Showing posts with label billboard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label billboard. Show all posts

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Gold Digger

Time for a treasure hunt! This post is my own contribution to the annual, online Buried Treasure project. You can find the links to each and every participating artist in the previous post on my blog.

This is the 6th annual version of Buried Treasure and this collaboration has been held on my blog since 2009. You can click on the following links to see what I have "dug up" in prior years:








For this year's post, I have wanderlust on my mind. I have been traveling all over the United States teaching workshops for several years. I was fortunate to also teach in Mexico just a few months ago. And in August, one of my dreams will come true when I teach in Australia as part of the first ever Art Is You Australia Mixed Media Road Show retreat. I have already begun to think about the travel journal I will make to fill with memories.

With that in mind, I bring you a re-post (edited) from 2011

Whenever I travel, I like to create a visual journal that acts as a repository for all my memories;  a book that I can flip through at any time and be brought right back into the thick of the adventure. I try to journal at some point on each day of all my trips, while the experience is fresh in my mind.

A few of my travel journals, filled with memories...

Greece (click to see the inside pages)

Italy  (click to see the inside pages)

New Mexico  (click to see the inside pages)

And my newest journal, which itself went on a journey from here...

to here...

London and Prague

A glimpse of what is inside...

You can read more about my journal-making process on Bridgette Guerzon Mills' wonderful site amanobooks in this interview from 2009.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Digging for Gold

Digging for gold! This post is my own contribution to the Buried Treasure collaboration. Links to each and every participating artist can be found in the previous post on my blog.

This online collaborative process has been held on my blog since 2009. If you want to see what I "dug up" in prior years, you can follow these links:






My choice of post for 2013 was not easy. And in the end, breaking my own rules, I have chosen to link to one post and to re-post a second. Artist prerogative! The thread that links these two posts is community...

First, a link back to a post that first went live on in March 2009. I asked the question that I think is always on the minds of bloggers: just who is it that visits our blogs? The post itself was very brief. The beauty is in the response: 75+ comments answering the question. Well worth a read or a re-read. Wonder if these comments would still hold true today?


My re-post focuses on collaboration, something near and dear to my heart. I chose one of my many collaborative art projects that I completed in 2011 with Bridgette Guerzon Mills and Jen Worden.  Called Contexture, it stills reflects my art aesthetic. And I love the fact that I used these pages to experiment and have noticed that several different "techniques" have found their way into artwork that I have completed since.

Front Cover

Back Cover

Sign in page













Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Gold Digger

Digging for gold! This post is my own contribution to the Buried Treasure collaboration. Links to each and every participating artist can be found in the previous post on my blog.

My choice for this project is a modification of a post that was originally on my blog in October 2009.  It tells the story in pictures of my artist book "Billboard". I generally have no trouble letting go of my art but this is one book whose pages I wish I could still turn. And whose surface I wish I could still feel. At least "Buried Treasure" will allow me one more virtual viewing!

This book is loosely influenced by both the shape and the visuals of old, previously used billboards.

These old billboards become abstract canvases which totally resonate with my love of things with a history, things distressed, things with layers, and things that have been changed by time.

And, in this case, they reveal what is below the surface.