospheric),  CO2(aqueous), CO3 (carbonate) and bicarbonate (HCO3) ions, as there is later in the article on the negative and positive feedbacks in terms of the capacity of the ocean to absorb CO2 with rising ocean  temperatures.

The proportion of DIC present as CO2 is also affected by temperature, as illustrated in Figure 2. The consequence of this is that, as the ocean warms, less DIC will be partitioned into the form of CO2 (and more as CO32-), hence enhancing the buffering and providing a ‘negative feedback' on rising atmospheric CO2. Here, a feedback describes a mechanism that dimishes or amplifies an initial change and asribed the sign ‘negative' or ‘positive', respectively. For example, melting polar ice caps through global warming will reduce the amount of solar radiation that is reflected back out to space (the Earth's surface becomes less reflective), so producing more warming, which in turn will melt more ice, and so on — a positive feedback. A well-known positive feedback in the carbon cycle arises due to the decrease in solubility of CO2 gas in seawater at higher temperatures. In fact, this greatly outweighs the negative feedback described above, meaning that as the ocean surface warms, even more of the emitted fossil fuel CO2 will remain in the atmosphere.

And how do saturation levels of CO3 in sea water affect the stability of CaCO3 mineral species Aragonite and Calcite which organisms use to build skeletons? What effect will increase in ocean acidification have on organisms? ...

read on.. don't miss out on this chemistry lesson.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Quote: Robert Folk On Microbiota and Carbonate Petrology

JSR Paper Clips in a look back 20 years ago features an important paper by Robert Folk, carbonate sedimentologist par excellence, on SEM imaging of bacteria and nanobacteria in carbonate sediments and rocks.

..he says: “the minute interface between bacteria and carbonate petrology may be lilliputian in scale but are conceivably gargantuan in importance….”

Folk was probably moved in to making this utterance by a scene like the one below

These are layered dolomite strata of Triassic age from the Alps.  Folk argued that bacteria and nanobacteria have catalyzed the precipitation of such enormous thicknesses of carbonate minerals on the sea floor right through geologic history.

Many carbonate sedimentologists today do acknowledge that microbes play an important role in carbonate mineral precipitation but the details of the geomicrobiology i.e. exactly what physiological and chemical reactions enhance this precipitation is still being worked out. My recent post on this topic explores the role of microbes in dolomite formation.

It's not often you get to witness seminal breakthroughs in science. I now count myself lucky that I was present at the talk at the 1993 GSA meeting in Boston when Robert Folk described this hypothesis of bacterial influence on dolomite precipitation... 20 years on his argument is withstanding the test of time.

References: Folk, R. L., 1993b, Dolomite and dwarf bacteria (nannobacteria): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 25, p. A-397.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My Rather Tenuous Connection With The Mars Rover Project Scientist

I have no connection with the Mars Rover program :)...but this @geosociety tweet a few days ago caught my eye:

@geosociety Fellow John Grotzinger, JPL geologist on Mars Curiosity rover mission, in LA Times.  MT @earthmagazine

John Grotzinger was profiled in an article in the LA Times. He is project scientist for the Mars mission and in charge of directing the earth science effort to glean information about the geology of Mars. Here is what the article says about his work-

For much of his post-PhD career, the geologist kept his feet planted firmly on Earth. He combed ancient sedimentary rocks for signs of early life. He took trips around the globe, family in tow, to collect 550-million-year old specimens in Namibia and Oman.

What it left out was that Prof. Grotzinger is a carbonate sedimentologist. So.. I guess I can claim that I share an academic kinship with him :)

I am quite familiar with his work in carbonates. When I was working on my PhD in the mid 1990's he was already a faculty at MIT. His PhD research on Proterozoic carbonates of the Northwest Territories in Canada was directed by J. Fred Read at Virginia Polytechnic. During several GSA meetings I did get an opportunity to listen to his presentation on various aspects of Proterozoic carbonate platform evolution. He later moved to Cal Tech and JPL in Pasadena, California.

For long, carbonate sedimentologists gave much more attention to Phanerozoic carbonates and less attention to Proterozoic carbonate deposits. There was an economic incentive in that. Many Phanerozoic carbonate basins host prolific oil and gas deposits. The origin, growth and architecture of Phanerozoic carbonate sedimentary platforms,  a term for depositional basins in which hundreds to thousands of feet of calcium carbonate sediments accumulate, was studied quite intensely and we gained a very detailed understanding of these systems. All this work ultimately helps exploration geologists make reasonable predictions on the location and thicknesses of strata best suited to be oil reservoirs.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Dolomite Problem - Peeking Under The Hood

A recent paper in Geology addresses one of the most enduring problems in sedimentary geology- the origin of the mineral dolomite. One can extend their findings to answering the origin of massive dolomite carbonate sequences that recur throughout earth history. Massive dolomite means that most of the rock is made up of the mineral dolomite and such dolomite strata can be hundreds of feet thick, representing deposition over millions of years.  The paper  examines one specific mechanism of sedimentary dolomite formation. Microbial activity in shallow water depths has long been suspected to induce dolomite precipitation and the paper brings out the specifics of the bacterial micro-environment that might aid dolomite to precipitate directly from sea water as pore filling cement or replace existing calcite or aragonite.

Such microbial ecosystems exist today in very restricted settings such as hypersaline lakes and supratidal flats and whether such microbial induced dolomite can explain the thick dolomite sequences which were deposited in more varied environments is a question that still needs more attention.

David Bressan on Scientific American blog has written two posts on the history of research on dolomites and in reference to the paper in Geology on the question of the microbial origin of dolomite using the Triassic Dolomite sequences of the Alps as an example. A considerable part of this sequence is made up of thinly laminated strata. The laminae have been interpreted as structures arising from sediment being trapped or precipitated between bacterial sheets. Based on these microtextures there is case being built up that much of the Triassic dolomite, especially that deposited in earlier phase in the Norian stage is likely to be of microbial origin i.e. induced by microbial activity.

First a few SEM images that show a spatial link between microbial filaments and incipient dolomite crystals.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Earliest Examples Of Biomineralization

On Wired Science Brandon Keim summarizes the discovery of phosphatic biomineralization in Neo-Proterozoic protists, published in the June issue of Geology.

The microfossils were preserved in 750 million year old strata of the Fifteenmile Group in Yukon Territory, Canada. This makes it one of the earliest examples in eukaryotes of the ability to precipitate minerals from sea water and use them as structural support or as a protective casing around soft tissue.

In marine organisms, biomineralization has evolved independently many times in different eukaryotic groups. Preserved instances of biomineralization from the Neo-Proterozoic and the earliest Cambrian are of unicellular organisms like protists using mostly phosphatic minerals like apatite. That changed with the evolution of larger complex metazoans by early mid Cambrian times. These creatures preferred calcium carbonate in the form of either aragonite or calcite to build their skeletons.

This might reflect changing sea water chemistry, the increasing saturation of the Cambrian shallow water areas in calcium carbonate and the decreasing availability of phosphorus or it might reflect inherent energy efficiencies in large skeletal construction. Perhaps calcium carbonate molecules are easier to assemble into the larger edifices required than calcium phosphate is..that's just my speculation..

Brandon Keim ends his article quite evocatively:

Of course, predators eventually developed their own biomineralization strategies, as did other algae. Eventually it became ubiquitous in the marine world, to the point where what we now call limestone is simply a composite of microscopic fossil seashells. It’s also the primary ingredient in concrete. Their shells have become our own.