Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Another shot from where i left off in my last post

Sparking the smokehouse loaded with fresh Lake Superior Cisco in December. 

Lake Superior Cisco caviar

Heavy hauls with this guy and my dad on one of the coldest days of the winter

A lot of these kind of commutes

My wax technicians hard at work. A very typical weekend morning here.

Headed down to the stadium for the Kamview Jackrabbit Sprints

Sleeping Giant 8km Mini Loppet with the whole family...K riding on my back.  Warm sun and beautiful fresh snow.  Winter time perfection.

Lining up for the inaugural 2015 Sleeping Giant Fatbike Loppet
(Photo Cred. Thunder Bay Cycling Association)

As usual, keeper real!

Friday, July 26, 2013

 Just when this little niche in the interwebs was about to be forgotten, i finally decided that on this 9 degrees Centigrade evening in July, i would park my never stopping self in front of the computer to edit up some images.  So here are a couple from that last while..and by a while, i mean several months.

My cousin Thomas (T$) ventured out to chase some chromers.  Some were had.   

What better than a rainy weekend to run around chasing brook trout?
Unfortunately, not many were had this day.  But is was nice and wet if nothing else.

Here, Fritz and i decided chucking streamers for lake trout wouldn't be a bad idea.  It was entertaining. 

Skip to the July long weekend.
Fun in the sun with the family and a glassy morning on Superior catching a few nice trout.

Sometimes you just need to hang out at the beach.

The Sørlandet at Lake Superior Day down at the harbour here in Thunder Bay.

Trolling for salmon...with Lutsen the dog as my first mate.

As usual, keep it real and get outside.

peace out all.


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Took a day off from hunting with a gun and went to a fun local spot (not a zoo or wildlife preserve) with O. to shoot some deer with the camera instead.  Came across this king of bucks who was certainly a willing model.

What a creature!
 Hmmm and some tasty pizza from the other night.

So i started this b-log back in the fall of 2007 as some place to throw some photo's out there for others to enjoy, occasionally ramble a bit and just generally keep a log of life & all of the fun & amazing sh!t that goes down it.  It started out very surf & fish oriented and has morphed into a bit of everything.  If you haven't figured out by now, i keep very busy being a dad, loving husband and chief putterer, not to mention having a kickass day job as a fisheries biologist on Lake Superior and a boat load of hobbies.  Some folks like b-logs that are updated with daily content....this one is not.  There was a time when it was, but come on.  I plan to keep making and posting 'art' whether anyone stops by here or not, it's just fun. Anyways, i guess i'm writing this as a way to ring in the sixth year of the fresh aspect. happy buck fever and peace out.


Monday, September 17, 2012

 Keeping it real and real busy as we move towards colder nights and shorter days. Here's a little compilation from the end of August and the beginning of September.

Some of O's artwork, fattires, playin and produce.
                                                              Life's pretty darn swell.


photo's by e

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

                                          Espresso break at Old Woman Bay Lake Superior
                                                       Some canned organic apricots

                                                          Uh...token August sunset photo.

                                             Summers not over yet peeps.  Keeper real.


photo's by eric berglund

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Plenty of big changes afoot here at the fresh aspect headquarters.  Actually we moved the headquarters a whole 5 or so blocks ESE towards the lake.  So yeah, between the usual grind, family, running, bikes, moving and so on...time on the interwebs has been limited.   

Young hands loving the VW. 
 In fact he's requested to bring the van to bed several times now....the first time referring to it as his "D Double Van"

Hmmm... a perfect summer IPA....another creation a-la Northern Brewer.  'Chinook IPA', brewed outdoors on my Colman two burner stove in March. Not crazy hopped and super tasty.


photo's by eric berglund

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Cruisin tandem with my little ripper.


photo by eric berglund

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Foragetastic. Another weekend of blueberry picking yielded a nice haul. Not the number of berries we were seeing last year, but at the same time, nothing to complain about either. A scoop of blueberries on our cereal for everyday of the year.
We like berries!

Some strawberries we picked at the u-pick back in July. Not foraging perse, but foody goodness for the winter non the less.

Stemmed and ready for the freezer.

A lot with the food and plants these days, but that's just how we roll.

be well

photos by eric berglund

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

lightly frosted

gettin down towards the bottom

winter stroll

kiddo's tough

warmer weather, made for a pleasant time poking along through the woods with the kiddo at the end of the day.


photo's by e

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Thanks for continuing to swing past the fresh aspect; i hope it adds something positive to your day.

This is what it's all about. What a fantastic christmas it was with family and friends.

be well


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Bright eyed little've got a long winter ahead of you.

Boardwalkin a couple of weeks back before the snow really set in.

Beautiful early winter day.

Local lights while out walkin the dog with the family in the snow the other night.


photo's by eric berglund

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Changing seasons...mushroom picking, mushroom observing. Walks in the woods with the family; sit around the fire. Cold nights, shortening days. Wool sweaters. Pack away quality local foods in jars and freezer for times ahead. Hunter gatherer mentality sets in.

Not sure what this guys is; but it's rad looking.

Ahhh...pip pip....'british soldiers' as they're called.


Surf? Yes please.

live well. be well.

photo's by e.

Monday, July 19, 2010

I realized yesterday afternoon as i sat in the back yard on a beautiful sunday afternoon, combing the chaff out of the 18 25 liters of blue berries that we had picked on Saturday; that blue berry picking is more than just picking berries; it's deeper, it satisfies a major hunter, gatherer, forager ethos that our society has mostly come to forget. N's not about to complain about this love for fruit harvesting, nor am i.

The new secret patch found by fellow blueberry fanatics, produced. All i can say is that it's beside the Trans Canada Highway somewhere between Thunder Bay and Vancouver.

And...more berries to be had this weekend.


photo's by