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Showing posts with label Purebysafiyyahosman Kuala Terengganu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Purebysafiyyahosman Kuala Terengganu. Show all posts

Friday, 17 February 2017


Assalamualaikum and hi to all

Today, I wanna to share about skincare that suitable for Oily Skin or Combination Skin without acne

If you have these skin problems:
  • Oily in the T-zone, dry on the cheek and side of the face.
  • Open pores large / medium.
  • A lot of whitehead at forehead and blackhead at nose area
This set is suitable for you (see photo)
Comb. Acne Set
You can try this set. There are routine care of you skin

1.     Wash your face at least 2 times with COMB ACNE SOAP
Comb. Acne Soap
2.   Apply ESA LAVANDULA MIST TONER each time after washing your face. Shake well and pump 1-2 times on you palms and "dab" the whole face
ESA Lavandula Mist Toner
3.   At night, use 1 drop ESA GOLDEN JOJOBA FACE OIL. Warm it on your palm, and then dab entire face. Use face tissue to wipe excess oil.
ESA Golden Jojoba Face Oil
4.   On weekends, use PURE | CHOCO FACE MASK & SCRUB to remove excess blackhead and white head that still exist on your face. Before using a face mask, you are recommended to steam your face for 10 -15minit. Put some dry herbs on your hot water during steam face to soothe you face, minimize your pore size and slow down the growth of black head and white head

Besides that, you'll get 4 dry herbs samples and 1 sample FOOT SOAK or FACE MASK (your choice) for FREE

How to order:

Text us at number 0129817976 or
Direct purchase on our website or
Purchase this set at shopee

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