Showing posts with label september. Show all posts
Showing posts with label september. Show all posts

Monday 5 September 2016

Taking a break

Just to let you all know that there's no September challenge as I'm taking a short break. But don't worry, the challenges will be back next month!

In the meantime, happy beading!


Thursday 1 October 2015

The September Challenge Reveal

Huge thanks to everyone who joined in with our September challenge. Our theme was Whatever the Weather and we were pleased to see a good variety of different weather phenomena translated into beads.

Here are all the wonderful entries we received... 







A list of all the entrants names were put into a randomizer at and the name in position one receives the prize of £15 to spent at That lucky beader is...


Congratulations Fatema!

Well that's it for the September challenge, we hope you enjoyed it. Didn't have time to join in? Then why not create something for the October challenge which will be posted shortly ;)

Tuesday 1 September 2015

The September Challenge

Welcome to the September challenge! This month the theme is WHATEVER THE WEATHER so we'd like you to create something that is inspired by a particular weather phenomenon.

There are plenty of weather phenomena to choose from, if you're stuck then click here for a list from the Met Office to get you started. Please let us know your choice when you email your entry.

This month our sponsor is Celia and she's offering one lucky winner £15 to spend in her online shop Jencel!

Simply email a photograph of your entry to Liz at along with any other info we have asked for. The challenge runs until Midnight on Wednesday the 30th of September and the winner is drawn and announced the following day. You can email your entry at any time during the month. The challenge is open to beaders worldwide.

Entries must have been started on or after September 1st 2015.
You can make any item, it does not need to be jewellery.
You can use any craft technique but it must include beads.
Your entry must be a finished piece.
If your entry isn't your own design you must credit the original designer.

There is more detailed info here but if you have any further questions about the challenge please feel free to email us at!

Good luck everyone and happy beading!

Wednesday 1 October 2014

The September Challenge - And the winner is...

Thanks to everyone who joined in with our September challenge. The theme was Outer Space and we had some wonderful entries inspired by our beautiful universe....

Everyone's names were put into the list randomizer at and the lucky beader who's name is at the top of the list is...


Congratulations Sarah, you are the winner of the £15 voucher to spend at!

We'll be back later on today with a brand new challenge for October :)

Monday 1 September 2014

The September Challenge

Welcome to the September challenge! It's theme time again and this month we want you to be inspired by our beautiful universe - real or imagined - to create something with the theme of Outer Space.

Image by JPL

This month our sponsor is Celia and she's offering £15 to spend in her shop Jencel!

Simply email a photograph of your entry to Liz at and include a few words about what inspired you. The challenge runs until Midnight on Tuesday 30th of September and the winner is drawn and announced the following day. The challenge is open to beaders worldwide.

Entries must have been started on or after September 1st 2014.
You can use any technique but it must include beads.
Your entry must be a finished piece.
If your entry isn't your own design you must credit the original designer.

Good luck everyone and happy beading!

Monday 30 September 2013

The September Challenge - And the winner is...

Thank you so much to everyone who joined in with our September challenge! We hope you all enjoyed making your animal themed entries, it's been wonderful to see the different animals you chose and of course seeing your beautiful photographs coming in throughout the month.

Before we announce the winner, let's have a look at all the entries we received!

All the names were fed into the random list generator at and the luck beader who is at the top of the list is...

Congratulations Jane, you're the winner of the £15 voucher from The Bead Shop Liverpool!

We hope you've enjoyed taking part and/or seeing all the beautiful entries this month. Don't forget to check back tomorrow when we'll have a brand new colour challenge for October!