Showing posts with label guests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label guests. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Artists Forum

SEQA-Atlanta Artists Forum is this week! Our guests this year are Eric Jones, Eric Canete, and Sean Murphy. They'll be giving a talk open to all SCAD students, faculty, and staff in room 347 at 5pm. Sign up sheets for their workshops on Friday and Saturday are found on office door 346.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

CB Cebulski

CB Cebulski (writer, editor, and talent scout for Marvel Comics) will be giving a lecture this Friday at 5pm in room 347 immediately following the Temple. Come hear what he has to say about the industry!

* - We're totally joking. She won't be there. Dur.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Publishers' Forum 2010

We're honored to once again have Editors-in-Chief James Lucas Jones, from Oni Press, and Chris Staros, from Top Shelf Productions, for our Publishers' Forum! They've been here in the past and are back because they see promise in the development students show in our department. Mark the dates on your calendar and get your portfolios primed and ready!

The SEQA-Atlanta department Publishers' Forum will be held on Saturday, February 20th and Sunday, February 21st. There will be a sign-up sheet on Shawn and Chris' office door, room 346, shortly which will also contain exact times and room numbers. SEQA graduates and seniors get priority for portfolio reviews but anyone can sign up for their discussions.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sanford Greene

Sanford Greene will be coming into SCAD-Atlanta on Tuesday, January 19th, at 11am in room 347! He'll also be bringing his new sketchbook, "Deadlines" Vol. 3, for purchase and signing. The cover price is $30 but he's selling them at this event for $20. Well worth it!

Check out his work on his blog and DA pages.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Artists' Forum '09

Save the dates October 23-25th! Our guests this year are Sean Murphy and Matt Bernier.

There will be a presentation Friday, October 23rd at 5pm in room 347 that is open to all SCAD students, faculty, and staff.

The following Saturday and Sunday there will be workshops. In order to attend those workshops you need to sign-up. The sign-up sheets are on the door to room 346! Seniors and graduates have first dibs on portfolio reviews but the workshops are open to all.

This is not open to the public.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Art Forum Artists Challenge!

This Thursday night, February 25th, at 5pm in room 347 we will kick off the SCAD-ATL Art Forum with a challenge to our guests!

First there will be introductions and a show of work from each guest: Matt Kindt, Stuart Immonen, and Cameron Stewart!

Then they will each be given the same page from a comic book script and do breakdowns for it simultaneously. The breakdowns will be done on Cintiqs which will also be connected to large, flat screens so those in attendance can watch as they work! Once our guests have finished, they will individually explain their reasoning for how and why they did their breakdowns the way they did. It's an opportunity for students to glimpse into the minds of professional artists and what considerations they make when creating breakdowns and thumbnails.

This is a private event for SCAD students only! You do not need to sign up for Thursday night, only show up.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Nate Powell next Wednesday

Nate Powell, Ignatz Award winner for "Outstanding Debut Award" with his book Swallow Me Whole from Top Shelf, will be visiting on Wednesday, November 12th at 2pm in room 347. Please join us and here what Nate has to say!