Taking down the Seahawks decorations might be more fun than the actual Super Bowl game.
Keegan joined in the fun which inevitably led to...
This lasted for quite some time and they got so sweaty that the streamers stuck to them.
There are worse places than the face to get hit by a dodgeball.
Orlando had debated on going to the Seahawks parade in Seattle but Keegan would have hated it. Dallin really wanted to go but we feel that school attendance is important. The news estimated the crowd to be over 700,000 fans! Poor Uncle Shawn had a hard time working in Seattle due to the noise of the fans, especially at 12:12.
Meredith Hill had their own Seahawks parade which Dallin loved.
Keegan continues to experiment with food.
The 2014 winter Olympics started! Dallin was upset that we didn't let him stay up to watch the entire opening ceremonies.
We build Legos like the ceiling can't hold us.
Speaking of Legos, how impressive is this?
I appreciate Toys R Us as it's a fun place for the boys to go and we don't even have to buy anything. Plus there is a pet store right next to it so it's totally worth the trip.
Keegan is so clever in his hiding spots. There's no way he can be found.
We had Elders Warren and Trainstation over for dinner and a lesson but didn't realize that it had snowed. Orlando drove them home and along the way, the three of them helped a number of people get unstuck.
We woke up to so much snow!
Tara helped the boys make Lightning McQueen. We adore Keegan's expression in this one. Dallin's snowball in the background is impressive.
Ta-Da! Complete with "stickers".
We couldn't drive it but it worked pretty well for a slide.
We met up with the Kellys, Smiths, and Lewis's at Meredith Hill for some sweet sledding in the snow!
Dallin loved every minute of it.
Eventually Keegan was brave enough to try and then we couldn't stop him.
Snowball fight!
Even the adults got into it and boy did they get into it, haha!
The fantastic four.
Group photo!
We spent the rest of the day at the Kelly's and the Wilsons joined us for dinner and costume shenanigans.
Jessalyn just made herself comfortable and cleaned up the cookie dough.
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