Showing posts with label Walker Canyon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Walker Canyon. Show all posts

Sunday, March 24, 2019

California Super Bloom!!!

Wednesday, March 13, two fellow Photochromers and I
ventured south to Lake Elsinore, Walker Canyon
to capture some photos of the 
current California Super Bloom!
(Photochromers is our local camera club)

With no shortage of visitors, it was a challenge just to 
get to the poppies!

But we managed to find some along the road...

...and even a plein air painter!

Some pretty spectacular sights just along the road!

 It really was amazing to see the crowds...on a Wednesday!!!
And, unfortunately, even with signage all about, 
people still wandered into the poppies.

A lot of photography going on...trying to capture 
their friends amongst the poppies.
Even when they stepped lightly and carefully,
there was a fair amount of tamping down of the flowers. 

This gentleman was the second plein air painter we saw.

And then we were in the hills with the poppies in abundance!

I love the orange poppies against that bright blue sky!

My friend Jeanne walked ahead and was photographing 
this beautiful sight from a different angle!

The purple flowers were a beautiful compliment to 
the orange poppies.

Ohhh...and look what we happened to see!
Yep...a photographer was photographing these models
plus one other...naked...against the poppies!
They were on a knoll above most of the rest of us...
but they definitely drew some attention!

I just couldn't get enough of the poppies against the blue sky!

Lots of dogs on our walk through the poppies...
a puppy in a backpack, and a pack of dogs walking 
with their dog walker!
Very well behaved dogs, I might add!

Then there was just a wisp of the moon!

"Of all the wonderful things in the wonderful universe
of God, nothing seems to me more surprising than the
planting of a seed in the blank earth and the result thereof.
Take that Poppy seed, for instance;
it lies in your palm, the merest atom of matter, 
hardly visible, a speck, a pin's point in bulk,
but within it is imprisoned a spirit of beauty ineffable,
which will break its bonds and emerge from the 
dark ground and blossom in a splendor so dazzling
as to baffle the powers of description."
Celia Thaxter
American writer and poet

More poppies to come!

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