Fall term is almost over. I have a group presentation Thursday night, 2 finals on Monday, and 3 final projects that can be turned in electronically, so I think I'll go home on Monday. :D That's 4 days more winter break for me!
My 21st birthday is on December 22nd, and I cannot WAIT. I get to celebrate in Portland with friends from home
and college, and it should be really fun! Just to be able to go to frickin' concerts in 21 and over venues, order a drink with dinner, etc. Sigh. Cannot wait.
The comic for the class on Virginia Woolf is going well. All of the final paper is ready and the panels are drawn, and 6 of 32 pages are already mostly done with ink. It's also a lot easier than past projects--I'm more comfortable with the materials and tools than ever, and that feels good. I have a new drafting table waiting at home (thank you David Hahn!), so I hope to draw a lot of it there when I get back. I just got the table cleared at my sorority, too, so I can move it back to school with me when winter term starts up! xD Healthy back GET!
I reinstalled NetObjects Fusion and Paint Shop Pro, so I can edit images and my website again. I'll try to color something to post this weekend.
Do Not Want for Christmas...
Want for Christmas!