Over at SCRIBBLES DESIGNS CHALLENGES, the theme this time is 'SHADES OF RED'. The other day I won some images from Scribbles by Sandy and I really love her 'Mr Woolly' images so I got two more......... "Chorus Line" and "Mr Wool Smiley".
Now when I was looking at Chorus Line this afternoon, I was hit by a really silly idea that I just had to run with....... they made me think of the Folies Bergere. Whilst preparing all my pieces for a card, I started looking for a Windmill but couldn't find anything on the Folies site. So, I says to Hubs "Why can't I find a picture of the Windmill for the Folies Bergere ?"......... "Coz it's at the Moulin Rouge", says He.... "Oh, bum" says I.... "Never mind then". Hubs asked me what I wanted it for and I showed him the Sheep. He looks at me like I was mad and went off for a shower.
A while later he comes in.... "This woman running the Challenge, - will she have a smattering of Schoolgirl French ??!!!"
"Don't know" says I ... "Maybe. Why do you ask ?!!"
"I just had a brainwave", He says..... "Will she know what the French word for sheep is..... coz it's 'Mouton'.... you know.... Mouton Rouge..... hahahahahaha ....... Get it ?.... It's a play on words...!!!!"
"OMG - Genius", says I and off I went to get another sheep.
So......... after all my ramblings... I give you....................
THE FOLIES BAaaaa-GERE...............
"Chorus Line" was printed 4 times and then I fussy cut the sheep so that the line sat on top of the one below - less one sheep - up to the end..... if you catch my drift ?!! Then I added some feathers and made a Folies banner. This is a step card.
And next......... "Le Moulin MOUTON ROUGE" hahahahahaha !! LOL
Challenges I am entering:
Scribbles Designs Challenge #2 - Shades of Red TOP 3 WINNER
Snippets Playground Week 10 - I used up my bits on Mouton Rouge :-) WINNER