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Sunday, August 26, 2007
Sunday Five Brothers BloggingA whiter shade of white This weeks MittTheme is stamina and the fact that the five brothers are self-confessed pussies compared to DadMitt who never sleeps because he has to watch for the skies for the MittSignal in case America needs him to bail out an Olympics or strap the dog to the top of the car for a quick Labor Day road trip or something.
Ben Ginsberg and I just completed a 2-day 9-airport 6-city swing through California. It came on the heels of a 2-day 10-event stop in Houston for me, and I have to be honest with you, I am a little tired. I have no idea how my Dad keeps his schedule - he has more energy than anyone I have known other than his Dad. Josh:
I was in Arizona yesterday rolling out the "Rally for Romney" program.
I kept busy all day doing about 10 television, radio and print interviews. It's pretty exhausting, I still have no idea how my dad is able to do it day after day. Here's a shot of me with Tom and Austin from the Liddy and Hill show. Ben:
I just flew in from Boston and boy are my dad's arms not tired. Obviously I made up that last one because we all know that Ben is the Reluctant Romney and just wishes his dad would get a real job and quit using him and his brothers as props while wasting their inheritance.
Meanwhile Craig travels to Florida to meet with supporters who are diligently working on campaign signs guaranteed to appeal to the all-important five year-old demographic.
Here I am after making some signs with local supporters I, for one, applaud the Romney campaign for employing "Special Needs" Young Republicans.
Tuition at Regent University isn't cheap, you know...Labels: 5bros, mittsketeers
posted by tbogg at 9:25 PM
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Sunday Five Brothers Blogging - It's a Shit Shit Shit Shit World Edition
Well let's see....Ben the Reluctant Romney points out that he hasn't blogged much by writing: I haven’t blogged in a while but I wanted to point out my Dad’s op-ed at Townhall today, entitled “The Four Walls Of The American Home.” Ben then provides a link to his dad's heliumfest (noted below), provides a few quotes from same...and that's about it. I don't think Ben's heart is really in this campaign. I think it's because he's an albino. Then brother Matt points out how little it takes to get the national media to lay off: Last night we invited a few members of the local and national press corps over to my dad’s place in NH for a BBQ. It was a chance for my dad’s family, including kids and grandkids, to get to know some press in a different, more relaxed setting. As such, the event was billed as “off-the-record.”
All I can tell you is Captain Tagg took a few boatloads of people on some tours around the lake while the rest of us filled up on chips, guacamole, hot dogs, ice cream, etc. Everybody was well behaved until Craig started pitching some wiffle ball. Pretty soon lots of people got into the action. Needless to say, there were a lot of grass stains on the way out. As you may remember, Craig (seen below, on the far left) is the Tom Brady of the family. Often asked for autographs... Then Tagg gets all serious and dark and morbid and sad and stuff and foreshadows his dad's "Four Walls of America" theme of the week: I was on the road last night and decided to check before heading off to bed. Like most people, I have become somewhat desensitized to all the bad stuff going on around us. But I was shocked by the three headlines tonight, "Iraqi Doctor Charged in Foiled Britain Bomb Plots," "10 Teenagers arrested in Brutal Rape," and "Pedophile Priest Slay Video Surfaces on Web." What is our world coming to? How does a doctor become willing to slaughter hundreds of innocent people in the name of their "religion"? Where were the parents of the 10 teenagers? What led them to do something so violent and twisted to a young mother and her 12-year-old son?
As a parent of three children, I am alarmed and worried by what our society is becoming. How can my children be safe when our culture bombards them and their peers with so much filth, violence, and hatred?
I recognize that government can't solve all our problems. Most of these issues need to be dealt with (and conquered) within the four walls of our homes. But why is it that, with so many great challenges confronting our nation, Washington seems to be focused not on solving our problems but instead on attempting to build themselves up through petty, personal attacks on political opponents?
Enough is enough. It's time for a change in Washington. Now is the time for us to come together as a nation, to develop creative, non-partisan solutions to our greatest problems. Now is the time for us to unite and build a stronger America. I am optimistic that we can do it. I am optimistic that my Dad's vision can be achieved, a vision of a stronger America through a stronger military, a stronger economy, and stronger families. I don't care how much presidential candidates paid for their hair cuts, whether they wear boxers or briefs, or how many movie stars like them. I care about what kind of leader they will be, what types of policies they will put in place, how they will handle a crisis, and how they will help strengthen our nation in this uncertain future. And Mitt is just the man for the job because, if he can clean up Famous Seamus the Shitting Setter, he has just the kind of "emotion-free crisis management" skills that this shitty world needs. Labels: 5bros, mittsketeers
posted by tbogg at 11:24 AM
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Meet the MittsketeersWhen we last checked in with myspace to see who these people are who have sworn their fealty ( stopping just short of becoming Mormon which is, like, being a Scientologist but without the chance of meeting celebrities) to Mitt Romney we discovered Heather B. who was totally supporting Mitt just like a good strapless underwire with discrete padding supports her Altmounds. Today we meet Brandan (yes, Brandan. Cody and Dakota were taken.) who pens this mash note to the Null Set Nominee: Jun 13 2007 1:17P
How dare McCain trash you!!! He is the biggest friend to the Democrats and about everyone hates his amnesty bill. I know you're pro-life, he however is very contradictory with his pro-embryonic ordeal, and sees no problem with creating life to destroy it. You gotta fire back Mitt!!! And Brandan is just the kind of guy you want watching your back when taking on an embryo-hatin' MexiDemolover: Brandan's Details Status: Single Orientation: Straight Hometown: Marlton Body type: 6' 0" Ethnicity: White / Caucasian Religion: Christian - other Zodiac Sign: Gemini Children: Someday Education: Post grad
Brandan's Interests General WT Lifting, Singing, Football Music Elvis Presley, Richie Havens, Joe Cocker, Brook Benton, The Righteous Bros. The Monkees, Isaac Hayes Movies Back To School,Meet Wally Sparks, Anger Management, Office Space Television Married w/ Children, Seinfeld, Family Guy, Mon. Nite Football Books Books are bad for the environment, via destruction of trees Heroes Elvis Presley Before moving on I would be lying if I didn't admit that if Meet Wally Sparks was a Jeopardy category, I'd be totally screwed. Anyway, there is so much more to Brandan than a love of obscure art films and a deeply held environmentally-based antipathy towards books: PERSONAL PROFILE: FAITH: Christian MUSIC: 50's-70's FOOTBALL: The Colts SUBJ.: U.S. History HOBBIES: Singing, Cooking, Wt Lifting FAVORITE FOODS: Cheese Steaks, Wendy's Hamburgers, Papa Johns Pizza HOMETOWN: Marlton NJ, Born Phila. PA LIKES: Pretty Women, Meeting new people, Helping, Eating out, the Beach, Capitial Punishment DISLIKES: Abortion, Rosie O'Donnell FAVORITE COLOR: Blue HAIR: Dark Blonde (Longer in Length) EYES: Light Brown SIBLINGS: 2 Bros. 1 Sis. PET: Palmeranian Dog named Pookie.
And who doesn't love pretty women, meeting new people, helping, eating out, the beach, capitial (sic) punishment and 'palmeranians' named Pookie? I know I love, like, three of those things.... Labels: mittsketeers
posted by tbogg at 7:32 PM
Friday, May 25, 2007
Because this is how Mitt rolls Mitt Romney (father of five, grandfather of twenty-three...whoops - twenty-four...whoops - now twenty-five, and only one wife ... for the moment) is totally down with the kids as indicated by his myspace page . In fact Mitt has 21186 friends if you include his wife and five military-aged-but-not-serving sons. And when Mitt is not hanging out with Mike Wallace (who is slightly older than Mitt and likes to steal hats) he likes to roll with the MittPosse™ and par-tay. Like with Heather B, for instance: May 24 2007 7:52A You have my support!
And if Heather (warning: crazy hippity-hop music) is a fan of Mitt, then Mitt is gracious enough to be a friend of Heather and, in fact, he totally blends with her and her friends. Aaaaa-oooo! Postum and Red Bulls for everyone and crank up the Kingston Trio because we're goin' to Mexico! Labels: mittsketeers