Showing posts with label SNSDC16. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SNSDC16. Show all posts

Friday, August 19, 2011

SNSDC16 ~ Back To School!

Yep, It's Friday!
And we have a fun challenge for you today...
Today's challenge is:

It's that time again.....the big yellow bus is back! Let's see your Back to School creations.

Just a few things to keep in mind as you play....

~You don't have to use SNS images to play along but we sure do love when you do :)!

~Please share a link to your creation using the Linky Tools feature at the end of this post. If Linky Tools is down, please add a link with your comment.

~When uploading to online galleries, please use keyword SNSDC16.

Ok, now that the specifics have been shared, here are some samples to help get your creative juices flowing. Be sure to stop by our team's blogs for more details on their fabulous creations.

Now that you've been inspired,
grab your Sweet 'n Sassy Digis and show us your stuff!!

And one last thing!

Play along with our challenges throughout
the month of August and you will be eligible to win 3 digis of your choice from the Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps store.

Be sure to play along every week...

the more you play the more chances you get to win :).