Showing posts with label july challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label july challenge. Show all posts

Monday 1 August 2016

The July Challenge Reveal

Thanks to everyone who joined in with our July challenge where the theme was Brick Stitch. Here are all the gorgeous entries we received...

Everyone's names were put into the list randomizer at and the lucky beader who's name is at the very top is...


Congratulations Rhonda, you're the winner of the £15 voucher to spend at Old Bicycle Shop courtesy of Davida!

I hope you enjoyed this challenge, there will be a new once posted for August just a little later on.

Friday 1 July 2016

The July Challenge

Welcome to the July challenge! This month sees the second of our stitch challenges and this time we would like you to create something using BRICK STITCH.

If you've never tried this stitch before then this is a great opportunity to learn - and to start you off we have a basic tutorial for you right here. Flat, circular, tubular and sculptural brick stitch are all accepted for this challenge.

Please note: Your piece can contain other stitches but the majority of your work must be brick stitch.

This month our sponsor is Davida and she's offering £15 to spend in her online shop Old Bicycle Shop!

Email a photograph of your entry to Liz at along with any other details we have asked for. The challenge runs until Midnight on Sunday the 31st of July and the winner is drawn and announced the following day. You can email your entry at any time during the month. The challenge is open to beaders worldwide.

  • Entries must have been started on or after July 1st 2016.
  • You can make any item, it does not need to be jewellery.
  • You can use any craft technique but it must include beads (and this month's stitch).
  • Findings are exempt from the colour challenge.
  • Your entry must be a finished piece.
  • If your entry isn't your own design you must credit the original designer.
  • The photo above is for decorative purposes only, please refer to the text below it for details on the theme or colours allowed.

There is more detailed information on the challenge here but if you have any questions please leave a comment below or email us. 

Good luck everyone and happy beading!

Friday 1 August 2014

The July Challenge - And the winner is...

Thanks to everyone who joined in with our July challenge. Here are the fabulous entries we received, who knew scientific subjects could be so beautiful! As always, the winner of the draw is at the bottom of the post.

Aryd'ell says: Octagons are a big deal in molecular science, as well as in bees' honeycombs.

 Coral says: Here is my entry...I call Atom's In Orbit.

Ev Says: used fractal art as my inspiration for this piece.
Ev also blogged about her piece here.

 Fatema says: In keeping with the science theme, I have beaded two pairs of earrings-the first one is based on the molecular structure & the 2nd one on the atomic structure.

 Jeanne says: Here is a photo of my finished necklace and the Fibonacci diagram I based the beadwork on. The neckstrap has repeats of bead colors/sizes in the Fibonacci progression as well, i.e., 1, 2, 3, 5, 8.

 Rachael says: Here is my entry for the July challenge, inspired by DNA sequencing and made using the great tutorial from Jenny Argyle, Twins in a Spin.

Everyone's names were put into the List Randomizer at and the lucky beader whose name is at the top is...


Congratulations Fatema, you're the winner of the inspiration kit from our sponsor Snoochy!

Don't forget to check back later on today when we'll have a brand new challenge for August :)

Tuesday 1 July 2014

The July Challenge

We have something a little different for you as this month I'm handing over the reins for the July challenge to Catherine Chinoy! Over to you Catherine...

"Welcome to the July challenge, which departs from the usual colour themes, but will hopefully stretch your creativity just as much!

As I am a full time worker in a research laboratory, I love scientifically inspired art pieces. For this month, I would like you to choose a scientific subject, and interpret it either literally or in abstract form, and share your project and your inspiration with us.

I'd also like you to have completely free rein, but if anyone is struggling for ideas, then try typing in 'Scientific Discovery', 'History of Science', 'Famous Scientists', or Scientific Images' into your favourite search engine. Discoveries from any branch of Science, Technology, Mathematics and from any era are valid.

From Atoms to Astrophysics, Microbes to Ecosystems, Past to Present.... can't wait to see where inspiration leads you. "


How do I enter?
Simply email your photograph to Liz at
*** Please also include a few sentences describing your project ***

We're happy for you to post your photos on our Facebook group if you are a member but please make sure that you've also emailed your entry. Entries that have not been emailed will not be accepted. By submitting your entry via email you are giving the admin of Operation Tackle That Bead Stash permission to share your email address with the sponsor if you are the lucky winner. We take your privacy very seriously and will not share your email address with anyone else.

What can I make?
Anything as long as it involves beads! Any technique is accepted, from beadweaving and stringing to wire work and bead embroidery. We're sorry but any entries that do not include beads in some form or another will not be accepted. Your entry must be made especially for the challenge, to be fair on everyone who takes part please do not submit something that was made before July 1st 2014.

***Please remember that your entry MUST be a finished piece***

Does it have to be my own design?
No. We're happy for you to make something using a pattern from a book, magazine or tutorial but if you do please let us know the designer's name so that we can give them credit.

When is the deadline for entries?
The deadline is Midnight (in your time zone) on Thursday the 31st of July. The winner will be announced the following day.
Can I enter more than once?
You can make as many pieces as you like using the chosen theme. All entries will be shown here on the blog but you will only be entered into the draw once.

I'm not in the UK, can I still join in?
Yes of course! We welcome submissions from around the world so don't worry if you're not in the UK. Our sponsors have agreed to post prizes overseas so you can still enter and be eligible for the prize!

Any other questions?
If you have any questions at all about the challenge please email Liz at

The Prize

This month we have a guest sponsor, Chantal from Snoochy, who's offered this lovely Inspiration Kit which includes: 1 Star & Moon Pendant, 2 x Large Wooden Beads, 8 x Packets of Czech Glass Beads, 1 x Small Packet of Vintage Freshwater Pearls, 2 Metres of Waved Polyester Cord, Silver Jumprings and Silver Eyepins. All beautifully presented in a little black box!

Good luck everyone and happy beading!

Wednesday 31 July 2013

The July Challenge - And the winner is...

Well July seemed to go really fast for a lot of us! It was wonderful seeing all the gorgeous entries coming in and getting a taste of your favourite countries and holiday destinations from around the world.

Photo courtesy of Nasa

And here are all the beautiful pieces that everyone made...

Everyone's names were entered into the list randomizer at and the lucky beader who's name is in the number 1 position is...

Congratulations Mary! You're the lucky winner of the £15 voucher to spend at Jencel!

We hope you've enjoy seeing all the wonderful entries and taking part in our challenge. Don't forget to drop by tomorrow when we'll have a brand new challenge for August!

Monday 1 July 2013

The July Challenge

Welcome to the July challenge! It's theme time again and the world is indeed your oyster as we'd like you to create something inspired by your Favourite Country!

This can be your own country, if that's your favourite, or maybe you've been on holiday and fallen in love with the country. It could even be somewhere that you've never visited but yearn to see! You can find inspiration for your piece from countless sources: the country's national flag, emblem, flower, animal, colours etc or whatever makes you think of that particular country.

When you submit your entry, please let us know which country you've chosen and what inspired your creation. We want you to have absolute free rein so this month there is no twist.

How do I enter?
There are two ways...
1. Email your photograph to Liz at
2. Or add them to our Flickr group pool.

Choose whichever way is easiest for you, you don't have to do both. In either case, please make it clear that it's for the July Challenge so we know that it's your entry. We're happy for you to post your photos on our Facebook group as well but please make sure that you've also submitted as above. Entries that have not been emailed or added to the Flickr pool will not be accepted.

What can I make?
Anything as long as it involves beads! Any technique is accepted, from beadweaving and stringing to wire work and bead embroidery. Lampworkers and polymer clay artists are also welcome to submit beads they've made. We're sorry but any entries that do not include beads in some form or another will not be accepted. Your entry must be made especially for the challenge, to make it fair on everyone who takes part please do not submit something that was made before July 1st 2013.

Does it have to be my own design?
No. We're happy for you to make something using a pattern from a book, magazine or tutorial but if you do please let us know the designer's name so that we can give them credit.

When is the deadline for entries?
The deadline is 6pm (GMT) on Wednesday 31st of July.
Can I enter more than once?
You can make as many pieces as you like using the chosen theme. All entries will be shown here on the blog but you will only be entered into the draw once.

I'm not in the UK, can I still join in?
Yes of course! We welcome submissions from around the world so don't worry if you're not in the UK. Our sponsors have agreed to post prizes overseas so you can still enter and be eligible for the prize!

Any other questions?
If you have any questions about the challenge please feel free to email Liz at

The Prize
This month our sponsor is Celia and she's offering a £15 voucher to spend in her online shop Jencel!

The winner will be drawn by Liz after 6pm on Wednesday 31st of July, using the random list generator at and announced later on the same evening.

Good luck everyone and happy beading!