Showing posts with label GMO foods approved by FDA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GMO foods approved by FDA. Show all posts

Thursday, July 23, 2015

FDA Approves GMO Apples And Potatoes

Modern Farmer

Amazing non-browning GMO apples and potatoes from two different companies have officially passed FDA inspection. They are as safe and nutritious as non-modified versions, says the agency. Will customers agree?

When people think of genetically modified foods (or GMOs, the O standing for organisms), a common thought is of beastly, unnatural items: basketball-sized fruits that won’t spoil, pigs with chicken hearts, who knows! Scary stuff! But typically the real reasons to go into the DNA are much more mundane. Take the six new types of GMO potatoes and two new types of GMO apples that the FDA approved for consumption [in mid-March of this year]: they look just like regular produce! Except they won’t brown after you cut them.