Showing posts with label effects of radiation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label effects of radiation. Show all posts

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Mobile Phones Cause Breast Cancer, Not Just Brain Cancer: How to Protect Yourself

Gaia Health

Did you know that mobile phones comes with warnings in the small print? Did you know that you’re not supposed to put it in your pocket? Did you know that mobile phone manufacturers cannot get insurance for health damage from mobile phones? Their radiation damages DNA, disrupts the blood-brain barrier, damages sperm, and changes brain metabolism. The same kind of radiation is used medically to increase drug uptake into the brain because of its ability to weaken the blood-brain barrier.

What makes mobile phones so dangerous is not their power. The signals are weak, but claims that weakness makes them harmless are spurious. The problem is that the signals vary constantly, and that variance disrupts DNA repair. The signals vary in a variety of ways:

Information content

Though not known for certain, it’s suspected that the information content is most significant because of its virtually random variability.

Dr. Devra Davis states that we are now in the middle of a massive uncontrolled experiment with 5.5 billion mobile phones. The guinea pigs, of course, are us. She says that the implications on our health are grave. Worse, the radiation goes far deeper into the brains of children, putting them at even greater risk.

None of this information is secret. The mobile phone industry is, of course, fully aware. Yet, they are now selling them for applications on babies. They’re even used as teaching tools, with instructions to place them under the head of a sleeping child.

Information on how to protect yourself is below the videos. First is a brief video of a woman whose breast cancer was a direct result of storing her mobile phone in her bra [2:48]:

Note that a man’s penis is also at great risk from exposure, as so many mobile phones are stashed in pockets.

Means of Protecting Yourself from EMR

Mobile phones have become a part of our lives. Should we just give them up? More realistically, will we? The answer to that is fairly obvious. These devices have become a part of our culture, so giving them up is not going to happen. However, we can minimize the risk, and with reasonable—and simple—safeguards, we can eliminate most of the risk. Of course, there are will always be people who are ultrasensitive to electromagnetic radiation (EMR). For them, the only solution may be complete abstinence—and we should all be considerate of their needs. For most, though, a balance between safety and utility can be found:

Keep in mind that distance is everything. EMR is an issue primarily when they’re very close. By keeping them at least an inch away from your body makes a huge difference. Use a headset or speakerphone. Do not store phones on your body. Keep them in bags that you carry, preferably within a box that assures at least an inch of separation between you and the phone.

If you have a child with autism, then you need to be extra vigilant. No mobile phones or other EMR devices should be in the same room where your child sleeps, and if it’s possible to rid your home of the devices, it’s probably good to do so. For more on the association of EMR and autism, read WiFi and EM Radiation—The Rest of the Autism Story.

Do not use a bluetooth headset! Bluetooth uses EMR, so it is literally worsening the problem. Always use a wired headset with your mobile phone. If you must use a bluetooth headset, then make sure it’s as well insulated as possible. Note that different types of cells have different degrees of sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation. Brain cells, though protected by the skull, are particularly sensitive. If you want to maintain your mental acuity, then be certain to keep mobile phones away from your head.

Fetuses are particularly sensitive. It’s critical to keep mobile device radiation away from a pregnant abdomen. Do not ever keep mobile phones near the heart, that is, never store them in shirt pockets, because they can affect the heart. Remember that the heart operates on electrical pulses.

Do not ever use mobile phones as toys or learning tools for children. They are absolutely not necessary, and can even be considered a way of separating yourself from your children, which is certainly not a sign of being a good parent. Do not let your children of any age use mobile phones. In the case of teens or preteens, that may not be doable, so at least assure that your children are aware of the risks and provided with the means to minimize them.

If reception is poor, your phone uses more energy to transmit, resulting in greater risk. So, avoid using them in poor reception areas.

Although mobile phones are rated for relative safety, note the fact that it’s relative, not absolute safety. None of them are safe, so don’t assume that a good rating makes you safe. It doesn’t.

Remember that laptops often utilize EMR technology and should never ever by used on their namesake laps. Both men and women need to be concerned. Aside from the potential of cancer, the potential for reduced fertility and birth defects is very real.

Best of all, reduce your use of mobile phones. The more you use them, the worse the effects.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Financial Incentives: Radiation Exposure ‘Soaring’ As Medical Imaging Tests Overused

Natural Society

Just after it was released that CT scan radiation actually triples the risk of brain tumor development in children, new research is now ousting the fact that average radiation exposure from such medical imaging tests has skyrocketed over the past decade. And the result of this admittedly ‘excessive radiation’ is an increased risk of not only cancer, but other significant health conditions.

The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) published the findings of the study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), which reveals just how serious the issue of radiation exposure is. Researchers write not only how the rates in which patients are scanned by the radiation-emitting machines are much higher, but there is also some concern over how many patients receive repeat scanning — ultimately leading to higher and higher doses of radiation. For those suffering from chronic issues that need consistent ‘monitoring’ from such devices, this could mean heavy radiation levels on a highly routine basis.

High radiation that is undoubtedly spiking cancer rates, as doctors are openly admitting – the same radiation that has been coming from Fukushima in amounts far exceeding original estimations and causing an ‘unknown’ number of cancer deaths. Dr. Rebecca Smith-Bindman, a professor of radiology and biomedical imaging at UCSF, explains just how dangerous radiation exposure is when it comes to the development of cancer:

“The studies are pretty clear – high exposure to radiation causes cancer.”

Such is the case even for the common dental x-ray – the seemingly harmless imaging technique that is actually associated with a two-fold or higher increased risk of developing brain cancer. This particular research was very effective in measuring the true severity of repeat scans. While patients who received the bitewing x-rays (showing upper and lower back teeth) less than once per year were only 1.1 to 1.6 times more likely to develop brain cancer, more frequent runs proved to come with a hefty price. Those receiving frequent panorex dental x-rays (an x-ray showing all of the teeth) upped their risk by 2.7 or 3.0 times — much greater than those receiving bitewing tests less frequently. What’s more, the risk increased to 4.9 times if the patient was below the age of 10.

So why the increase in medical imaging tests? The study boldly set out to examine the incentives for the spike, even examining financial factors that could play a role. Even more boldly, they reached the conclusion that financial interests were indeed one main driving factor. A sad truth considering the fact that these financial incentives are contributing to the epidemic of cancer — particularly among young children. Smith-Bindman reports:

“One of the thoughts for the change in the rise of imaging is a change in the incentives… It suggests that financial factors may play a role, but there are other factors as well.”

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Report Shows How Radiation Can Destroy DNA

Natural Society

The threat of radiation is constant and growing; too much radiation from medical testing and other sources is increasingly becoming a concern for many individuals around the world. The average child will receive more than seven radiation emitting scans for medical procedure by age 18, not to mention all of the background radiation emitted from cell phones, as well as other various electronic devices.

With the advent of the TSA body scanners, using deadly terahertz radiation only adds to the controversy. An array of DNA destroying and cancer causing devices pervade our natural lives.

A recent study conducted using THz radiation found that the radiation’s effects on genetic material are so devastating that they can actually destroy it. THz radiation effectively unzips the double helix strands, creating anomalies that would be detrimental to gene expression and replication. The report concludes by saying that TSA scanners are not only a gross invasion of privacy, but are also producing long term effects on human health that ultimately shorten the lifespan of those who are unfortunate enough to be affected by them.

Add this to the constant exposure from cell phones, cell phone towers, and other forms of radiation including x-rays from medical procedures, and you have a mega-radiation dose over time. Radiation is indeed harmful; there’s a reason why doctors leave the room after giving patients undergoing radiation a heavy lead coat.

The pervasive nature of this threat has even prompted the FDA to issue guidelines concerning radiation exposure and safety. This report notes of a proposal to create less dangerous scanners and technology in an attempt to mitigate the damage done, espically to younger individuals.

The fact that they would propose taking action shows that they know the effect of radiation is a real threat and causing damage daily. Taking this into account, you should also be aware of the dangers and necessity to protect yourself and others.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Photographer: X-ray-like image shows how radioactivity has spread throughout bodies of Fukushima wildlife


 This image was published on the photo blog of Takashi Morizumi. It appears Dr. Satoshi Mori was responsible for the x-ray-like view showing black dots spread throughout the body of a small bird from Iitate Village. The dots are said to be radioactive particles of Cs-137 internalized by eating contaminated insects.

“Takashi Morizumi is a photojournalist who covers topics in Japan and overseas such as the effects of US military bases and environmental problems. In particular, since the later half of the 90s, he has covered the damages caused by nuclear mining, testing, power plants, and the use of depleteted uranium and other nuclear weapons.” -Source

h/t Fukushima Diary

Related: 33% of prized bird species disappears after summer near Fukushima — Those making it back “were in a poor condition” says New Zealand gov’t researcher

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Real Experts Speak! Japanese Radiation Risk In US, 400,000 To Develop Cancer In Japan

The Intel Hub, Apr. 13, 2011

On March 11th, 2011 an earthquake and ensuing tsunami rocked Japan, killing thousands and causing upwards of three partial or full meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

Corporate experts and nuclear industry shills have continuously claimed that the dangers are minimal, pushing the lie that the disaster was smaller and less severe than Chernobyl.

On March 15th, Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D said that if a radiation plume from Japan hit the U.S. west coast it could pose a threat to the nation's crops and the people that eat them. As we know, levels of radiation in milk in three states has been recorded at much higher levels then normal, causing some to believe that the radiation has indeed hit the U.S. food supply.

We now know that milk/cheese has been contaminated and products bought in a grocery store in San Fransisco tested positive for radioactive iodine 131.

Dr. Chris Busby, a leading expert on the effects of radiation on the human body, has stated that 400,000 people in Japan may die from cancer.

Full story