Monday, September 06, 2021
//MISSION: Code an HTML formula for the user's favorite film
Your Favorite film!
SURE. I don't know!
The streets - the apartments across the street - the city services - all used to wake up and there was that daily bustle before and after sunrise (currently at 8:20-something a.m.), but now it just seems to be at a standstill - susupended animation, a metropolis in waiting and a society so smacked around by sickness and rules that my proud motto is:
annnd I am sooo o.k. with that...
and having said that, I also don't feel qualified to write or say anything about anything anymore, really.
Pretty content to just ebb and flow and focus on such supremely simple life things - family, friends, food... very at peace with that...
Take it or leave it but leave it is fine and take it takes a lot of time and energy, so maybe we conserve that for staying healthiy and happy...
the speed, the acceleration, the road to nowhere of everything we were ever doing...
Ten yers ago or so I went on a tirade when a Dutch artist friend of a friend was over dinner - I don't remember the trajectory of the tirade, but I do remember the conclusion where I said:
"Man, the Netherlands! I would've loved to live there..."
"Why?" He asked raising and eyebrow as if he'd heard this one: "Because of the WEED?" He taunted smiling.
"NO." I shook my head answering without even thinking: "Because things make SENSE there."
There is something deeply calming, anchoring, when the society you live in makes SENSE...
and when it does not - for ALLLLLL the reasons -
gotta get this to get that to get there because gotta.
That it just nuts
and when like it based on NUTS. on BANANAS...
ugh, it is nauseating.
and there you have it: America.
So. *whew*
lockdown. Covid-19. Coronavirus. for me here in Berlin this slammed on the breaks...
and I see the value in that - albeit highly priveledeged.
I was able to stop, look around, look at myself - unavoidable look at myself... look at life, look at what was truly meaningful and valuable and now we are going from there...
no concerts?
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
already seen a thousand.
Movie TV internet?
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
Sure! or NOT. (usually NOT)
Grew a bit of an attention span back, but also
got ahold of a Netflix login - take it or leave it and/or put on Star Trek: the Next Generation in the kitchen while I chop vegetables. Sometimes. OR NOT.
Watch-listen to classical concerts from the world's greatest Philharmonies - or not - make a bucket list of things to see IRL as wanted...
talk to the cat.
A lot.
The point is:
All is well...
all this LETTING GO
releaseing of pressure - freed of all that NEED and mandatory self flatulation...
(is that the right term?
NOTE: no, it is actually self flagellation.)
but it took awhile.
Maybe it is the onset of middle age... maybe it is all the forced downtime of all the Berlin Lockdowns of 2020-2021...
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