So Jacob was home all this last week for Spring Break,
and it could not have come at a better time.
We both needed to go to the dmv to get our new driver licences,
and Jacob had a lot of work to get done on his work sample for student teaching.
It was so nice having him here to help with Annie,
and help keep the house in order whilst I have been somewhat distracted.
Last week I got a call from my Dr's office
to give me the results of my most recent blood draws.
It turned out that I was anemic (shocker),
and that I did not pass my blood glucose test.
*If you've never heard of a blood glucose test, they give you this gross sugary drink,
and then tell you you can't eat or drink for an hour and then they draw your blood
at the end of that hour, and test the levels to see how you body reacts to a spike in sugar.*
So, on Monday, I spent 3 hours at the Dr's office,
had to fast 8 hours beforehand, drink another gross drink,
and have my blood drawn every hour to get a better look at my sugar levels.
I finally heard back Thursday morning
that 2 of my 4 draws came back high,
which earned me a diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes.
Yikes! The D-word!
Gestational Diabetes a form of diabetes that affects 5% of pregnancies in the US,
where a pregnant women has become insulin resistant
due to the hormones that the placenta is producing.
That's pretty much the easiest way to explain it.
If you know me well,
you know that in high school one of my nick names was
the CARB-ivore.
If you know me well,
you know that in high school one of my nick names was
the CARB-ivore.
![Some girls count calories and I am like, "What about second breakfast?" Ha! The Hobbit life.](
Bring on second breakfast!!
Pancakes, Belgian Waffles, French toast, I could eat them for every meal!
And when I am pregnant, there is just about NOTHING
that can keep me from sweets!
(Heck, I would plan dessert before dinner every night, just ask Jacob!)
So when someone tells hormonal me,
'You can only have x-amount of carbs per meal,
or you could endanger yourself and your baby,'
All I hear is
'No brownies, or your baby could die!'
Yes, that is over reacting just a bit,
but I'm pregnant, sue me!
So here I am,
eating the way they are telling me to for the health of my son.
I am doing my best to keep from temptation,
hiding the baking supplies in the back of the pantry,
avoiding certain aisles at the store,
and I have stopped following some of my favorite celebrity chefs
and even some friends on pinterest,
all to avoid the nagging urge to fire up the oven
and throw myself face first into a full tray of brownies.
I haven't quite figured out if I will be able to
manage my glucose levels with diet alone,
without medication or regular insulin injections,
but all I want is to know that my son will be healthy.
I may not get that peace of mind until he is physically in my arms,
but I'm going to fight and pray for it.
And I am not to prideful to ask for prayers
in our behalf, especially now when I am still transitioning.
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