Showing posts with label fractures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fractures. Show all posts

Monday, February 20, 2023

Geology Outcrop Quiz: Milam Glacier Area

In the outcrop below, which direction are the strata dipping (tilting)? North is to the right. 

If your answer was towards the right (north), you would be wrong.

The apparent northward dip of the rock layers is an illusion caused by fractures intersecting the plane of the exposure. The outcrop below from a nearby spot shows the real geometry of the strata.

This is an across the bedding exposure. You can see that the strata are almost vertical and are warped into small scale folds. Look at the black arrows on the left centre of the image. They point to sub horizontal cracks (fractures) penetrating the rocks. These are axial plane fractures as they follow the plane that divides the folds symmetrically. To the top right, the red arrow points to the distinctive planar fabric that has arisen due closely spaced fractures. 

In contrast to this perspective, when the outcrop is a bedding plane exposure i.e. a slice parallel to the bedding, as it is in the first picture, you won't see the folding. Instead you can only observe a bedding surface cut by horizontal fractures that divides the rock wall into layers and gives the impression from afar of horizontal or gently tilted beds.

The photo below is a close up of an outcrop with prominent nearly vertical thin orange-brown and dark grey folded beds. Notice the white horizontal bands? These are the axial plane fractures which later were filled with quartz, as mineral saturated groundwater circulated through the rocks.  

The outdoors is such a good classroom. This final outcrop illustrates how erosion along a hillslope has sliced the rock body at different angles with respect to the bedding, exposing both, the true orientation of the strata as well as the pseudo bedding. 

To the right of the waterfall is an across the bedding cut, exposing the nearly vertical gently folded strata. To the left of the waterfall is an along the bedding exposure. Only a sheer rock wall is observed with the axial plane fractures imparting a crude layering to the rock face, giving the illusion of bedding.

All these exposures are along the road side trail near Milam village in Kumaon, Uttarakhand. You can test your observational skills when you next visit that area. 

Trekking in the Himalaya is always a treat.  And when you come across these small geology puzzles, it is with a double scoop topping.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Remotely India: Structural Control On Drainage

 Remotely India #10

Check out this amazing example of fracture controlled stream flow. Follow blue arrows.

The stream originates on the steep west facing slopes of Tamhini Ghat (west of Pune) and flows a north westerly course in a NW-SE trending fracture, then makes an abrupt left turn and flows south west into a NE-SW trending fracture. It then exhibits a number of right angle turns. Finally, it turns sharply and flows north along a N-S trending fracture before joining the larger Kundalika river near Mhasewadi.

This area comprising the edge of the Deccan Volcanic Plateau and the coastal plain has been shattered by several fracture systems which formed due to tensile forces affecting the western margin of India during and post Deccan volcanism.

Take some time looking at this image above. You will see scores of small streams flowing along fractures and making sharp turns at fracture intersections. The geomorphology of this part of the Deccan Volcanic Province is a joy to explore.