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Showing posts with label Poland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poland. Show all posts

Bozena Wojtaszek

I'm an art quilter. My quilts are small to medium in size, perfect for interior decoration. I'm always interested in selling and exhibiting my works.  I also have a few collections of bags, ornaments and textile jewelery.  Yes, I'm open for commissions too.

Location:  Lodz, Poland
Online shop:  BozenaWojtaszek
Blog:  Textile Cuisine
Social Media:   Twitter,  Pinterest
Memberships:  QuiltArt
Languages spoken:  Polish, English

"Market", Art Quilt by Bozena Wojtaszek

Tags:  art quilt, applique, medieval, textile, fiber, tree, teapots, landscapes, vegetables, interiors


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