
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Optimistic thoughts for today!!

**I've been importing in this blog all of my previous posts from my old blogs. I wanted to merge everything because I felt there is a sense of security in doing so.

**This page right here was actually a blog post from my late blog, BASKET OF DREAMS, which I deleted a long time ago, but of course, I deleted the blog itself but I never deleted my writings. I love all of the masterpieces I made from the past, beautiful, ugly, good or bad writings will always be kept! And I just decided today (February 9, 2013) to publish again all of these masterpieces in one site! Dates are preserved by the way.

I think about what to post, then I finally get my ice cream, and I return to my blinking cursor.. and now my ice cream is all melted away.

I am happy because I passed the DMV exam 2 weeks ago and now I am learning how to drive around our neighborhood and once in the highway.

I am also happy because we already have an internet.

I am happy because I celebrated the thanksgiving with my relatives in San Diego, Filipino style!

I am happy because I played rock band with my cousins on their xbox, and I played all day! I love drums, and totally want to learn how to beat and play!

I am happy because I'm eating ice cream right now, although it's melted.

Yeah, I know, I do math and I'm counting my blessings right now!!! <3

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