Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy Birthday, Greg! And Some Updates...

Well Greg is yet another year older now - the big 32. What an oldie! Ha ha. (I love that I'm over 5 years younger than him cuz it's always fun to give him a hard time about his age - and I can always do it too because I will never catch up!) :) He took the day off work and wanted to get out, so we compromised and did a "family activity" by going to the Living Planet Aquarium. Based on how small it was, I think it was really overpriced but despite that, we were really impressed and had a great time. The displays were awesome and the boys loved just about everything! Gavin said his favorite was the octopus that changed colors, and Ty liked Nemo. The boys also loved the hands-on activities. They had sting rays and other small sea creatures you could touch (see pic), which the boys loved of course.

Then we headed back home and went out to eat at Texas Roadhouse. Greg was kind to me and picked a steakhouse! For those of you who don't know, I have been craving steak like you would not believe this pregnancy! I am always looking for sales on it because it's not one of those things you can just send your husband to the store for at 11:00 at night. :) It was really yummy and I appreciate him being sweet enough to pick that on his birthday!

The night ended on a bit of a sad note though. Greg received a call from his mom basically saying she is done fighting her cancer. She just can't handle it anymore, and we absolutely cannot blame her. I haven't done an update on her since her scary experience in August, but she has continued to go through a lot since then. They put her on a much higher dose of chemo once her body could handle it again, but unfortunately, the cancer still continued to grow. The doctors found a large mass in her colon (as well as other tumors) at the beginning of January, which was blocking her intestines. They said the mass was too dangerous to remove so they ended up leaving it and bypassing her colon and intestines by giving her a permanant bag. She has since had struggles with the bag working properly, and has also started retaining water which the doctors fear may be from more growing tumors restricting her veins. As much as we do not want to see Sheila go, it has definitely been heart-breaking to watch her go through as much as she has. She has been so strong through all of it and had so much faith, which has been a wonderful example to all of us, but I know we will all also feel relief in knowing she is out of her pain. Greg and I went to the temple last night to do sealings and as I listened to what was said there, it gave me so much strength knowing just how much she has to look forward to after this life. I am just so grateful for the gospel and the strength it has given her throughout all of this, as well as her whole family. All I can say is that cancer is a nasty bug and I hope one day they find a cure for it. In the meantime, everybody get your colonoscopies! As horrible as they sound, 24 hours of discomfort has got to be so much better than the misery of cancer.

On a lighter note, I thought I would update you all on my pregnancy. Things are still going great, though it feels like time is dragging! In all actuality, I know the past 5 1/2 months have gone really quickly, but June still just seems like an eternity away! Hopefully it comes quickly. :) We had our big ultrasound with the doctor today and got to get a much better view of the baby which was so fun! She definitely has our boys' noses - too cute! Everything looks strong and healthy so I can't complain. (And sorry I couldn't scan the pictures - my scanner on my printer isn't working, so I had to take pictures of the pictures. Ha ha! The one is a profile pic and the other is her body - obviously she really likes her knee because she had to have it up by her head the whole time!)

As for the rest of the family (a.k.a. the wild boys!), they are doing great. Gavin is one smart little kiddo and is so excited to Kindergarten. He continues to amaze me everyday with how smart he is. He adds in his head all the time, without hardly even thinking. We will be walking through a store and he will say things like, "Mom, 3 and 2 make 5, huh? 5 and 2 make 7, huh?" He even looked at a pack of 8 markers the other day and said, "So if there are 8 markers in here, Mom, then I can have 4 and Ty can have 4." It's just amazing that he can do it without even thinking - I think we have a little mathematician on our hands! As for Ty, he is extremely smart too - he even wrote his name the other day! I was shocked - I guess he's picked it up from seeing Gavin write it down so much. He is constantly wanting to imitate his brother, which causes a lot of fights in our house, but I'm glad he admires Gavin and wants to be like him.

Well, I think that's all for now. Until next time! -Ash


Poppy said...

Happy birthday Greg! Sorry about Sheila's takes real courage to decide when to stop the fight.

My new granddaughter looks cute ask Gavin which number is the most important: 2 boys or 1 girl?

Thanks for another post, Sosh!

Kristin and Dan said...

cute picture of your baby!! that's so cool they can do ultrasounds like that... and my prayers will be with sheila, i hope she holds up okay, she's definitely been through a lot the past year.

The Andrews said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Greg's Mom. Cancer is a nasty thing. I watched my Grandma struggle with it for many years. Our prayers will be with you guys. If you need anything let us know.

I love the ultrasound picture! I wish I could have got one that way. It is so amazing that they can do that. Too cute!

Tara said...

Happy Birthday to your hubby! Sad to hear about his mom. I can't imagine going through it. It is a blessing to have eternal families.

I can't wait to see your baby girl! LOVE Texas Roadhouse by the way. We are going on a date night tomorrow and we will be stopping by there:)

Heidi @ Honeybear Lane said...

I'm sad and sorry to hear about your mother in law. My mother in law had cancer awhile back and I feel like we are constantly worried that it will resurface again and she won't make it through.

Congrats on your baby though!

Lindsay and Mike said...

So sorry to hear about Sheila. That is too bad, but I don't blame her one bit. Your 3-D ultrasound is awesome! I can't believe how well you can see everything! I think she looks like Ty.

The Monkey Mama said...

Ashlee- I'm so sorry about your mother-in-law. I hope the rest of her time on earth can be peaceful.

As for colonoscopies- everyone get them! They're not as bad as you think. We have a family history of cancer and I've had one and it really wasn't that bad.

Oh, and I don't know if you realize this or not, but you've got some identifying info on your ultrasound pics.

I hope the rest of the pregnancy continues to go well.

I wish we got to chat more, but we never seem to see each other except for in passing at church.


Child Family said...

Those ultrasound pictures look so fun. I love ultrasounds. Congrats.

Mallory said...

Happy late birthday to Greg!! You make him look young, because he certainly doesn't look 32!! Let Greg know we're thinking about him and his family-we wish them the best nothing but the best. (whatever that mey be)

I'm excited for you to have a baby girl. We have already seen quite a bit of more drama with Hailey. Nate's not sure he can handle any more girls :)