Showing posts with label Pinterest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pinterest. Show all posts

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Haberdashery Blog Hop

This blog hop really excited me when I ran across it! Why? Because it's being hosted by Melissa Trudinger of Bead Recipes from Australia!  In October, my husband & I are going to Australia & New Zealand; first as delegates for a religious convention & then 6 more weeks for our anniversary!  We are so excited!!!!! It will be another trip of a life time! But that is another post NOT THIS ONE!

SO......... Melissa invited us to use fabric, buttons, ribbon, etc... to create something of a HABERDASHERY - haby for short.  Since, I have a habit of collecting, as I think many of us do....., leftover pieces of things, broken jewelry items, odds & ends, buttons, etc... this was going to be a FUN challenge!  She has even created a Pinterest Board.

THANK  YOU  MELISSA  for hosting & the excitingly interesting Pinterest Board! I just love adjectives!

One of my odds & ends is the lovely little CHICKLET from Sue Beads for the Chicklet Design Challenge hosted by Rita of Toltec Jewels

This was the first creation in my design. I started it well over a year ago for something to do with buttons. As you can see it is DIFFERENT! So while I was looking at this focal, ideas began popping for the Chicklet Design Challenge. So the necklace came next that incorporated the two hops together.

 Of course, I love sets! So earrings & a bracelet came next ......

In all the pieces, if you really look, you can see beads of various kinds; african paper, african trading, ceramic, glass, coral, etc...; buttons of all varieties & ages; odds & ends from various broken & found things (I love to recycle or as Rita calls it "Upcycle") Thanks Rita, I love that word!!!!! I even think on my bracelet I have another "found" bead from Sue Beads.

I hope you enjoy my Eclectic wonderings & creations!

Now off to the Haberdashery - want to join me! Click here for the "Hopping List"!