Showing posts with label treasury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label treasury. Show all posts

Tuesday 11 October 2011

National Egg Week

Did you know it's National Egg Week in the UK this week? Well neither did I until the lovely Nic at Nicknots made a themed treasury and I was included in it!

Can you see Eunice up there on the side? She fits in quite nicely!

Actually I must have known it was Egg Week as we had oven baked frittata last night for tea and tonight we will be having fried eggs on top of our Swedish Hash :)

Thursday 16 September 2010

Some treasury love

Did you know that you can now search the treasuries over on Etsy to see if you have been featured? Just pop in your user name and off you go! That''s how I found out that I have been featured in quite a few treasuries recently but I am only showing you a couple as 23 is a fair few to wade through!

Just click on the picture to be taken to the treasury.

Wednesday 30 June 2010

Some treasury love

I have been very lucky to have been featured in a few treasuries over on Etsy recently.

This one is called Beauty by the Sea and was made by Applecorecrafts.

This one is called Never Mind The Football and was made by Rachel Lucie

And this one is called Color Beautiful Color and has been made by srajab1

Thanks for featuring me guys :)

As an aside does anyone know how you can search to see if you have been featured in a Treasury East? I have tried on Craftopolis but nothing comes up even when I know that I have clicked on the treasury just like it says. Any advice would be gratefully received!

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Love chick is famous!

So yesterday I didn't do any crafting at all as I hurt my wrist cutting fabric on Monday night! I have very weak wrists and ankles (it runs in the family!) So I spent yesterday listing things and no sooner than I had listed Love Chick he was featured in a treasury!

A big thanks must go to Clara at The Rainbow Room for including me! Thanks :) And if you are quick then you can see the treasury here.

Monday 28 December 2009

Monday 9 November 2009

Two Treasuries

I am in two treasuries at the moment so I am going to show them off here :) And of course please feel free to hop over and click and comment!

The first one is called Orange Bleue and has been made by Dina Fragola - thanks Dina! My coloured Cheeky Chicken gift tags are featured in that one.

The second one is perfect for me as it is called 'Do the Funky Chicken' and features my Mod Chicken doorstop. It has been curated by Quilting Granny - thanks Granny :)

Friday 31 July 2009


I am in a treasury - whoo hooo!!

I love the title DO NOT EAT! Good advice as I really don't think that paisley Cheeky Chicken would want to be eaten!

Sunday 12 July 2009


A treasury I made the other day - I was inspired by all the flower fabric I have been chopping up!

Monday 4 May 2009


Yeah - I'm in another treasury. This time I have been chosen by Embellish Yourself who is a fellow member of the Crafting In Colour Team!

Chicken Pox is lurking at the bottom there!

Monday 27 April 2009


Yeah - I am in another treasury. My How The Nightingale Got His Voice tags are in the bottom right This time one called Chirp Chirp curated by Boto Designs. Go give it some love please :) And thanks Boto!

Edited to say - the tags sold overnight :)

Tuesday 7 April 2009


I have been featured in a lovely blue and orange treasury - well one of my clearance chicken pincushions has anyway! A big thank you must go to Swiedebie.

I have been busy with the prototypes today and I have a finished one - it was too late to take photographs so I will hopefully share the process with you tomorrow!

Tuesday 31 March 2009

Little Red Hen!

I'm in a treasury entitled Little Red Hen! It's fab!

Can you see Gertrude in the middle there - she looks like she is enjoying herself! This treasury was made by Bags By April so thanks!! I haven't put the link up to the treasury itself as it expires fairly soon but I like to capture the ones I am in so I can look back :)

Saturday 28 March 2009


I managed to grab a treasury last night for the Crafting in Colour team of which I am a proud member :)

You can find it here if you would like to comment and click!

Friday 27 March 2009

Not your ordinary buttons!

I was inspired by a thread I saw on the crafts forum this morning asking about buttons and it reminded me that I hadn't shown you the buttons that the lovely Ruth from Tip Top Toppers made for me. I'd happened to text her (about something random probably!) and she text back asking if I would like some buttons she was making. Gimme, gimme, gimme was my response although a little politer than that!

Aren't they fab? And the colours fit in perfectly with a wip that is, erm, in progress at the minute!

I also got some paper buttons from a lovely seller Ormolu on Etsy. I'd featured her in a button treasury and fell in love with the buttons so I had to have them!

And they are so nice! I got them for a birthday card but I didn't order them in enough time - oh well, they will come in handy for something else I'm sure!

And if you were at Ikea at Ashton on Monday morning and saw a super sonic blur rush past you to get to the cushion covers then that was me. And this is what I had spotted.

Button goodness in the form of cushion covers!!!!!!!!! Do you think if we write a petition to Ikea and get them to produce this as one of their fabrics off the roll that they would listen to us? I would probably buy a whole roll! And if we can't persuade them, how many cushion covers do you think it would reasonably take to make me a skirt? And a coat? And a whole set of bedding? I think you get the point!

Friday 27 February 2009

Button treasury

I'm having to post a couple of times a day as I have soooooo much stuff to share with you - including some very exciting news but that will have to wait until Monday at least :) I managed to grab a treasury yesterday and as I'd spent the morning sorting out my buttons (yes again!) I thought the treasury should be button themed!

There are some gorgeous buttons out there but I think my absolute favourite is the songbird one in the middle at the bottom - so cute!! Don't forget to click on the link and go and visit :) And if you fancy buying me some buttons then feel free :) :)

Thursday 5 February 2009


Yep I'm in another one - this time a Crafting in Colour one! If you search with the word cicteam on Etsy you will find lots of goodies from team members. And my item that isewcute choose for her treasury is certainly colourful!

It's the popular alien disco aceo at the bottom in the middle. Don't forget to go and click away to your hearts content over on the treasury!

Thursday 29 January 2009

Another treasury

But one I have made!

It's called Cute Overload! and I have cheated a bit as it is also up as one of my Cuteable posts for today! I'm off ouut now to drop off 2 more bags to the charity shop - I like this tidying up malarkey!! Oh and I meant to say yesterday that I went to drop some stuff off at Sams and I didn't buy anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was very restrained :)

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Treasury love!

Yeah!! Don't you just love treasuries?? I do especially when I'm featured in them! And I was featured in this one that celebrates colour!

So a big huge thank you must go to Zoe Woods who curated it! A set of my recycled envelopes are on the bottom right!

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Just a quickie

To say that if you fancy looking at some lovely vintage dresses on Etsy then check out my new treasury. I figured I didn't have enough to do and thought I would grab a treasury too - LOL!

Just in case anyone is looking for my birthday (which incidentally is at the end of the month!) I really like the blue one on the bottom row, the blue one on the second row and either of the pink ones on the second row. Well you never know who might be reading :)

Friday 9 January 2009

Cakes and a treasury!

We made some cakes today to celebrate Anya getting another star cushion from school! This time for sitting beautifully on the carpet :) Tara helped and you can see her little hands itching to get stuck in!

As these were baking I was perusing Twitter and spotted that the Etsy Treasuries were opening in a few minutes. So I grabbed one - featuring cakes and sweet treats no less! Please click and give it some love :)

Right off to put the lasagne in the oven - one I made earlier. I'm feeling all domestic goddessy today :)