Showing posts with label neurotoxin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neurotoxin. Show all posts

Monday, September 19, 2011

PETA releases 'The Ultimate Vegan Baking Cheat Sheet'

This Dish is Veg, Sept. 19, 2011

PETA recommends diet soda with aspartame as an "egg replacer". Because nothing replaces eggs like a dangerous neurotoxin.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What You Don’t Know About Aspartame Could Kill You

Opposing Views, May 24. 2011

This is probably worth an entire article all by itself, but the basic information is this: Aspartame is poison.

But don’t take my word for it.

How about referring to fact that aspartame was classified as a neurotoxin before it was approved by the FDA as a sugar substitute in the early 1980s?

How about the fact that straight out of the package you can use it as a very effective insecticide? Ant killer anyone?

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Toxin found in dead sardines

Los Angeles Times, Mar, 12, 2011

Sardines that suffocated and died en masse this week in King Harbor have tested positive for a powerful neurotoxin that scientists believe may have distressed 1 million or more fish off the Los Angeles coastline and caused them to swim chaotically into the Redondo Beach marina.

Researchers still believe critically low oxygen levels, not the toxin or an algae bloom, caused the fish to suddenly die Monday night in the Redondo Beach marina.

Domoic acid is often found in the stomachs of fish that have been feeding on plankton on the ocean's surface during toxic algae blooms. The toxin has been linked to neurological disorders, illnesses and deaths of seabirds, sea lions, sea otters and whales. When it accumulates in edible fish and shellfish, it can sicken humans.

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MSG and cause of death

Bangkok Post, Opinion, Mar. 15, 2011

Re: Mysterious deaths at a Thai hotel (BP, March 6). Here are some quotes from people who conduct research on monosodium glutamate:

''MSG explains many ailments in many people. Much legend and myth is being passed around about MSG to make it seem innocent. In fact, it can cause many different reactions, in some people fatal.''

"May cause itching, nausea, nervous system and reproductive disorders, high blood pressure.''

''MSG is a highly reactive amino acid. It is used by scientists in studies to purposely cause death to areas of the brain and is fed to rodents to make a strain of obese and pre-diabetic test subjects. MSG is classified as a neurotoxin: too much of it introduced to the brain can cause rapid cell death.''

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

'One More Girl' unveils truth behind HPV vaccine travesty

NaturalNews, Feb. 10, 2011

This provocative film documents the stories of the numerous girls adversely affected by the HPV vaccines - giving these young women and their families a chance to speak out - share their dismay and sense of betrayal for simply believing the pharmaceutical and medical industries were protecting them when marketing HPV vaccines for the prevention of cervical cancer.

Filled with stories of anguish, loss of innocence, guilt on the part of mothers who encouraged their daughter's to get the vaccine - and financial devastation as families use their hard-earned savings to find a cure for their daughter's illness.

Donielle Richardson, 18 year old sister of the Richardson brothers was also adversely injured by Gardasil and it was her adverse reaction and long road to recovery that motivated the Richardson family to research other Gardasil injured girls. Their discoveries compelled them to create a documentary powerful enough to prevent this type of travesty from happening to any medical consumer - ever again.

Full story
Related story:
Update: Vaccine Side Effects, Adverse Reactions, Contraindications, and Precautions Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 1996
This report provides updated information concerning the potential adverse events associated with vaccination for hepatitis B, poliomyelitis, measles, mumps, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. An amazing CDC document, admitting the side effects and problems associated with vaccines. -Ed.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Using Fear & Prejudice to Attack Vaccine Exemptions

Vaccine Awakening

In 2009, public health officials declared a pandemic H1N1 influenza emergency and played up the potential complications of the swine flu while playing down the potential risks of the untested new swine flu vaccine. When two-thirds of Americans “just said no” to swine flu shots, NBC’s chief medical editor Dr. Nancy Snyderman ridiculed them and quipped “Just get the damn vaccine.”

Now Snyderman has issued a similar standing order to “get vaccinated” but, this time, she is accusing parents of unvaccinated children for causing the deaths of six California infants, who have reportedly died from complications of B. pertussis whooping cough. On July 28, 2010, Dr. Snyderman further alleged that “most people” with religious objections to vaccination are not telling the truth and that the “needs” of the “community as a whole” are “better than the individual” and “more important.”

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Gardasil: Still not tested or proven to prevent cancer

PPJ Gazette, Feb. 6, 2011

Gardasil is the vaccine promoted as protection against various types of cervical cancer supposedly caused by the HPV virus, and obviously is intended for other purposes. Even with the number of deaths and injury from the vaccine the ads ran non-stop on TV while state and federal governments tried to find ever newer and more invasive ways of making mandatory vaccination a reality. They got their wish; Obamacare calls for mandatory vaccination and proof of updates to vaccinations in order to get any healthcare.
Please note in this next article that Gardasil has been expanded to include far more than cervical cancer and includes the observation that “HPV is THOUGHT to be the cause”…not, is the cause or, we know it’s the cause, or we can prove conclusively, or there is substantial evidence,…they just think it could be. This is a broad and vague claim and totally without any conclusive supporting evidence.
Gardasil contains extremely high levels of aluminum and polysorbate 80, a known cause of sterility in lab tests on mice, and also known to cause sterility in humans. High levels of other neurotoxic chemicals and the presence of thimerosal, a derivitive of mercury is said to be present although MERCK continues to deny that allegation.

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Monday, January 31, 2011

New Monograph Spotlights Urgent Need for Congress to Get Neurotoxins and Other Poisons Out of Vaccines

PRNewswire, Jan. 31, 2011

The January 2011 monograph Vaccines & Vaccinations: The Need for Congressional Investigation (edited by Catherine J Frompovich and Laraine C Abbey) documents the presence of toxins, including brain and nervous system damaging adjuvants, excipients, and growth medium in vaccines that can cause health damage to everyone -- especially to children and pregnant women.

The monograph uses peer-reviewed journals, CDC, FDA, HHS, and other accepted sources regarding vaccines/vaccinations to connect the dots on what is NOT being shared with health consumers (nor most health professionals) about vaccinations, e.g., toxic adjuvants like aluminum -- a neurotoxin; mercury -- a neurotoxic hazmat; formaldehyde -- an EPA-declared carcinogen; MSG -- an excitotoxin that stimulates brain cells to self-destruction; polysorbate 80 -- causes infertility in lab rats; diploid (aborted human fetal) cells; foreign DNA from dogs, chicks, monkeys, and insects; plus many more, which should not be injected into babies immediately after birth -- or any time.

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Saturday, January 22, 2011

USDA Certified Organic’s Dirty Little Secret: Neotame

Farm Wars, Jan.22, 2011

Just when we thought that buying “Organic” was safe, we run headlong into the deliberate poisoning of our organic food supply by the FDA in collusion with none other than the folks who brought us Aspartame. NutraSweet, a former Monsanto asset, has developed a new and improved version of this neurotoxin called Neotame.

Neotame has similar structure to aspartame — except that, from it’s structure, appears to be even more toxic than aspartame. This potential increase in toxicity will make up for the fact that less will be used in diet drinks. Like aspartame, some of the concerns include gradual neurotoxic and immunotoxic damage from the combination of the formaldehyde metabolite (which is toxic at extremely low doses) and the excitotoxic amino acid.

But surely, this product would be labeled! NOT SO!!! For this little gem, no labeling required. And it is even included in USDA Certified Organic food.

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What's that in my food? — Hydrolyzed vegetable protein!

The Varsity, Jan. 11, 2011

You might not have heard of hydrolyzed vegetable protein, but you’ve surely heard of its villainous cousin, monosodium glutamate — or MSG — the culprit behind the so-called “Chinese restaurant syndrome.” The Japanese have been using MSG, derived from seaweed, for thousands of years, and it is the third most prevalent flavour enhancer in the world after salt and pepper.

MSG has been in the media for decades because of its associated side effects, including feelings of numbness, tingling, headaches, and heart palpitations. Though it is debatable, some believe it is neurotoxic — in other words, it may be poisonous to nerves and neurons.

In addition to these common criticisms, a 2008 study published in the journal Obesity illustrated that MSG may also be a contributor to obesity, due to its effects on leptin resistance.

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Related: Studies show MSG fed Mice became Grossly Obese

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Heal your brain to recover from chronic fatigue syndrome

Planetthrive, Nov. 27, 2010

But what is behind illness related to toxins? Toxins affect and damage the brain. Today we’re seeing an explosion of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Lou Gehrig’s disease that are occurring at much earlier ages than previously. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) also has neurophysiological symptoms and brain imaging studies showed that CFS patients are dysfunctional in their ventral anterior cingulate cortex function, and other brain abnormalities. CFS has much in common with the neurodegenerative diseases.

The multiplying of toxicity is called “synergism.” All the pesticides, herbicides and chemicals exposure that you have daily is what is causing this enormous burst of cases of neurodegenerative disease. I talk about the cumulative effect of stressors over time leading to damage of the nervous system, the adrenals, and the immune system.

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Monday, November 8, 2010

Ajinomoto and USDA collaborate on MSG research, Oct.26, 2010

The US Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and Ajinomoto have announced a joint research project examining whether monosodium glutamate (MSG) consumption could aid weight management.

The trial will be conducted by ARS’ Western Human Nutrition Research Center (WHNRC) and aims to assess whether adding dietary sodium glutamate to foods helps control appetite and caloric intake in overweight women by increasing enjoyment of foods.

Full story

See also: US-Japan to investigate MSG effects on weight