Showing posts with label Honey Ball. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Honey Ball. Show all posts

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Honey Ball's Babysitting Job

Honey Ball, the younger sister of Bunny Ball, takes on a babysitting job and gets viciously assaulted by little Edgar over the course of the story. Intrigued by the expression "for my sake" that Honey uttered, Edgar demands that Honey give up her "sake" to him (by which he means her virginity or virtue, I imagine). The brat kicks, bites, bludgeons with objects and forcibly subdues Honey before sated, collapsing from exhaustion.

This tale isn't so much a comic book as rape-fantasy porn. You can walk through the crime here.

Much of the imagery is disturbing for a children's comic book and I believe is without question rendered by the artist in a manner designed to be questionable, particularly the oral-sex centric panel from the last page of the story above.

From Bunny #16 (September 1970)