Showing posts with label Beltain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beltain. Show all posts

Saturday 1 May 2010

Happy Beltain

Today started with the dawn chorus...progressed through catching up with family and friend... and on to a view of the universe
hopefully a little painting and some photos of the opening bluebells to follow.
Happy Beltain everyone
Sally x

Tuesday 12 May 2009

Beltain Orchard

Saturdays full moon was Lunar Beltain...I dreamt I was in an orchard.

Friday 1 May 2009

the first Beltain contribution - Beltain Blessings

Beltain Blessings

Last night this rainbow appeared and spoke of season’s blessings

of the rain which had cleansed the earth refreshed fecund and green

it whispered of growth of life of peace of love new life and time

it promised the shining one the warmth the light to nurture all

Wanted to share this photo and few words - we felt it an excellent omen for the year ahead.
