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Showing posts with label barley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label barley. Show all posts

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Howling at the Moon?

Hello every pup! This is Barley posting today! Recently my big brother Cocoa has a habit of howling at the full moon (we don't know if it's really full but looks full anyway).

It first happened last month when there was a full moon hanging in the sky. It was almost midnight when mum saw him sitting and staring up intently below the window. He was looking straight up and not moving at all. Mum thought he was staring at some insect but she couldn't find any. After a few seconds, Cocoa HOWLED and HOWLED! It was a long howl! Cocoa had never howled like that when he is at home. Even when there are strangers at the door, he would only give ONE low bark or short howl and that's it. Of course mum rushed forward and looked up at what he was staring, and she saw the bright full moon in the dark sky.

We forgot about it completely until the same thing happened again last night. Weird eh?? Mum jokingly says Cocoa is turning into a werewolf. I myself wasn't at all interested in the moon. Hmm, any of you pups howl at the moon too?

Me? A werewolf??

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Taking Turns

Umm mmm... chew chew chew.....

... Huh??????

Cocoa: "Can I have the bone pleaseeeeeeee??"
Barley: "But U have been chewing it for the past hour! It's my turn now!"

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I think I saw a...



Pee-es: No beagles were harmed for this blog entry. BOL!! :-)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hug hug

Hello every pup! Here's Barley posting today! Sorry we have not been blogging actively recently because mum is busy with her work.

So did everyone have a great Valentine's day last week?? I hope you have! Here's a picture of my big brother Cocoa giving me a hug!

Hug hug...

We sure hope to blog more often, so stay tuned!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The sound of...

I hear it...

I hear it too!

It's the sound of......

...... crisp bag opening!!!!!!!

We're coming!!

Cocoa: "Hey watch it!!"

Cocoa: "@$&!#*^%?$!!"

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME!!

It's my birthday today! Wheeee!! I am now 2 years old!!

I've turned 2!

I received a birthday card from our good buddies, Aki & Poopie!! Thanks guys! I love the card very much!

I smell Aki.. or is it Poopie??

(P/S: Aki and Poopie, I only opened the envelope today, as promised! Heehee!!)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy 2009!!

Happy New Year to everybody! Wooo it's year 2009!! How time flies! I am going to be 2 years old this year and my big brother, Cocoa is coming to 3 years old! Here's our wish list for year 2009!

  • More food and treats!
  • More toys!
  • More trips to the dog park!
  • Play with every hooman / dog I get to meet!
  • More food and treats.
  • Discover a lot of different types of poop during walkies.
  • Mark every single lamp post / tree during walkies.
  • Master the skills to open the fridge door.
  • Train 'you-know-who' to reach for the treats box on the dining table. I can reward the bugger 20% of the loot after that.

Wish you a happy and blessed year 2009 ahead!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Updates and Back-Scratcher

Alrighty, mum says we are not going to be blogging that much in the coming days as she is going to be busy with the festive season around the corner. We have received a big parcel full of gifts from Aki and Poopie, as well as a greeting card from Bee Bee. Thank you guys!! :-) Also, we are lagging in picking up several awards out there. We'll catch it all up real soon hopefully!

We wish all of you a merry merry Christmas and a happy happy New Year ahead!!

Oh yeah, anyone needs a back-scratcher? My big brother Cocoa is really good at it...


Friday, December 12, 2008

Me Stinky??

My big brother, Cocoa realized that he had committed social suicide himself after his last blog entry. Now the whole world knows his stinky habit of rolling in poop, and his heavenly spa-like experience with poop and fish oil treatment on his coat.

Mum is sure glad that I don't find rolling in poop a pleasure though. But like our good friend Bee Bee had commented, at least I know Cocoa loves me as a little brother (he refuses to admit it), because he loves stinky stuffs, and he calls me stinky Barley. Hehee!

Hmm... so who's the REAL stinky one now?

I am stinky NOT!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

X'mas card from King King

We received a X'mas card from King King today! Yippee!! We are not on the DWB X'mas card exchange list this year because mum says she don't know how to make X'mas cards BOOHOO!!! She says she'll try to figure out and hopefully, we could participate in next year's card exchange!

Happy me with King King's card.

Lick lick King King...

Cocoa sniffing out King King.

Thank you King King, for the lovely card!!! :-)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Brotherly Love

I love my big brother, Cocoa. But he is too shy to admit the same..

You are the best brother ever!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Morning Walk

We had a longer walk this morning, all the way to the dog park!

Me panting.

Patrolling the perimeters.

Following the scent..

What's that smell??

Cocoa with his beagle pose.

Another attempt to look handsome.

Resting on the bench.

Happy smile.

It started to drizzle, so mum took us to a nearby shelter and wait for the drizzle to stop. She took some pictures of me with my goofy look.

A cutie mini pincher came to check us out!

Waiting for the drizzle to stop before heading home..

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Faces

Monday, November 17, 2008

Magic Ball??

Up up up.....

The secret: you have to roll your tongue like mine.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Catch it!

Catch it!


And again!

Am I flying??

So how did my big brother Cocoa fare? He lets the toy hit his head first.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Turkey Thigh and another Award

Hello every pups! This is Barley posting today. I've got a new rubber turkey thigh toy today and of course I get to chew it first! See how annoyed my big brother Cocoa was in the background?

Digging the floor trying to get my attention

Finally he sort of gave up and sat beside me, waiting for my turkey thigh. But I took a loooong looong time to chew and play with it.

Eyeing and waiting

Then he got sleepy and went to wait in his bed while waiting for me to give up my turkey thigh.

Still eyeing and waiting

What you looking at? It's mine!!

After another 10 minutes, he gave up and fell asleep.


Cocoa: I am NOT sore! As my good friend, River always says, this is just another strategic retreat. I'll get that rubbery turkey thigh after I catch up with my sleep! Hmpf!!


Our friends Cody, Lady and Zena, Paco and Milo gave us this cool friendship award! We absolutely love it! Thanks Cody, Paco and Milo!

We are going to give this award to all our friends out there because they are all too cool to be missed out! So friends, please feel free to take this award to your site!