Friday 1 October 2010

Abnoba and Autumn Equinox views of Lumsdale


A slip of a breeze over her dark cloak

She emerges in cool grey ripples

Green foliage skids on the pond

Mouldy squashed berries

Migrating geese rise

 Bracken spores float 




Feasting from the fruit of her forest

She dances to a harvest moon

Fly-ing over spiders’ webs

Through hedge, where rose hip twines

Lying by the brook

Under the stones

All alone

Now she


On the bank, a greedy little dog

Eyeballing the daft, dabbling ducks

The crunch of human foot steps

Concealed by the trees

Abnoba she hears

Poises to fight

But instead
Turns and


Abnoba was the Celtic Goddess of the Black Forest itself, a mountain in the Black Forest, childbirth, and a number of rivers; the river Avon is thought to be a variation of her name


There are more glances of Lumsdale (at Imbolc) here

Thursday 30 September 2010

Derwent Dams

Here are some wonderful photos and prose from Helen, her first contribution to the blog. Welcome Helen!

The shower broke, a plumber was called – ‘3 November is the soonest I can come’…….’did I give you a date? Sorry can’t make the 3rd, next week looks better, ok the 9th’

The 9th dawned; thick fog, dismal, gloomy. The prospect of heading for the hills was unappealing but the plumber needed a dog free environment.

The higher I drove, the clearer it became until I emerged into the most perfect autumn day!

The air was pure

I wanted to fill my lungs

I greedily inhaled and felt the cleansing effect course through my veins

I wallowed in selfish solitude but wanted to share the experience

The beauty I could see

The freshness of the pine resin I could smell and taste

The all consuming silence I could hear; and

The springy earth I could feel

The calmness of the day gently warmed by the distant sun was reflected in the mirror surface of the untroubled water of the dams and I began to reflect on the blood, sweat and tears lost in the creation of this incredible feat of engineering, the loss and sacrifice of the former residents whose village was laid to rest in the hidden depths of the flooded valley, the provision of water that is taken for granted by those supplied by the dams and the almost guilty pleasure that this day had given me

Derwent Dams
Derbyshire Peak District

When I returned home, the water of the dams was again flowing through my repaired shower!


Sunday 26 September 2010

Long Meg and her Daughters

Saturday was a beautiful autumnal day crossing the Pennines across high moors via the cobbled streets of Alston and the impressive Hartside Pass to visit Long Meg and her Daughters (this link has Wordsworth's thoughts about the circle)

The Lake District from the top of Hartside Pass. I love the fading colours.

Long Meg watching over the circle, oh yes and the cows. These pilgrims paid their respects and left. leaving a stillness, a peace, no human sound, a panoramic sky, the evidence of our ancestors and a buzz in the centre that would not be denied.

Long Meg, silvery lichen highlighting the stern planes and etching the wrinkles of her timeless face.

One of the spiral markings on her side.

More photos to be seen here , ironically we used sat-nav to get to this amazing ancient place, the co-ordinates are NY571372 !


Mood: Connected!

Thursday 23 September 2010

The Green Man's Autumn Equinox greetings

This amazing sculpture is deep in Hamsterley Forest, one of my favourite haunts, it is place of beauty, peace, wild spaces and provides wonderful walking meditation for me. I wrote the poem a few years ago now but it still reflects how I feel about walking in nature - although, these days, with more creaks and groans from both me and the forest I think.


The physicality of motion
Hips harmonically playing
Striding stretching, bending
Feeling every muscle working

The sensuality of action
Skin glowing, sliding, heart pumping
Optimum function, oxygen flooding
Pleasure centre responding

The practicality of reaction
Through thought, muscle patterning
Feet, legs, body, head all following
Mind appears aimless, meandering

The freedom of distraction
Unconsciously sorting, clearing, storing
Shoulders relaxing back straightening
Peace, balance, tranquillity affirming

The release of emotion,
Earthy walking potion
Body, soul unification
Sanctified inspiration 

I'm hoping to go and see Long Meg and her Daughters at the weekend, so watch this space!


Thursday 16 September 2010

A reminder that here the autumn equinox is a week away, enjoy the turn of the seasons!

Harvest Home

Autumn Equinox, Harvest Home, Mabon, or simply
this wild season of winds and gathering for the days ahead,
this time of changing colours and  low late summer sunlight,
this time of preparation, of clearing and sorting, of equal day and night.

Breathe in this deepening light, the summer work is done,
the winter's tasks ahead, dance, sing, feast and play,
reflect on all that's past and plan your winter crafts
treasure the Harvest Moon, tend the home fires, honour the Green Man

The Wheel turns on with wisedom, healing and rest.

As some of you will be aware, I became "blog mistress" last Samhain and Sally has proved a hard act to follow! If any contributors would be interested in taking on this interesting task for the next Celtic Year it would be great to hear from you! e-mail me at  also I'd be very interested to hear your views about the blog, whether we should continue into year 3, how it could develop, oh and, of course, to send your contributions. These could be photos, crafts, painting, writing, music, videos.....don't worry about the Celtic connection - it is worldwide and in our very bones.

Greens, browns, reds, orange and yellows!


Friday 3 September 2010

Harvest Time

Another month has passed and we can now feel the hints of Autumn in the air, summer has been such a busy and happy time, so apologies for the lateness of this post.
Since Lammas I've been watching the changing landscape and the greening of the cut hayfields. I wanted to share with you this painting and poem, written for my lovely young friend to remind her of summer.

Magic Meadow
Under summer evening sun in the time after haymaking,
Climbing from greening fields she reached the fairy mound
then sat serenely amongst fantastic flowers.
She connected with black cat who watched
Brownie as he tumbled and laughed.
All silently seen by Heron.
Each at ease in a magic meadow spilt from nature’s book.

and some detail

Enjoy this turning of the seasons, it is less than three weeks until the Autumn Equinox, already my blueberry bushes are changing into their reds and golds and I'm looking forward to more amazing colours from nature.



Friday 30 July 2010


Standing, I turn the tap
And the river runs through me
Bathing my fingers in cool serenity

I recall sitting sublime on our riverside
Talking in the balm of a breathless July evening
Fingers trailing

Dusk’s midges rose from the almost still water
Fluid black clouds
Threatened pin prick bites

You laughed as creeping cigarette smoke
Hastened their retreat to munching bovines
Lethargic in summer’s lolling haze

Led inevitably into cool darkness
The conversation drifted, meandered, echoed our companion
Yearning for an ocean to wash our souls clean

The shooting star distracted us
Its death igniting a different passion
That waned too with the fading moon

I recall my digits, invisible in the darkening murk
Of night hidden river
Slowly numbing in the chill water

Shocked, I turn the tap clockwise
Ceasing the flow
Enough is enough


Sunday 25 July 2010

Lughnasadh/Lammas/FirstFruits/BrĂłn Trogain

Hi all

Just days now until the celebration of the new harvest, this is a time for gathering and collecting the fruits of our labours, a time for sharing the work and the harvest with others, a time for seeing and planning for what is ahead. Not always easy to achieve I know, the way is often shrouded. This painting is called "At MistRise The Way Appears" and expresses this challenge for me.

Lugh is the Celtic deity of the Arts and of Science and he decreed that a feast should be held at first fruits time to honour his foster mother Tailtui, a royal lady of the Fir Bolg who died of exhaustion trying to clear a forest for planting grain when ordered to do so when defeated by the Tuatha De Dannan. The feast celebrated the harvest and Tailtui's life and games and contests of skills took place. It may be that the Olympic games themselves were started to commemorate fallen heroes and comrades of battles, offering a portion of the harvest to the gods is commonplace in many religions throughout the world, we all give thanks and honour to nature's bounty which sustains us all, on many differing levels. This idea of sacrifice is clear in the Wicker Man, Green Man, Corn Man concepts, the sacrifice to ensure more in the coming next year, this "death" acknowledges the coming of the winter months, but we don't want to dwell on that overmuch just yet, there are many summer days ahead, days for gathering in, for storing and for creating!

I love to try new art forms so here is a small batik with fire, sorry the images have not been tidied up in photoshop -on the wrong computer! Unusually for me, this is untitled as yet, suggestions would be very welcome!

Let us know how you celebrate, I can't wait, lovely friends are joining us for home made pizza (our Celtic 21st century version of bread) and we will have fire, drink and joy!

Summery hugs with love and light


Friday 16 July 2010

alentejo solstice

Mothers and Children

I was tasked to produce a pot after Henry Moore's theme, Mother and Child, this is my take, two mothers, two children with a lovely creamy vellum glaze.
Love and light to you all

Sunday 27 June 2010

The Honey Moon

Beneath the Honey Moon in evening air
they melted with the shifting land,
basked in her sweet shimmering light,
watched a flight of gazing hares,
heard the promise of summer sun,
tasted the stalking smoothness of cat.
Then he spoke, soft and low, of life ahead,
of the midsummer gathering past,
of their joyful leap through Solstice fire
and children coming tall, fair and brave.
She shared thoughts of beauty, spirit, love.
The Honey Moon smiled on bright and full
and the Wheel turned and all was so.

Painted and written yesterday under The Honey Moon of June 2010.

Monday 21 June 2010

Solstice Suns

Solstice Sun

Funny how paintings turn out sometimes - this is a Sun (in fiery Hubble style) which moved me to paint the next, my romantic version of the Tarot Sun card, a very important card for me!

Solstice Sun

Sunny Solstice greetings friends - leave a comment and let me know what you think!


Solstice Greetings

Hope you are all enjoying this beautiful Solstice, the sun is shining and the earth is verdant. Here's a link which will take you to more photos of Lumsdale, Marie's photographs are lovely and capture the atmosphere - I feel as if I know the walk well!

Thanks Marie.


Thursday 17 June 2010

Summer Solstice

The Druids of the ancient Celts celebrated “The Light of the Shore” - Alban Heruin and throughout the northern hemisphere different cultures still honour this time of year, when the days are long and the crops are fulfilling their abundant promise. Following the apex of light and the crowning of the Oak King we are enter the waning light of the year and he falls to his darker aspect, the Holly King.

This is the start of summer with many beautiful days ahead.

The power of the sun is revered and reflected in the lighting of balefires for which differing types of wood are required – have a listen to Nine Trees - The Bale Fire Song by the magical Tinkerscuss here

Fires were lit all over the Celtic lands from sunset the night before midsummer until sunset the next day. They were used to drive out evil and purify, to guard against disease and misfortune and the people would dance or leap through the flames as a rite to strengthen or renew vows

The first (or only) moon of June is called The Honey Moon and was the best time to gather honey from the bees. Honey was said to increase fertility and love and so was fed to newly wed couples. Because of the Celtic custom of renewing vows or making permanent hand-fasting agreements at Midsummer, June remains a popular time for weddings and we still call the period soon after the wedding as “The Honeymoon”.

This next link takes you to some amazing photos of Lumsden by Marie who says:- Lumsdale Valley is one of the secret treasures of Derbyshire. The Arkwright Society sign proclaims ‘A unique heritage of ruined mills: trees ponds and wildlife...’ It is an exceptional example of a water-powered industrial site in a relatively small area.

If you yearn to see more of its archaeological secrets the best time to visit is around the Imbolc festival when nature is almost naked.

The remains of the watermills are intentionally frozen in time, their ghosts trapped by the living, a hidden area of romantic and magical decay. The wooded valley is also a haven for wild animals, birds including Treecreepers and a variety of plant life. At the Summer Solstice it is a shady green retreat. Marie

I can’t wait to see the Solstice pictures!

Have a great time wherever you are and send us your pictures, words, music or any other artistic expression!

Celtic blessings


Monday 31 May 2010

Summer Storm

Rain softly falls nurturing the crops
Fertile earth odours tease the senses,
But all the while I feel disconnected.
Silver light flashes from wind dance leaves
Glancing through the edges of life's soul
Dancing, teasing, beckoning; life's wheel turning
And sun bursts through dark cloud with hope returning

Liz and I wrote this a line at a time on Facebook - loving what a status update on facebook can generate

Thursday 20 May 2010


Here's a strange little piece I made up whilst falling asleep, I'm not sure of the Celtic connection but it is certainly a tale about a storyteller - good enough for me!

Twinkletinkletangle told a terrible tale in a tenebrous tavern
Of a terrifying territorial tiger with titanic teeth
With tall, tantalising, titanium tips
Of the tintinnabulation of his tone
A timbre with tincture of titan and Thugs
Teasing tremors of terminal thoracic terror
Telling of the thorny threat of tearing toes.
The tale then told Twinkletinkletangle
Tasted his tapas, tackled his tartlet and topped up his tankard
Then tangentially talked of tamarisk and tangerines ‘til twilight.


Sunday 2 May 2010

Beltane Beacon

Fire from sun, fire from flint stones
Come by the beacon and warm your winter bones.
When spring night and day are equal
Our ancestors call from the primeval.
May Rowan boughs on windows and doors
Protect us from underworld scores.
Let livestock graze over hill and dale
Until the juniper moon turns pale.
The green man strolls again!

Wishing you all a joyful summer

Saturday 1 May 2010

Beltain Blessings

I thought you'd like to see this amazing version of Pip Kingsbury's picture which inspired Imbolc Rabbits Drum I just love the joyous drumming rabbit, the acrobatic people seem to dance in a wide open field and it always makes me smile!
Thanks, as ever, to Foggy for "technical support"!
Pip, many many thanks for sending me this picture - it does my heart such good!

I'm just back from seeing the Henry Rothchild ceramics collection at the Shipley in Gateshead and am in awe of the vision, skill and technical genius that I've had the privilege of seeing, but I thought I'd show you one of my latest creations anyway! I tried to make the stars blink but they thought I said chink, this is called.........

Sister Moon Brothers Star

Wishing you all joy at this wonderful greening time of year and a bountiful and inspiring time ahead.

All together now.... loudly sing cuckoo !


Happy Beltain

Today started with the dawn chorus...progressed through catching up with family and friend... and on to a view of the universe
hopefully a little painting and some photos of the opening bluebells to follow.
Happy Beltain everyone
Sally x

Sunday 25 April 2010

Beltane 2010

Hi all

Just had to share this photo – a pot my friend Annette has mosaic tiled and looks fab in my kitchen – I love it and can’t wait to see the basil and coriander I’ve sow in it start to grow! Very apt to sow seeds at this time of year and possible even if you only have a window sill, it is such a rewarding, nurturing and calming activity.
For our Celtic ancestors, as it is still for us, this is a time of fertility, a time to sow seeds, to send the livestock with their young to summer and higher pastures. A time to plan, to cleanse, to renew commitments (by jumping through fires) and to celebrate the summer coming in.
The Celtic Year is based on lunar and solar cycles and so it is possible that Beltane was celebrated on the full moon nearest the midpoint between the spring equinox and the summer solstice – the 28th April but the calendar Beltane is 1st May – May Day.
Beltane, like its opposite point on the Celtic Calendar, Samhain, is a time when the veil between the material and spiritual worlds is said to be at its thinnest, particularly at dawn and at dusk, a great time to reflect and to remember our ancestors.

On May Day I’m off with my pottery group to have a look at the Baltic and Shipley Galleries in Newcastle and am hoping for some early ceramics that match the “evidently home-made” look that mine has!

Whether this is Beltane or Samhain for you and whatever you are doing enjoy the fires, the colours, the feasting, music and company of friends. Send in your pictures, thoughts and other diversely recorded observations, emotions and communications about Beltane!

Beltane blessings


P.S. If you’re in need of inspiration have a look at this site for ten ways to celebrate Beltane and for a beautiful horse and rider line drawing!
For more information try these varied and interesting links.
Celtic Festival of Beltane or Beltain: May Day Sabbat Brings Light, Life and Fertility B