By Rick Morris
The major difference between this moment in American history and the Sixties is that even the most despicable anti-American d-bags who populate the most hateful corner of the left have been able to keep the mask on with phony babble about "supporting the troops" even while they demean their work.
Well, that's been true most of the time anyway. But in the quintessential "Berkeley's gonna be Berkeley" moment,
the human embodiment of filth that constitutes the city government ripped off the mask that conceals their loathing for this country in decisive fashion:
"The City Council has voted to tell the Marines their downtown recruiting station is not welcome and 'if recruiters choose to stay, they do so as uninvited and unwelcome guests.'
The measure passed this week by a vote of 8-1.
The council also voted to explore enforcing a city anti-discrimination law, focusing on the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.
In a separate item, the council voted, also 8-1, to give protest group Code Pink a parking space in front of the recruiting office once a week for six months and a free sound permit for protesting once a week.
Marine Capt. Richard Lund of the recruiting office declined comment on the council action.
The recruiting office opened in Berkeley about a year ago, operating quietly until about four months ago when Code Pink began regular sidewalk protests.
'I believe in the Code Pink cause. The Marines don't belong here, they shouldn't have come here, and they should leave,' said Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates."
Let's back up a second here so we can bask full-on in the utter worthlessness of these cretins. Surely this is the only city in America so deranged as to have a mayor who openly praises Code Pink, a group that:
Thinks Fidel Castro is a swell and misunderstood fella.
Unpatriotically bashes our troops as perpetrating "murder for oil."
Shipped 600K directly to families of terrorists fighting our troops in Iraq.
Vehemently opposed the security wall in Israel that has stemmed the once-constant flow of innocent civilian deaths from homicide bombings.
Advocated in the strongest terms unrestricted government funding for abortion-on-demand -- yes, there's that classic left-wing concern for the most vulnerable among us EXCEPT for the the unborn (by definition the most vulnerable).
Let's repeat again what Mayor Waste of Protoplasm of the People's Republic of Berkeley had to say, "I believe in the Code Pink cause."
All righty then.
If America ever needed an enema, I think we've located the city where we'd stick the hose.
The one undeniable aspect of this is that the dirty hippies of Berkeley are getting the level of government they deserve from the subhumans who are representing them. Defecating on the brave members of our military is merely the latest outrage from a populace that wouldn't know human decency if it yanked it by its greasy hair. Courtesy of the
groundbreaking book "Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About the '60s," from Peter Collier and David Horowitz, here are some choice nuggets from Chapter 7 ("A Tale of Socialism in One City: Slouching Towards Berkeley"):
^ Berkeley decapitated the ranks of half the city's police officer corps in the early Seventies for being too effectively opposed to the city's Utopian drug culture.
^ Berkeley adopted insipid "sister city" relationships with a number of Soviet bloc locales in the 1980s as an infantile means of striking out at the Reagan Administration's effective foreign policy.
^ Berkeley set up a consequence-free "People's Park" area in which rape, murder and drug dealing were quite commonplace.
Berkeley is, quite simply, the perfect representation of America's most eternally selfish, self-serving and self-referential generation, the Baby Boomers. If it were humanly possible to cut off a piece of Cali and send these lunatics into the Pacific Ocean, I'd be on my way out there posthaste with a hacksaw.