Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts

Monday, December 27, 2010

I'm Baaaaaaaack!

I'm baaaaack! Did you know for $5/year you can buy 20 gig of space on Picasa? Well, you know now! :) In my absence, although I was mostly a slug all weekend, I did get some stamping in. Let's see what came out of that effort, shall we?

First, in my effort to use the new stuff still in the bags from the LSS, I used two new stamps on this:

The cat and the YIKES were purchased together, so that part was easy. I wandered aimlessly around The Captain's Table - or rather "stepped carefully" around it, and re-discovered a box of patterned paper remnants that included that brown & blue piece, from which I cut 4 pieces. I futzed with this for hours until I ended up with this layout. The first version has blue ribbon to match the base. I like the brown better, and I'm officially no longer in love with the blue base. I'm thinking it should have been a blue layer on a vanilla base, but oh, well. And it took me about an hour to select that button. Seriously.

Next, I finally found my droopy dog stamp (I'd put it away - no wonder!), as I wanted to use it with the Hound Dog sentiment, thus(ly):

Meh. It's okay. I think I should have left off the red layer around the dog. The patterned papers are from the Basic Grey jovial pack, left over from a Christmas Card Extravaganza from last month. The bone embellishment is from my stash.

Lastly (3 of 3), I bring you this:

This is me, trying to layer. The tree stamp has been on The Captain's Table for-ev-er, and I'm just now using it. The blue ink is Ranger's Blue Jeans, and I used a LOT of it. This card caused me much angst, it did. You'll notice the doily layer from the ones I'd cut with my MFT die; I struggled with the many layers of patterned papers and finally ended up with the one horizontal piece behind the circle layers; the blue is all SU Not Quite Navy, except for the ribbon which is PTI (a poifect match, too!) At the last second I added green (!) pearls. I was torn between going mono-tone and adding some color, so I added color you can almost not even see. It's how I roll. The stickles on the tree are Ranger Distress Stickles.

I've also been slaving over some baby cards, but I'll save that epic for another day.

In other news, back in my Time to Make the Buckeyes post, I alluded to a crazed squirrel climbing all over my screens. Tonight, I give you proof. Please observe:

Didn't see him? How about this:

(I have full screens, by the way, so this is physically possible for him.) Yes, in that pic the little bugger is digging (DIGGING!) at the edge of the window frame to ... what ... GET IN?!

Here's another shot of him:

and another:

And one more:

Oh, and yes, I need new blinds. It's been on my list for years. Those handsome rope ties are doing just fine, thankyouverymuch.

I'll say this one more time: squirrels are varmints! VARMINTS! They are the reason I can't put out bird seed for the birds - the squirrels keep the birds away and eat it all themselves! VARMINTS! However, the tree trimmers did cut off the lower branches of the huge tree out front - the one with the squirrel nests in it, but still, even homeless, these guys may NOT come into my house. Nope.

Oh, oh, oh - one more thing! One of my bloggy pals, Lauren (uber-talented with the fussy gene), has started a new blog with a weekly Christmas Card Challenge: JingleBellesRock. Go check it out and join in the fun if you can!

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Stretchy Cat (not mine)

I've spent some time this evening catching up on my Google Reader backlog, and this picture was so funny I felt I needed to share:

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Plus, this way I can revisit it any time I want to! My cat curls up into a ball, but this one s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-s out. hehe

I'll have some stampy goodness for you on the morrow!

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Cuteness Alert!

Baby otters: There are four of them, only 3 weeks old, and their eyes aren't even open yet. OMGosh, I am in cuteness overload!

Okay, back to your regular blurfing ....

Thursday, February 26, 2009

More Cute

I am really sorry, but I laughed out loud this morning when I read my Google Reader ZooBorns post, so I must share. I am so glad I found this site, because how else would I ever see such cute babies! Check it out:

Friday, February 20, 2009

More Cuteness

Check out the baby meerkats at Zooborns. My alter-ego is "meerkat3" on SCS, and one of these days I may even explain why. ;-)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Wanna Name A Gorilla?

Still no stamping here, but the SF Zoo is having a contest to name their new baby Gorilla. They have a preference for an African name. All the details, plus pics and a video can be found here:

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Cuteness Overdose!

I just took a break from stampin' (I am on a roll, peeps!) and you have GOT to watch this video of a day-old giraffe:

If you want to comment, here is the post at

I think he is too cute for words!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Too Stinkin' Cute!

It is all Lydia's fault! She posted this, so of course I HAD to look. OMG, if you like baby animals, then this is the site for you: You can get your daily fix; you can get a widget for your bog with baby animal pics; or like me last night, you can just park for a while to look at the pics and videos, and laugh and say, "Aaaaaawwwww!" for a long time. They do not get a lot of comments, but they told me (because I asked, of course) that they get a lot of happy traffic, emails and links, but as we all know, comments ROCK! Right?! Just check 'em out! You know you want to ... ;-)

PS: I put their link in my blog list over yonder in the right menu bar, too. Just in case you change your mind, later.