Showing posts with label memory making. Show all posts
Showing posts with label memory making. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Down Memory Lane---Quilts for Christopher---

Christopher 3yrs old

Sometimes people would ask me if I make stuff for my boys... YES I DO! But, I guess the question is totally valid, because I post things I've made for Rachel all the time but not the things I've made for the boys.

Well, let me tell you some of the things that happened to the things I made for the boys.

I made a small back pack with a pocket and a tiny teddy bear that had the letter "C" on it (this was for Christoher. I thought he could put his toy cars and snacks in there when we go out. The teddy bear was his little "friend"... Well, everytime I try to put it on him, he screamed and also, he took the bear, and kept throwing it, so, I have no idea what happend to the bear.

I stitched several pillows for both of the boys to decorate their room. I didn't see them for while and I was wondering about that. When I was going to wash their beds, I found them between thier beds and the wall. All, squished. I asked them why they stuffed the pillows there, and they said,"We put pillows in there, so the monster won't come and get us!" Hmm... lovely.

The things I made and they use and love are the super hero capes (although, they out grew the capes...) and passenger bags to carry thier gameboys. I guess for the boys It has to be something they use, and is practical; not something I think is cute or decorative and not supposed to be protected from dirty hands and stuff.

We girls love pretty things don't we? Eventhough, some... or lots of the things we buy are not something we need, we love to beautify our space.

This is probably why I make more stuff for Rachel. It is not that I love my boys less, she loves pretty things and appreciates them more. Also, I just can't help myself from picking up pretty fabrics!

Well, I just want to share with you all, some quilts I made for Christopher. Here is the proof that I love him too! :)

I made this one, before he was born. I was at the Baby Gap and saw a quilt, I loved it so I drew a quick sketch. That same night I started making the quilt and came up with this. I call it fake gap quilt.

This one was for his first birth day. I saw it in the Pottery Barn catalog. I loved the colors and the simple applique design and decided to copy it. It is only for personal use, that's ok, right?

I made this one as part of a Christmas gift for the boys. I used cowboy theme flannels. They use it all the time.

I wish, I could make more then of couse, I had two more children and I made them some quilts too. There is one quilt top waiting to be quilted for Christpher, whenever I feel I am ready, I will do it.

Those pictures remind me of when he was little. I should go and tuck him in.

I will post Michael and Rachel's quilt's pictures in the near future. Thank you for coming down memory lane with me!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Custom Baby Memory Blanket

Sorry I'm a few days behind updating this blog. I've been sick the last few days.

Before I got sick, I took Rachel's old clothes (pictured below).

And made this blanket:

Rachel just adores her new blanket.

When I finished making this blanket a flood of emotions washed over me. Each square reminds me of what occasion she wore the clothes and how tiny she was. It has also reminded me of how fast she is growing up.

I thought this would be a great way for others to preserve their memories of their little ones and unclutter a few closets. So, I decided to post this service of making custom memory baby blankets on Etsy.

Monday, October 13, 2008

I Love Fall

I Love Fall!!! I love having four seasons. When I first moved to Utah, it seemed to me that there was no Fall. Summer ended and then all of a sudden, it was winter. In my opinion Utah's Fall is too short. If you are not careful, it will go by in the blink of an eye, and you will have missed it.

Now, I have been here long enough that my senses have become keen. I don't want to waste what little Fall we have.

There are several reasons I love fall...

  • Crisp cold air.

  • Red, yellow all around.

  • I can dress in layers -- Thinking about coordination is fun!

  • Boots, scarfs, hats

  • Children's excitement about all the Fall activities.

  • Hot apple cider and homemade donuts.

  • Reading in a semi-cold room wrapped in my favorite blanket.

  • Thanksgiving -- Getting together with Family and friends is a true treat.

  • Early Christmas shopping!

  • I bet everyone has their own favorites. If you would like to share them with me, please do. I will add to my list and enjoy the season even more.

    My procedure last week went well, I'm now on my normal busy schedule. I just want to say thankyou for all who helped us along the way. My family and I appreciate you all very much.

    Your Friendship warms my heart. Have a Happy Fall!!

    Tuesday, September 23, 2008

    Our Little Bodyguard

    A little over a year ago Christopher started taking Tae Kwon Do lessons. A few days ago he had a belt advancedment test. His grandma, aunt, cousins, and one of his uncles, along with dad, me, and his siblings of course, showed up to cheer him on.

    He did all the forms, blocks, kicks, and punches. At the end he had to break a board. Christopher didn't know if he could do it and he was nervous. My very talkative son was very quiet that day. Ok, here it comes:

    He did it!!!!

    Here he is posing with one of his two instructors. His instructors signed the broken pieces of wood for him. We were all so proud of him.

    This was one of several milestones he has passed, he has many more in front of him. This was certainly a special day for him, and me. He is growing up.

    Friday, September 12, 2008

    The lesson I learned

    In my last post I mentioned a little about my shortcomings and mistakes. Well, this is embarrassing to tell this story but it was such a humbling experience and from this mistake I learned great lesson so, I decided to share with you all.

    My sons Christopher and Michael go to a charter school two cities away. Michael started kindergarten almost 2 weeks ago. Since their pick up time is different I have to stick around the area or come home and leave again in less than two hours to pick my other son up. During the week they have other activity to go to on top of the homework and reading. As a Mother we have more responsibilities (as most of you know), and my micro business to take care of. I was trying to do it all even though the past 2 weeks have been so crazy, I think I did fairly well starting to adjust to the schedule, but today I spaced it big time.

    I went to the school to get Michael at 11:30, I was there 15 minutes early waiting; I was the first in line. Nobody showed up. This is weird, I thought. I waited till 11:45 and decided to go inside the school and parked the car in front of the building. As I was getting the stroller out for Rachel, My sweet husband Aaron and Michael came out from the school and at that moment everything clicked. I made a huge mistake! The pick up time was 10:30, instead of 11:30. I was one hour late!! Friday is a half day, I was supposed to get him earlier, and I knew that. I just spaced it. They were so worried about me because I am a pretty responsible person, something like this never happens. I felt horrible for both Aaron and my little boy who had been waiting for me in the front office by himself until Aaron came from his work. As I was saying "I am sorry" tears came down on my cheeks and I could not stop them. Thank goodness no one was in the parking lot, yes, I was having an emotional break down. I have been too busy.... Michael was walking circles around us at the time but as soon as I started crying he came over and gave me a big hug and said "It’s O.K. mommy. I'm not mad, It's O.K. Just don't do it again".

    This little boy, my son, whose head just barely reaches my chest (and I am not a very tall person either), saw that I was very sad and showed great compassion. He never complained that I was late; instead he forgave me, instantly. How amazing is that. Could I act the same way if I were in his shoes? His kindness touched my heart so deeply it made me cry even more.

    As much as I love being a mom, some days are harder than others. When they are having a difficult day I often wonder if they are going to be ok and become nice, good people when they grow up, you know usual mom stuff. Today, my 5 year old boy taught me a great lesson: How to be kind and compassionate through his acts and words. I am extremely grateful for that. Thank you Michael and I love you very much. I am proud to be your mom.

    Michael on the morning of his first day at Kindergarten. September 2, 2008
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