
Showing posts with label X-Appeal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label X-Appeal. Show all posts

Friday, June 8, 2012

The parade of ornaments begins...

I've been trying to take advantage of naptime lately and knock out some finishing work. My 2 year old is fascinated by scissors and the glue gun, so I've got to work while he's sleeping and get my goodies put away before he wakes up. I've been working my way through our stash of finished pieces and deciding what to do with them. Loads of framing at some point, but a few ornaments as well. Over the next few weeks, I'll be doing my best to finish more, and share the ones I've completed.

Up first is a lighthouse ornament. (You're all surprised, I know) I have a few pieces older than this one, but this is the oldest of the ones I've tackled so far - an ornament I stitched back in 2008 that languished in the drawer simply waiting for some kind of cording. (Yes, the whole thing was almost completely assembled for nearly 4 years.)

Call of the Ocean by X-Appeal Designs
stitched over 2 on 32 ct. Picture This Plus Fabric in Dwarf
with overdyed and DMC threads
Stitched in 2008 - finished 2012

I did stitch this one before as a Fair & Square Exchange that went to Susan. This piece will join the multitude of other lighthouse ornaments on our Christmas tree.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fair and Square Round #12

I received these beautiful squares from Susan P. yesterday. Aren't they lovely?

Freebie from Gazette 94, available here.

I love the squares, and I think they'll be perfect for a no-sew cube, which is good because we are sadly in need of some decorations for the holidays. Living in an apartment, and even a townhouse, wasn't all that conducive to having a whole lot of decorations (severe lack of storage space), but now that we're in a house, it would be nice to have a few things to put out for the holidays. I'm envisioning a very cute cube with a pretty spring bow on my forthcoming living room shelves, just in time for Easter next year.

As for my contribution to the round, I stitched up X-Appeal's Call of the Ocean for Susan. As soon as I saw "lighthouses" on Susan's list of likes, I knew I was going to stitch this piece.

Call of the Ocean by X-Appeal Designs
stitched over 2 on 32 ct. Picture This Plus Fabric in Dwarf
with overdyed and DMC threads

In case you didn't know, the designer behind X-Appeal is also one of the owners of my former LNS, The Strawberry Sampler. If you ever happen to find yourself in the Brandywine Valley / Chadds Ford area of PA, definitely stop in and check out the shop. They have a ton of stitched models, plenty of fabrics and threads, and the staff there is really wonderful.

This was the second time I stitched this piece. (Mine's still sitting in the stitching drawer, waiting to be turned into an ornament for our lighthouse collection on the Christmas tree.) But I had a great time stitching this again. I know the F&S rules call for neutral fabric, but I emailed Susan ahead of time and she didn't mind if I stitched on blue fabric. LOVE THIS FABRIC! It was the first time stitching on PTP fabric, and I'll definitely use it again. It was so soft and just a joy to stitch on.

See? I really HAVE been stitching!