Showing posts with label Election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Little diva in action.

Some shots of little diva during my cousin's wedding.

Action 1

Action 2

Oh, well! I really envy you guys! DD and Eri had their new house key already. Our Puteri House ..... hmmm .... Haku pun tatau laaa! Umahnya dah siap! Syabas ni lum masuk2 air lagi walaupun tender tu dah approved. Laaa nih dah extended about 3 months. Sooo laaa mafannya!

Ehehehe. Cuti ari tuh memang sebetul2 cuti laaa. I didn't vote due to technical error. Erkk! I feel guilty u know! Itu parti has swept away most of parlimentary seat kat area kl nih. No wonder laaa masa a few days before election penuh jem sakan sri gombak memasing pi tgk ceramah DSAI and Azmin eventhough hujan lebat maha hebat and people was tak berganjak2 duk nengok skrin layar besar tu.

Anyway, yang menang tuh pepandai laa ya tunaikan manifesto seperti yang dijanji. Ehehehe...

Monday, March 17, 2008

I'm back....

Sorry for the long silence.
(does anyone care?)
Holiday is superb.
Election. Wedding. Shopping. etc.
I just love it.

Now, back to normal.
With tonnes of work.
Hope everything will be fine.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Internet, Election & Birthday

I bet something is not right with my Acer lappy.
I can't online eventhough the status is connected.
Switch to Toshiba lappy and ok lah pulak!!!!

Oh well, i pull out myself from the duty on the election day.
I just want to refrain myself from the e-day.
After all, I choose to vote!

My oh my! Tomorrow is my mom's birthday.
She is as old as our nation independence day.
Happy 51st years old mom!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

About me and you!

Finally, aku masak sendiri soto...
Walaupun rasa sipi-sipi
And takde bergedil
Tapi aku makan licin je...............

Jiran sebelah cerita pasal tepung bungkus
Tapi aku takleh nak imagine rupanya...
Macam tako ke atau tepung pelita?
And tatau yg Ulu Banat really exist???
Hulukah aku?

Yang sorang lagi ni pulak
Banyak sungguh agenda
Jalan-jalan antarabangsa
Lepas booked tix ke Bandung
Akan ke Phuket pulak utk annual dinner co.

D, bila pulak nak mengulas PRU 2008?
Sebab "saya yang menurut perintah"
I'll keep my mouth shut....
Walaupun my roomate tiap malam
Pi jaga pos PKR..........